Pay Transformation Initiative: March 2011 No. 3

Pay Transformation Initiative:

Transition Strategy

The Transformation of Pay Administration (TPA) Initiative is a joint effort, and Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) is working with departments, agencies, the Public Service Commission (PSC), the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS), and a committee of Heads of Human Resources (HR) representatives to outline the approach that will undertake the transfer of work to the Pay Centre of Expertise (COE) in Miramichi. This approach, known as the Transition Strategy, will focus on minimizing the impact on the compensation community and implementing a common government-wide approach to HR planning and staffing, and the transfer of work to the COE.

Stay tuned for further information about the Transition Strategy.

Engagement and Communication

PWGSC met with the Human Resource Council (HRC) on February 24 to discuss the proposed approach, as well as the support structures and control mechanisms that make up the Transition Strategy. The Transition Strategy will outline the steps that the project and departments will be taking to maintain employment opportunities for staff, while ensuring the sustainability of pay administration.

Heads of HR will continue to be provided with monthly updates at the HRC, so they may continue to brief the community with the latest on the project.

COE: Recruitment Update

At the end of January, processes were launched for deployments, calls of interest, internal advertised positions, and external recruitment, for positions ranging from AS-01 to the AS-07 and are now closed. We are currently screening all applications based on education and experience and we thank everyone for their applications!

PWGSC has received questions from employees within the compensation community with regard to the timing of the staffing process. As you can appreciate, many factors impact the timeline of a national initiative of this scope (e.g. large number of concurrent staffing processes, high number of applications received, consultation with departments, etc). During this initial phase of the staffing process, management is reviewing all of the individual applications, including each applicant's detailed narrative description of how they meet the mandatory requirements. Only following this thorough review will a determination be made as to whether or not an applicant moves to the assessment phase of the hiring process.

We will keep you informed through the Compensation Focus and Compensation Focus: Transformation during the coming months on the timing of the various recruitment phases.

Questions. and Answers!

Questions and Answers are available on our Transformation of Pay Administration Initiative Web site and will be continuously updated. Visit often to ensure that you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Your Two-Cents!

PWGSC understands that the compensation community is anxious about this initiative. As such we will be looking for your questions, feedback, comments and any rumours you may have heard in order to ensure the right information is being communicated. Stay tuned for the online comment form so that you may share your two-cents!