Public Works and Government Services Canada
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Green Language Repertoire

The Green Language Repertoire is a compilation of exact wording taken from Bid Solicitation documents, Requests for Standing Offers and Requests for Supply Arrangements.

Procurement personnel can use this Repertoire to assist them in developing evaluation criteria, clauses and conditions, statements of work or supplier surveys that must include environmental considerations.

This Repertoire will be updated periodically by the Green Procurement Team in the Acquisitions Branch of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC).

The Green Procurement Team can be contacted at:

Please note: The sample language was gathered from solicitation documents that have been issued on the Government Electronic Tendering Service (currently hosted on GETS). However, please do not assume that this language has been approved by the Acquisition Policy and Process Directorate (APPD) in Policy, Risk, Integrity and Strategic Management (PRISM) or by Legal Services. To use the language in upcoming solicitation documents, procurement personnel must:

  1. Tailor the wording to fit the good or service in question;
  2. Ensure that all wording is approved by APPD or Legal Services.

Please stay tuned: APPD, in collaboration with the Green Procurement Team, is developing standard clauses and conditions related to green procurement for inclusion in the Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual.

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