Video Transcript of "Our Services, Standards and Results 2012-2013"

A white screen has an outline of a chair and table with a laptop. An animated silhouette of a woman walks towards the table, pulls out the chair and sits. She then opens the laptop and presses a button on the laptop with her finger.

The camera zooms out from the laptop and the words “Public Works and Government Services Canada” fades in. The words then fall to the bottom of the screen and disappear.

“PRESENTS ours” appears and fades out.

On a lime green screen “2nd” fades in, followed by “annual edition” and then both fade out.

“Our Services, Standards and Results 2012-2013” zooms in. “Results” is bolded in white on a dark green bar and then spins away.

A computer mouse clicks on a white screen and one by one each word appears “Your online one-stop-shop for PWGSC Services, Service Standards, Results”. The word “Online” is a round button that continuously flips.

A lime green screen zooms through and “This edition has” appears. The letters then quickly fly around the screen and make the word “Transformed!”

“New” in lime green appears and one by one the following words slide out “look”, “information”, “results”.

“Use this Tool to” appears and slowly moves up the screen making room for each sentence: “Better plan your initiatives”, “Discover our new and improved services”, “Find specific contact information” and finally in large font “See our results”

On a lime green screen “At PWGSC” appears and moves vertically to the left. “our business is” zooms from the bottom to the top of the screen. Zoomed in are the words “putting clients first”, “providing services you need”, “exceptional service delivery”.

The screen becomes dark purple and one by one the following words zoom in “We look forward to working with you!”

A lime green screen slides down from the top with the words “TOGETHER we are leaders in”

A dark green screen comes down from the top with the words “Serving Government, Serving Canadians.”

PWGSC corporate signature appears on a white screen.

Canada word mark appears on a white screen.

End of animated video.

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