Translation, Interpretation and Other Linguistic Services

Key Services

We can help you meet your various language-related needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We can translate ultra-specialized reports, extremely sensitive documents and tweets, and revise translations. We also provide other services such as conference interpretation, language advice and glossary development specific to your organization.

Translation and Other Linguistic Services

  • Translation services in both official languages, in Canada's Aboriginal languages and in over 100 foreign languages.
  • Revision services, including rereading, proofreading and quality assurance.
  • Personalized services-translators on-site, in your offices.
  • Translation in highly specialized fields: economics, law, environmental sciences, medicine, biology, engineering (civil, electrical, mechanical and industrial), informatics, technology, social sciences and human sciences.
  • Secure handling of protected and classified documents.
  • Guarantee of quality and satisfaction with the service provided.
  • Network of language professionals across Canada.


  • Interpretation services at various events: intra- or inter-departmental conferences, federalprovincialterritorial ministers' meetings, international summits, bilateral or multilateral talks between heads of state or governments.
  • Interpretation services in American Sign Language (ASL) and Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ).
  • English and French lip-reading interpretation, and deaf-blind tactile interpretation.

Terminology Standardization Services

  • Standardization and dissemination of terminology in various public service fields, and integration of this terminology in TERMIUM Plus® - the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank.
  • Customized glossaries, expansion of specialized dictionaries and revision of glossaries produced by client departments and agencies.
  • Development and dissemination of products that improve the quality of communications in both official languages:
    • Language Portal of Canada - first national website that showcases Canadian expertise in the language field
    • Linguistic recommendations and reminders
    • Bilingual and multilingual glossaries and vocabularies (all offered free of charge)
    • Writing tools
    • Language Update - the Translation Bureau's quarterly journal
  • Answers to your terminology and linguistic questions.
  • Participation in the work of terminology committees.

Client Contact Centre Services

Client Relationship Management

  • Effective engagement
  • Reliable communications
  • Monitoring client satisfaction
  • Issues management
  • Strategic planning and service agreements
  • Program oversight

Featured Initiatives

We are transforming and creating new services to better meet our clients' needs and provide the best value for money. We are always on the look-out for new trends in language technologies to help our clients meet their official languages obligations in an ever-changing environment.

Mobile linguistic application - on the go!

What: The Government of Canada's first language-related mobile app.

Developed by the Translation Bureau, this mobile app gives you access to TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank.

TERMIUM Plus® is the flagship product of the Language Portal of Canada, a one-stop shop for information on language and writing, language games, writing tools and a host of other resources on various aspects of English and French.


  • Quickly find the English and French equivalents of a wide range of terms in various fields.
  • Download it free of charge on your iPhone® or BlackBerry®.

Translation Bureau's Transformation

What: Transformation initiative seeking to modernize the Bureau and create a solid foundation for the future.

Increasing productivity by using language technologies, streamlining internal processes and using resources efficiently, to provide services to the Government of Canada at a lower cost.


  • In 2011-12, the Bureau increased productivity by 7.3% and lowered its expenses by $11.9 million, which kept it from increasing its rates for the second year in a row.

Service Standards, Results and Targets

We achieved or surpassed 7 of our 8 targets for our translation, interpretation and other linguistic services! The priority we place on client service, the outstanding co-operation of our clients, and our close follow-up on all requests are among the factors contributing to this nearly perfect result.

We will continue the system maintenance work in order to respond immediately to clients' on-line requests. As the arrows in the table indicate, we are increasing 2 of our targets in order to strengthen our commitment to serving you better.

Table Summary

The Table on Service Standards, Results and Targets for the translation, interpretation and other linguistic services service category has 4 column headings. The first column shows the translation, interpretation and other linguistic services service category broken down into five services: translation and other linguistic services, terminology standardization services, interpretation, client contact centre services, and client relationship management. The second column shows the targets for 2011-2012, the third column shows the results for 2011-2012 and the fourth column shows the targets for 2012-2013 which consist of the percentages targeted for each service standard listed.

Translation, Interpretation And Other Linguistic Services Target
Translation and other linguistic services
Provide clients with an immediate response to requests submitted through the On-Line Ordering System that includes the name of their client service advisor 99% 98% 99%
Meet the agree-upon delivery deadline of each project as defined in the service requests 90% 95%Indicates that the 2011-2012 target was met or surpassed 90%
Terminology standardization services
Respond to terminology queries and requests within 1 business day 95% 100%Indicates that the 2011-2012 target was met or surpassed 95%
Continue to make TERMIUM Plus®, Canada's leading terminology and linguistic data bank, accessible to Canadians, via the Internet 95% 100%Indicates that the 2011-2012 target was met or surpassed _
Reply to comments made by users regarding TERMIUM's terminological content and make the necessary changes, if any, to TERMIUM Plus®'s Web version within 60 days New! _ _ 85%
Respond to client requests and establish their needs within 1 working day New! _ _ 95%
Provide interpretation services for all requests that qualify under the Translation Bureau's mandate according to recognized international standardsFootnote 1 New! _ _ 95%
Client Contact Centre services
Return missed calls (voicemail messages) within 1 hour, during business hours 90% 90%Indicates that the 2011-2012 target was met or surpassed _
Process or forward e-mails received in the Translation Bureau's inbox to the relevant individuals before close of business (5:00 p.m. EST) on the day received 95% 95%Indicates that the 2011-2012 target was met or surpassed _
During business hours, acknowledge receipt of e-mails received in the Translation Bureau's inbox and return missed calls (voicemail messages) before close of business (5:00 p.m. EST) on the day received New! _ _ 95%
Client relationship management
Acknowledge clients' inquiries within 1 business day 90% 91%Indicates that the 2011-2012 target was met or surpassed 95%Indicates that the target for 2012-2013 has increased
Respond to clients' inquiries within 3 business days 90% 98%Indicates that the 2011-2012 target was met or surpassed 95%Indicates that the target for 2012-2013 has increased


Footnote 1

Contact the Translation Bureau for more information.

Return to footnote 1

Indicates that the 2011-2012 target was met or surpassedIndicates that the 2011-2012 target was met or surpassed.
Indicates that the target for 2012-2013 has increasedIndicates that the target for 2012-2013 has increased.

Learn more about Our Services



  • 819-997-3300
  • After-Hours Emergency Service: 613-282-7050