Pension Transformation Initiative: April 2011 No. 3

Pension Transformation Initiative:

Project News

April 11, 2011, was a big day for the Pension Transformation projects!

On that day, the Pension Modernization Project's Release 2.0 successfully implemented the new core pension software Penfax. Release 2.0 was Modernization's largest and most complex release and took approximately two years to design, develop, test and implement. In addition to providing the core pension functionality for active member accounts, Release 2.0 delivered the first ever system that integrates Penfax with Siebel's case management tools. The new pension solution is working well and staff in the Public Service Pension Centre (Pension Centre) is enthusiastic about the new tools it provides. The new system has now replaced the outdated Contributor System and represents a significant step towards ensuring a sustainable modern pension system.

Also on April 11, 2011, the Centralization of Pension Services Delivery Project (CPSDP) centralized the Pension Benefits Entitlements, the Survivor Pension Entitlements and the new Employer Support Services. That brings the total number of services centralized to the Pension Centre to 11 out of 12.

Next Steps

In the next few weeks, Pension Modernization will complete the implementation of the Data Capture Tool (DCT) for organizations not using the Regional Pay System (RPS). Over the coming months, the project will focus on completing the development, testing and implementation of Release 2.5. By fiscal year 2011/2012, the new system's capabilities will be expanded to include the remaining functions related to active member accounts (service buy back and leave without pay [LWOP]) as well as web-based self-services. Also in fiscal year 2011/2012, the pension services related to LWOP will be added to the centralized services offered by the Pension Centre.

The Modernization and Centralization project teams would like to express their appreciation to colleagues and clients for their ongoing support and encouragement throughout the implementation process.