Industry engagement on the National Shipbuilding Strategy

One of the fundamental principles of the National Shipbuilding Strategy is to engage industry to inform Canada’s decisions. This conversation allows government to align procurement requirements with what industry can deliver, while promoting a fair, transparent and competitive approach.

Engagement activities

Find the latest information on engagement activities with industry.

Canadian Surface Combatant

August 15 and 16, 2016, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Irving Shipbuilding, as the prime contractor, and in collaboration with the government, met with industry to further discuss the elements of the draft Request for Proposal.

July 26 and 27, 2016, Ottawa, Ontario

The Government of Canada met with the pre-qualified Warship Designers and Combat Systems Integrators to discuss the requirements involved in providing software support for the Combat Management System. The work to support the Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) Combat Management System would start after the first CSC ship has been delivered to the Royal Canadian Navy.

June 27-30, 2016, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Irving Shipbuilding, as the prime contractor, and in collaboration with the government, met with industry to discuss the elements of the draft Request for Proposal. Discussions included how the Value Proposition could be applied to the project and opportunities to incorporate Canadian content.

May 16-20, 2016, Halifax, Nova Scotia

The Government of Canada engaged with the pre-qualified Warship Designers and Combat Systems Integrators on the draft High Level Technical Requirements. 

February 23-24, 2016, Ottawa, Ontario

The Government of Canada met with industry to brief them on the potential refinement to the procurement strategy and to seek their input.