Government of Canada Pension Modernization Project (GCPMP)

Table of Contents


The Government of Canada has modernized the administration of the Public Service pension plan. The 40-year-old system used by PWGSC to administer public service pensions was replaced with commercial software products. This multi-year project, completed in January 2013, was undertaken as part of the Transformation of Pension Administration initiative.

The result: a more efficient and cost effective system that provides better service for public service employees and pensioners.

Benefits for the Government of Canada and its Employees

The world is changing and so are the expectations of all Canadians, including those seeking to contribute to a better Canada through public service.

The pension transformation initiative is a leading example of using technology to simplify, standardize and consolidate administrative functions across government. Some of the benefits the government will realize as a result include:

  • Cost effective services (savings of $31.5 million in current dollars per year by 2016-2017)
  • Modern and sustainable pension system using commercially-available software products
  • Streamlined business services through a centre of pension expertise
  • Paperless environment and greener operations
  • Modern tools such as web-self service

Leading the Way

Since the completion of the pension modernization project, the Transformation of Pension Administration initiative has been recognized with two awards:

  • The 2012 Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC) bronze award for leadership excellence; (link to IPAC website)
  • The 2013 Canadian Government Executive (CGE) leadership award.

What’s Next?

The next step in the transformation journey is to use the new system for administering the RCMP and Canadian Forces Pension Plans – amplifying the benefits of the modern IT infrastructure now in place.

Learn More

Learn more about what the project accomplished.


GCPMP: Project Definition Phase (May 2004 to June 2007)

  • Developed and implemented a procurement strategy for acquiring a solution based on proven commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) software
  • Conducted requirements mapping and gap analysis to assess solution’s ability to meet pension administration requirements
  • Developed initial architecture and design of the technical solution and business processes
  • Formulated the detailed development and implementation plans
  • Received Treasury Board Approval to implement the Transformation of Pension Administration projects, including the GCPMP, in June 2007

GCPMP: Implementation Phase (July 2007 to January 2013)

December 2008 – Client Services: Case Management (Release 1.0)

Implemented the Siebel Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system's case assignment functionality to 150 Public Service Pension Centre (Pension Cnetre) employees in Shediac, New Brunswick.

February 2009 – Client Services: Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Telephony Systems (Release 1.1)

Implemented the Genesys Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Telephony system to direct client calls to the Pension Centre Experts with the expertise to respond to their inquiries.

December 2009 – Client Services: Enhanced Case Management (Release 1.5)

Implemented enhanced Siebel Customer Relationship Management (CRM) case assignment and extended the use to all 600 Pension Centre employees in Shediac, New Brunswick.

January 2010 – Client Services: Document Imaging (Release 1.6)

Implemented the imaging of members' hard-copy files and correspondence at PWGSC's Cheque Redemption Control Directorate (CRCD) in Matane, Quebec. CRCD's electronic client files are delivered to Pension Experts via the new pension system's automated workflows and business processes. Pension Experts in the Pension Centre can access members' electronic files through the Siebel CRM in real time to address cases or calls. This has streamlined work processes and moved the Pension Centre towards a paperless work environment.

April 2011 – Core Pension System (Penfax) and Contributor Components (Release 2.0)

Implemented core pension system (Penfax), as well the pension functionality required for the administration of active member (contributor) accounts and the administration of the Pension Benefits Division Act (PBDA).

May 2011 – Data Capture Tool (Release 2.1)

Implemented the Data Capture Tool (DCT). This tool enabled federal organizations not using the Regional Pay System (RPS) to provide the Penfax system with employee human resources and payroll information needed for pension administration.

November 2011 – Additional Penfax Contributor Components (Release 2.5)

Implemented additional Penfax capabilities to address active member requests related to Service Buyback and Leave Without Pay.

July 2012 – Web-Based Self-Services for Contributors (Release 2.6)

Introduced Web-based self-service to provide active members with access to their account information through the Pension and Benefits Web portal.

January 2013 – Penfax Annuitant (Release 3.0)

The implementation of the Penfax annuitant components expanded the pension system’s functionality to include the administration of retired member (annuitant) accounts, including any necessary calculations and general correspondence.

Achievements - Contact

For more detailed information about the Government of Canada Pension Modernization Project, please contact Lucie Lanctôt, Director General, Pension Modernization and Centralization at