The following is a list of scorecards, contact us at to obtain a copy of the questionnaire.
Table of Contents
Advertising Services
Advertising Services may include a full range of services including account management and coordination, creative and production, strategic and media planning as well as placement in media such as newspapers, television, radio, Internet, cinema and out-of-home.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Paper should be certified as originating from sustainably managed forests (Canadian Standards Association (CSA), Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), or Ecologo certification)
- Suppliers must submit, to the extent possible, their proofs electronically to their clients
- Organize meetings and telephone conference calls to reduce travel
- Recycle (shred) unneeded copies of non-classified/secure documents
Consult the Green Procurement Scorecard: Advertising Services
Building Maintenance Services - Elevator
Building Maintenance Services Elevator: Examinations, inspections,
tests, cleaning, lubrication, adjustment of parts, repairing
or replacing broken parts.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- International Organization for Standardization 14000 (ISO) certification
- Sound waste disposal programs
- Energy efficiency measures, such as use of ENERGY STAR equipment
- Eco-logo certification for Fan/lights; Paints; Sealant and Caulking Compounds; Adhesives; Acoustical Products
- Recycled content in packaging
Consult the Consult the Building Maintenance Services - Elevator Scorecard
Civilian Audiovisual Equipment and Services
The Audiovisual (AV) Standing Offer (SO) is a dynamic procurement tool for sourcing thousands of AV products that fulfill government audiovisual applications. These mostly digital AV systems are increasingly complex networks requiring expertise to design and install. The most common applications are meeting and class rooms, auditoriums and command centers.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Paper should be certified as originating from sustainably managed forests (CSA, FSC or SFI, or Ecologo certification)
- Invoices and correspondence sent and processed electronically
- Recycle (shred) unneeded copies of non-classified/secure documents
Consult the Civilian Audiovisual Equipment and Services Scorecard
Clothing and Textiles
- The Government of Canada is responsible for the procurement of civilian and military uniform clothing programs and related personal equipment.
- Clothing would include items such as apparel, footwear, tents, flags, hand wear. Other items that would fall into the clothing category are clothing accessories such as belts, hats, badges, insignia etc.
- From the Government of Canada's perspective, clothing is essential to satisfy the operational requirements of client departments.
- Examples of clothing purchased for government employees to perform their duties are combat uniforms for Canadian Forces soldiers, protective uniforms for members of the Canadian Mounted Police, Uniforms for Canadian Border Services Agency personnel and ballistic uniforms for Correctional Service officers.
Other Products / Services Included
- Although textiles and clothing are from two distinctive industries, they will be examined together for the purpose of this national strategy review and will fall into one grouping.
- Textiles are purchased by the Government of Canada to be used to manufacture garments. Furthermore, the procurement of textiles ensures the uniformity of the colour and allows availability of fabric for small garment requirements when the minimum production run of the fabric exceeds the quantity required to manufacture the garments.
- Mattresses and other items that are primarily composed of textiles are also included in this definition. Such items would fall within the individual equipment and other items portion of the overall grouping.
- Protective clothing such as body armour, fire fighter clothing, and diving suits are also included in this definition.
- "Badges and insignia" are items in a sub-category of the "Clothing and Textiles" commodity.
- "Luggage" (GSIN N8460) such as trunk lockers is included in the "Clothing and Textiles" definition.
Other Products / Services Excluded
- Laboratory specific gowns, gloves, goggles, chemical protective suits, X-ray protective lead aprons and other medical and scientific clothing are all excluded as they fall within the context of the medical and scientific equipment or supplies' National Commodity Review. For example, goggles for protection when conducting scientific experiments are excluded whereas when used for everyday usage, in a non-scientific setting, they would be included in this definition.
- Refurbishment of furniture is excluded as this service is captured in the strategy for furniture.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Whenever uniform items are being replaced, used garments are offered to other users
- Any surplus assets are offered to a contractor to find a private sector buyer or they are shredded for other uses
- Consolidate deliveries as much as possible in order to save fossil fuels and delivery costs
- Cartons are re-used to avoid disposal while clothing is shredded when no longer required
- Shredded material is sold to mattress or furniture manufacturers to be used as stuffing
Consult the Clothing and Textiles Scorecard
Commercial Printing: Publications and Flat Print
Includes printing of magazines, newspapers, corporate communications
such as digital and/or print media. Includes "offset printing"
(large-scale printing jobs using press as opposed to laser printing).
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- No frills" publishing mandate in effect
- Use of Energy Star equipment for internal printing
- ECP certification (digital/offset printing)
- Power saving features on equipment (powerdown, etc.) - Apply to Reprographics only
- Use of non-toxic or vegetable-based inks - Does not apply to Reprographics
- Waste Reduction
- Waste Recycling
Consult the Commercial Printing: Publications and Flat Print Scorecard
Visit the Public Works and Government Services Canada's website
for Communication
and Printing
Converged Network Services
Wide Area Network Services – Bandwidth services to interconnect Departmental sites.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Reduction in paper consumption through:
- web portal for ordering, billing and maintenance reports;
- online training.
- Waste Reduction
- Waste Recycling
- Waste Management
- Alternative Transportation
- Energy Management
- ISO 14001 compliance
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)/Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) standards apply to equipment in use
- Hazardous Material Management
- Environmental Policy
Consult the Converged Network Services Scorecard
Courier and Freight Services
Some of the environmental Criteria include:
- Star rating system to show use of environmentally friendly/"green" practices. Elements to be considered in the rating system are, but not limited to, the following:
- Newer fleets that pollute less;
- Percentage of vehicles using Alternative Transportation Fuel (ATF) in the fleet;
- Proper maintenance of the Offeror's fleet;
- Providing driver training;
- Tire, waste oil, glycol, battery recycling programs;
- Packaging policies that reduce waste such as take back packaging, recycling, etc;
- Evidence of an environmental management system;
- ISO 14001 registration.
Consult the Courier and Freight Services Scorecard
Visit: Central Freight Service (CFS) (accessible to federal government employees only)
Data Centre Co-Location Services
The acquisition of high availability, commercial data centre
co-location (DCCL) services to be delivered by a single Contractor
from one single location within the National Capital Area (NCA).
A co-location service is defined as a service provisioned from
a controlled and managed data centre space, where multiple customers
locate and administer their own network, server and storage gear
and interconnect to a variety of telecommunications and other
network service provider(s) with a minimum of cost and complexity.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- ISO 14000 certification
- Environmental management policies and practices
- Regular completion of waste audits
- Sound waste disposal programs
- Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) building standards specified – Silver
Consult the Data Centre Co-Location Services Scorecard
Digital Satellite Imagery and Related Services
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Environmental preferable features include:
- Electronic file transfer
- No packaging
- Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
- 30% recycled content for paper
Consult the Digital Satellite Imagery and Related Services Scorecard
Document Scanners
Document Scanners including flatbed and networked scanners.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Mandatory Criteria implemented for suppliers:
- ISO 14001 and ISO 9001:2000 certification,
- Qualification under the EnergyStar program,
- Consumables Container Recycling Program,
- Hardware Take-Back and Recycling Program,
- Packaging Take-Back and Recycling.
Consult the Document Scanners Scorecard
Visit The Imaging Product Management Group's website
View the Green Procurement Webinar on Document
Scanners on the GCPEDIA
Green Procurement page (accessible to federal government
employees only)
Electrical and Electronic Supplies and Component
Wiring, cords, cabling, conduit (e.g., PVC),
distribution equipment (e.g., safety switches and circuit breakers),
controls (e.g., pressure controls, sensors), wiring devices & data/telecom
equipment (e.g., wall plates and covers, connectors, adaptors),
miscellaneous items (e.g., fuses), resistors, capacitors, fuses,
circuit breakers, switches, sockets, plug, jacks, terminals,
power supplies, adapters, clamps, solenoids, etc.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Expand the usage of recycled plastic
- Ensure that all raw materials used in production are free of hazardous substances
- RoHS Compliant
Consult the Electrical and Electronic Supplies and Component Scorecard
Electronic parts, components and Test instruments
Procurement of Electronic parts, components and Test instruments.
Some of the environmental Criteria include:
- Paper is certified as originating from a sustainably managed forest and has a minimum of 30% recycled content
- Access to an on-line catalogue
- Manufacturer has history on environmental initiatives
Consult the Electronic parts, components and test instruments Scorecard
Recycling Services for Surplus Federal Electronic Assets
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Electronic Products Stewardship Canada Recycling Vendor Qualification Program Certified;
- ISO 14000 certification for primary recyclers;
- ISO 14000 or equivalent for non-primary recyclers;
- OHSAS 18000 or (inter)nationally recognized occupational health and safety system
Consult the E-Waste Scorecard
Visit the Guideline for the Disposal of Federal Surplus Electronic and Electrical Equipment (accessible to federal government employees only)
Fuels and Lubricants
Fuels, including gasoline, E10, E85, diesel, biodiesel, aviation
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Bio-diesel, ethanol, low sulphur and alternative fuel options to reduce CO2 emissions
- Manufacturer has conducted waste audit
- Manufacturer has an environmental policy statement
- Packaging is designed to minimize waste
Consult the Fuels and Lubricants Scorecard
Visit National Fuel Procurement Program 
Inter-connecting Panels, Free Standing Furniture, Metal Filing
and Storage Cabinets, Desking Systems, and Office Seating
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Recycled content in fabrics, plastics and metals to reduce consumption of natural resources;
- Long warranty to reduce waste;
- Low emissions (off-gassing) to improve indoor air quality;
- Minimization of packaging to reduce waste;
- Supplier commitment to environmental performance.
Consult the following Scorecards:
View the Green Procurement Webinar on Furniture
on the GCPEDIA
Green Procurement page (accessible to federal government
employees only)
Supply and delivery of Diesel Generator Sets (Gensets) as well as Commercial Grade Portable Generators (Sub 10kW).
Diesel Gensets: Standing Offer will include generator sets ranging in size from 25 kW to 2.5 MW as well as Automatic Transfer/Bypass Switches ranging from 40 amps to 4000 amps. These generators are large in size and are used for either standby/emergency power, continuous or prime power applications.
Commercial Grade Portable Generators (Sub 10kW): Standing Offer will include various commercial grade portable generators under 10 kW in size. These generators will be common "off-the-shelf" style generators and will be gas (possibly diesel) operated.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Draft reports are sent electronically
- Limitations on number of hard copies of documents provided
- Equipment must meet or exceed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and European Union (EU) emissions standards
- Product is accompanied by clear maintenance, care, and repair instructions
Consult the Generators Scorecard
Government Teleconferencing Service
Teleconferencing and web conferencing service Applications on
a centralized shared server
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Reduction in CO2 emissions;
- ISO 14000 accreditation
- Manufacturer has history on environmental initiatives.
- Manufacturer's environmental policy statement
- Interoperability with broad range of other manufacturers as well as existing infrastructure, applications
Consult the Government Teleconferencing Service Scorecard
Visit the Government Teleconferencing Service (GTS) website 
Government Enterprise Network Services
Fully Managed Shared Services:
- Wide Area Network
- Local Area Network
- IP Telephony
- Voice Mail
- Collaboration
- Conferencing
- IP Contact Centre
- Call Centre Work Force Management
- Service Assurance
Hardware and software telecommunication products:
- Collaboration Manager
- IP Telephone
- Workstation Client
- Softphone
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Waste Reduction
- Waste Recycling
- Waste Management
- Alternative Transportation
- Energy Management
- Hazardous Material Management
- Bidder or Bidder's primary OEM has ISO 14001 accreditation
- Collaboration services such as Desktop Video Conferencing allowing for more effective teleworking
Consult the Government Enterprise Network Services Scorecard
Government Managed Cabling Services
Cabling Services - Offering complete cabling services from individual
Moves, Adds, and Changes (MACs) to large infrastructure projects
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Reduction of consumption through:
- Sharing of infrastructure by departments;
- Re-use of existing assets where possible (racks, harnesses, patch panels, patch cords, trays);
- Online orders and related reports to reduce paper waste;
- Teleconferencing to reduce travelling.
- Environmental delivery, maintenance and disposal of goods and/or services:
- Hardware Take-Back and Recycling Program (all scrap, fiber, copper cabling);
- Packaging Take-Back and Recycling.
Consult the Government Managed Cabling Services Scorecard
Graphic, Web and Exhibit and Display Design Services
Graphic, Web and Exhibit and Display Design Services may include
a full range of design services including print, electronic media,
training materials, web pages, animation, and exhibits and displays.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Carbon assessments and use of offsetting carbon credits;
- Renewable fuels/energy sources for use in shipping;
- ENERGY STAR qualified (or equivalent) equipment where applicable; and
- Reduction in use of PVC and plasticizers, heavy metals, industrial solvents in inks, and paper bleaching chemicals.
Consult the Graphic, Web and Exhibit and Display Design Services Scorecard
Imaging Hardware Consumables
Procurement of Imaging Hardware Consumables (Toner Cartridges).
Some of the environmental Criteria include:
- Supplier must consider the complete lifecycle of products
- Correspondence must be sent and processed electronically
- Supplier must have an environmentally responsible recycling processes in place
Consult the Imaging Hardware Consumables Scorecard
IT Hardware
- Desktop Microcomputers
- Servers
- Mobile
- Storage Area Networks (SAN) and Network Attached Storage (NAS)
- Archive/Back-up (Tier 3 Storage: Tape drives, tape autoloaders, tape libraries, tape media and low-cost disk-based backup and archiving.)
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- TCO Certified Notebooks 3 (if feasible)
- TCO Certified Desktops 3 (if feasible)
- Ecma-370 IT Eco Declaration
- User presence detect for auto power down/power up on monitors
- CGSB Standard for bulk packaging
- ISO 14001 certified manufacturer
Consult the IT Hardware Scorecard
Visit the Computer Acquisition Guide website
View the Green Procurement Webinar on IT Hardware
on the GCPEDIA
Green Procurement page (accessible to federal government
employees only)
Inboard Outboard Motors
N2805: Gas Reciprocating Engines, except aircraft; and components.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Reduction of consumption
- VOC emissions
- Hazardous waste generation
- Wear susceptible parts are designed to be replaceable by the user
- Recycled content in manufactured product
- Recyclability at end of life
- Packaging minimization
- Asset utilization efficiency
Consult the Inboard Outboard Motors Scorecard
Inmate Telephone Service
The Inmate Telephone Service is a direct dial wire-line telephone service with a collect calling option for use by approximately 14,000 inmates incarcerated at various Federal correctional facilities across the country.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- It will be requested that the exchange of information between the supplier, PWGSC and Correctional Service Canada be primarily electronic (such as reports)
- It is desirable that the supplier procure telephone sets, PCs, cabling and other telephony equipment that meet the most current ENERGY STAR technical specifications for energy efficiency and latest environmental specifications without reducing the service quality and effectiveness and obtain the applicable certifications
- The supplier may use surplus or refurbished equipment (such as telephone sets) to provide the service, as long as it is certified "equal quality" to new and unused equipment and meets all the service performance requirements specified in the RFP
- Electronic medium used for all exchange with the supplier
Consult the Inmate Telephone Service Scorecard
Integrated Relocation Program
The IRP provides
relocation services to members of the Canadian Forces, members
of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and employees of the federal
public service. The services provided under this program and
its corresponding contract include the overall administration
and delivery of relocation services such as information and advice,
relocation planning, marketing assistance, origin and destination
services, counseling and reimbursement of allowable expenses
(i.e. travel costs, meals, incidental costs, interim accommodations,
house hunting trips, purchases and sales of accommodations). The
physical movement of household furnishings and effects are administered
under separate GC contracts.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Reduction in paper (documents distributed electronically);
- Duplex printing of documents using Ecologo certified recycled paper or paper with an equivalent post-consumer recycled content to the extent practical;
- Printing in black and white;
- Electronic submission of invoices and related documentation;
- Corporate certification to ISO 14001 or equivalent environmental management system standard, with equivalent defined as an internationally recognized system such as EMAS. The extent to which this is practical for SME's has not yet been determined.
- A supplier sustainability or environmental practices policy is in place for environmental best practices related to integrated relocation services, for example:
- Recycling and pollution prevention initiatives (e.g., waste recycling plan including electronic waste);
- Using energy efficient equipment (e.g., ENERGY STAR);
- Environmental Codes of Conduct for Employees (e.g., environmental awareness);
- Invoices, correspondence and/or draft reports are sent and processed electronically;
- Electronic/online availability of information packages and support materials.
Consult the Integrated Relocation Program Scorecard
Visit the Integrated Relocation Program Procurement website
Language Training Services
Provision of second‑language training services across Canada - full‑time and part‑time group, semi‑private and private courses.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- The paper used must be printed in duplex and in black and white
- The paper used contains at least 30% recycled materials and/or is certified as originating from a sustainably managed forest
- All energy‑using products should meet ENERGY STAR high energy performance specifications or equivalent
- Cleaning products used on this equipment should be biodegradable or environmentally friendly
Consult the Language Training Services Scorecard
Learning Services
Design, development, and delivery of traditional classroom training,
eLearning training, and blended learning training.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Offerors/Suppliers and Clients will be requested to adhere to the following environmental objectives:
- When printing, print using the double-sided function;
- Distribute documents/deliverables electronically;
- Minimize the number of hard copy documents/deliverables;
- Conduct meetings via telephone, teleconference, and/or video conferencing in order to minimize travel requirements;
- Use ENERGY STAR office equipment;
- Recycle unneeded printed documents (in accordance with Security Requirements).
Consult the Learning Services Scorecard
Visit the Public Works and Government Services Canada's website for Learning Services
Local Access Service
Centrex Telephony service
Telephone sets
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Reduction of consumption through:
- Asset rationalization for redeployment of Centrex telephone lines and sets;
- Service applications reside on Service Provider location therefore no pre-packaged CDs delivered to users;
- Teleworking – reduces office space, heating, cooling, travel;
- 3-Way and 6-Way conferencing features reduce paper waste from printed presentations and reduces travel;
- Re-use of existing wiring;
- Online orders and related reports to reduce paper waste.
Consult the Local Access Service Scorecard
Managed Print Solution (MPS)
- Vendor Consulting Services (VCS): Consulting services delivered by approved vendors will include data collection, analysis, design and assistance to clients for implementation and improvement activities during a specified contract period.
- Vendor Managed Services (VMS): Services delivered by approved vendors for the delivery of overall managed services during a specified contract period.
MPS provides
GoC client organizations with services, tools and expertise to
effectively acquire and manage all ownership aspects of imaging
device environments.
Specific goods and services which will be impacted by MPS include:
- Services:
- Inventory and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Determination
- Concept Design
- Transition
- Fleet Management
- Manage and Improve
- Goods:
- Imaging equipment such as: printer, copier, fax, scanner, plotter and related accessories.
- Consumables and supplies such as: paper, toner, ink, maintenance kit and user replaceable parts.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Reduction of printers, copiers, faxes and scanners and reduced energy consumption;
- Selection of equipment with ENERGY STAR registration;
- Proper recycling or disposal practices for:
- Supplies;
- Packaging;
- Consumables; and
- Parts
Consult the Managed Print Solution Scorecard
Visit the Public Works and Government Services Canada's website
for Communication
and Printing
View the Green Procurement Webinar on Managed
Print Solution on the GCPEDIA
Green Procurement page (accessible to federal government
employees only)
Media Monitoring Services
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Paper should have a minimum recycled content of 30% (pre or post consumer waste) and be processed chlorine free
- All energy-using products should meet ENERGYSTAR high energy performance specifications or equivalent
- Media Materials are sent electronically where copyright allows
Consult the Media Monitoring Services Scorecard
Non-secure Facsimile Machines, accessories and supplies
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Product qualified under ENERGY STAR program
- Product manufactured in plant having ISO 14001 certification
- Product certified by the manufacturer as complying with the Class A or B limits for radio noise emissions
- Product capable of automated or semi-automated faxing of double-sided originals.
- Product capable of printing received transmissions double-sided (duplex)
- Supplier has a Hardware take-back and recycling program.
- Supplier ships product with recyclable packaging materials and takes back and recycles packaging materials.
- Product approved for Environmental Ecolabeling Certification. Acceptable programs are those that conform to ISO 14024:1999. Environmental labels and declarations Type 1 environmental labeling and are recognized by the Global Ecolabeling Network (GEN). (e.g. Environmental Choice CCD-035-Office Machines)
- Product is manufactured using recycled materials. For example some manufacturers use post consumer recycled plastic and/or renewable bio-based plastic and metal components containing recycled content in their products.
Consult the Non-secure Facsimile Machines, accessories and supplies Scorecard
Office Supplies
Miscellaneous Office and Desk Supplies.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Corporate environmental policy in place
- 30% recycled content in paper
- Paper from sustainably managed forests
- Waste material from manufacturing is recycled
- Minimize waste/bulk packaging
- Recycled materials are used to produce the packaging
View the Green Procurement Webinar on Office
Supplies on the GCPEDIA
Green Procurement page (accessible to federal government
employees only)
Optimized Weapon Systems Support (OWSS) Contract
Optimized Weapon Systems Support (OWSS) for the Wheeled Light
Armoured Vehicles (WLAV)
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Mandatory Environment, Health and Safety System in place;
- Controlled Products reviewed prior to use and less hazardous replacements utilized where possible;
- ISO 14001 certification
- Very aggressive recycling program, with 85% of total waste recycled
- Proper disposal/decommissioning of equipment to include environmental considerations.
Consult the Optimized Weapon Systems Support Scorecard
Visit the Public Works and Government Services Canada's website for Defence and Major Projects
Photocopy Paper (Multi-purpose)
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Certified paper (Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Ecologo, Environmental Choice program CCD-077, Canadian Standards Association (CSA); SFI, Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes (PEFC);
- Eco-packaging;
- Eco-labelling;
- Alternative fibre paper;
- Energy and greenhouse gas emissions reduction initiatives undertaken in manufacturing;
- Reduction of packaging material;
- 30% pre and post consumer recycled content (100% will also be made available)
- Delivering paper products to minimize fuel consumption;
- Suppliers with a Corporate Sustainability Policy in place;
- Suppliers with an Environmental Management System (EMS) in place (e.g., ISO 14001);
- Supplier has Corporate Social Responsibility reporting in place;
- Supplier conducts waste audits;
- Waste material from manufacturing is recycled;
- Paper is bleached using element chlorine (ECF): a bleaching process that substitutes chlorine dioxide for elemental chlorine in the bleaching process; compared to element chlorine bleaching processes, ECF bleaching reduces the formation of many chlorinated organic compounds;
- Recycled materials used for packaging.
Consult the Photocopy Paper Scorecard
Photocopiers and Multifunctional Devices
Photocopiers and Multifunctional Devices (includes accessories,
supplies and services)
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Mandatory Criteria implemented for suppliers:
- ISO 14001 and ISO 9001:2000 certification,
- Qualification under the ENERGY STAR program,
- Consumables Container Recycling Program,
- Hardware Take-Back and Recycling Program,
- Packaging Take-Back and Recycling.
- Point-Rated criteria:
- Third Party Environmental Performance Labelling (eco-labelling).
Consult the Photocopiers and Multifunctional Devices Scorecard
Visit The Imaging Product Management Group's website
View the Green Procurement Webinar on Photocopiers
and Multifunctional Devices on the GCPEDIA
Green Procurement page (accessible to federal government
employees only)
Postage Meter Equipment (Rental)
Postage Meter Equipment includes postage meters, mailing machines
and scales and their associated components, accessories, supplies
and services. The primary function is to imprint postage on letter
and parcel mail.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- ISO 14001 Certification: The Offeror's plant is currently registered as meeting the standards of ISO 14001.
- Energy Star qualified products
- Consumables Container Recycling Program
- Hardware hardware take-back or recycling program
- Packaging Recycling
- Third Party Environmental Performance Labeling: Acceptable programs are those that conform to ISO 14024: 1999, Environmental labels and declarations, Type I environmental labeling and are recognized by the Global Ecolabeling Network (GEN).
Consult the Postage Meter Equipment Scorecard
Desktop, Network and Wide Format Printers (includes accessories,
supplies and services)
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Mandatory environmental criteria include:
- ENERGY STAR qualification;
- Ability to duplex print;
- Compatibility with remanufactured toner cartridges;
- Low emissions;
- Hardware take back at end of life;
- Packaging removal by supplier.
Consult the Printers Scorecard
Visit The Imaging Product Management Group's website
Printing Services
Printing Services – non NCR
Offset Printing and Variable Imaging (Commercial Printing for
NON-NCA requirements – (GSIN TO14Q10,
TO14QR). Requirement covers the following printing methods: Sheet-fed,
Web press, and Digital Printing.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Optional environmental criteria to evaluate day-to-day environmental practices of the bidders;
- Suppliers must highlight environmentally preferable products and their features;
- Supplier accepts the packaging for reuse, recycling, or recovery
Consult the Printing
Services (non-NCR) Scorecard
Visit the Public Works and Government Services Canada's website
for Communication
and Printing
Promotional Items
Printing Services – Custom imprinted promotional items (promotional merchandise) and custom imprinted giftware are articles of merchandise used for communication programs and are usually given away to promote the identity of a department, a departmental program or an event. The custom imprint on the promotional items and giftware relates to the organization or to a specific message but is not personalized to any individual. Promotional Items includes a wide array of items such as mugs, cups, pens, bags, hand sanitizer, temporary tattoos.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Suppliers are requested to provide all correspondence (documents, invoices, etc.) in electronic format thereby reducing printed material
- The paper format of the offer / arrangement and reports should be certified as originating from a sustainable managed forest and/or with a minimum of 30% recycled content
- Bulk packaging of products to help minimize packaging materials
- A waste disposal program should be in place
Consult the Promotional Items Scorecard
Road/Infrastructure Maintenance and Construction
Constructionand maintenance of Highways, Roads, streets, Railways,
and Airfield Runways; Paving Services; Slurry Seal Application
Services; Oil Road Spreading Services; Asphalt and Joint Sealing
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Sound waste disposal programs
- Erosion and sediment protection measures such as silt fences, detention ponds, etc
- Proper storage and handling of hazardous materials
- Use of water-base road-marking paints
- Use of hybrid power systems for equipment
Consult the Road/Infrastructure Maintenance and Construction Scorecard
Satellite Telecommunications Services
Procurement of Satellite Telecommunications Services.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Manufacturer's waste reduction and recycling policy
- The paper used contains at least 30% recycled materials and/or is certified as originating from a sustainably managed forest
- The supplier must endeavor to minimize on-site work and maximizes electronic delivery of services where applicable
- Disposal of surplus electronic and electrical equipment must be consistent with the requirements of the Treasury Board Secretariat's Directive on Surplus Materiel and the Federal E-Waste Strategy
Consult the Satellite Telecommunications Services Scorecard
Commercial off the shelf Software and related Maintenance and
Support Services
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Electronic delivery of software and related documentation is the default method under the new Supply Arrangement method of supply
- Supplier has environmental management policies and practices that are geared to continuous improvement
- Supplier is ISO 14001 certified
- Supplier uses ENERGYSTAR certified equipment
- Support services provided from remote locations to minimize travel.
- Supplier has included environmental considerations in the corporate travel policy, including minimization of travel and selection of environmentally preferable modes of transportation
Consult the Software Scorecard
Task and Solutions Professional Services (TSPS)
Various Non-Informatics Professional Services in:
Project Management Services, Human Resource Services and Business Consulting/Change Management
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Paper consumption:
- Distribute documents/deliverables electronically;
- When printing, use the double-sided function in black and white;
- Printed material is requested on minimum recycled content of 30% and/or certified as originating from a sustainably managed forest;
- Recycle unneeded printed documents (in accordance with Security Requirements).
- Travel Requirements:
- Conduct meetings via telephone, teleconference, and/or video conferencing in order to minimize travel requirements;
- Use of properties with environmental ratings.
Consult the Task and Solutions Professional Services Scorecard
Visit Public Works and Government Canada's website for Task and Solutions Professional Services
Telephony Systems
Procurement of Telephony Systems such as Private Branch Exchange ("PBX") telephone switching systems, Internet Protocol Private Branch Exchange ("IP-PBX") telephone switching systems, Telephone Terminals (Handsets), and the corresponding Maintenance and Support Services.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- The Supplier (or its Original Equipment Manufacturer) must be registered under ISO 14001 from a nationally accredited registrar under the ISO 14001 Program
- The Supplier must take back all packaging from the Identified User's site at the time of product installation
- The Supplier's product must be ENERGY STAR qualified at the time of product acceptance
- The Supplier shall provide all product documentation, maintenance reports, billing, and training documentation in electronic formats
Consult the Telephony Systems Scorecard
Toll-free Service Re-procurement (RFP)
The Government Toll-free Service includes:
- Access to the Service provider's switching network and the delivery of Toll-free calls to Government-provided terminating equipment;
- The provision of hardware and software upgrades to the Service Canada's Intelligent Contact Management and Interactive Voice Response equipments; and
- The provision of ordering, billing, service management and service performance reporting processes using electronic exchange
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Purchase of ENERGY STAR products
- Reduction of consumption through:
- Online orders and related reports to reduce paper waste
- Contractor requirement to procure equipment and implement solutions that minimize energy use
- Provide documentation and training electronically as alternative to paper
- Desirable that the Contractor abide by the guidelines set by the Electronics Product Stewardship Canada's (EPSC) organization for the disposal and recycling of electronic products
- Conforms to ISO 14000, WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive), RoHS, EPEAT, IEEE 1680 standards
Consult the Toll-free Service Re-procurement Scorecard
Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) establishes
Standing Offers with accommodation and car rental suppliers to
provide the Government of Canada, through the Accommodation and
Car Rental Directory, with accommodation and car rental services
for employees when they are on official travel status.
Car Rental
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Car rental agencies are asked to indicate the availability of hybrid vehicles and the option of using E10 fuels in rented vehicles. A point-rated question on environmental initiatives, worth 5% of the total score, has been incorporated into the Car Rental RFSO for 2008;
- Online booking system minimizes paper usage and integration with Expense Management Tool mitigates paper usage.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Use of hotels with environmental ratings: Green Key (Hotel Association of Canada) and Green Leaf (Terrachoice) eco-rating systems indicate hotels that are certified to uphold environmental standards (i.e. decreased water usage, energy efficiency, etc.).
Consult the Travel Scorecard
Visit the Accommodation and Car Rental Directory
Medium and Heavy Trucks
Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks: For vehicles included in GSINs 2320 (excluding passenger vehicles) and 4210 (Firefighting Trucks).
Consult the Medium and Heavy Trucks Scorecard
Passenger Cars and Light Trucks
Vehicles include cars, light duty trucks, vans, SUV's and crossover vehicles.
Some of the General environmental Criteria include:
- Survey of suppliers to identify environmental features is done every 2 years.
- Supplier is ISO 14001 certified
- Supplier communication notices on environmental targets and objectives will be available on their following website
- Plastic and metal parts must contain recycled content
- Vehicles that can utilize multiple sources of energy – like biofuels, electricity and hydrogen
- Major rigid plastic parts stamped with composition code for recycling
- E-purchasing can be used to order vehicles, reducing paper consumption;
Consult the Passenger Cars and Light Trucks Scorecard
Consult the Step by Step: How to buy Green Passenger Cars and Light Trucks
Visit the Government Motor Vehicle Ordering Guide's website (accessible to federal government employees only)
View the Green Procurement Webinar on Passenger
Cars and Light Trucks on the GCPEDIA
Green Procurement page (accessible to federal government
employees only)
Wireless Services
Government Cellular Services (GCS) (formerly known as Mobile Wireless
Products & Services) provides the Government of Canada (GC)
with a variety of mobile wireless voice and data products and
services to meet the business needs of the federal government.
Some of the environmental criteria include:
- Re-use of some existing wireless devices;
- Electronic ordering via web portal to reduce paper waste;
- Service related reports available online to reduce paper waste;
- User guides available online to reduce paper waste.
Consult the Wireless Services Scorecard
Visit the Guideline for the Disposal of Federal Surplus Electronic and Electrical Equipment