Third party advice and reviews for the National Shipbuilding Strategy

The National Shipbuilding Strategy is a major initiative to renew Canada's fleet of vessels. To complement internal expertise, we seek third party advice when necessary. Learn about these organizations and the invaluable work they do to support the strategy.

Shipyards assessment and performance benchmarking

Expert third party

First Marine International (FMI) Ltd., a division of Royal Haskoning DHV UK Ltd.

What it is doing

First Marine International provides impartial and objective benchmarking and capacity assessments of the shipyards. In order to enable delivery of the shipbuilding projects in a timely manner, the National Shipbuilding Strategy selection process included a requirement for the selected shipyards to achieve a “Target State”. Target State is defined as the level of productivity and capacity needed to build Canada’s ships efficiently. First Marine International measures the shipyards’ progress towards achieving this Target State. When the shipyards reach Target State, they will have the capability to build vessels at established international benchmark productivity levels that will put them in the top 25% in the world in terms of facilities, process and practices.

Project management advice and assistance

Expert third party


What it is doing

KPMG assists with strategy-related projects by:

Technical assistance

Third-party assistance is also sought to advise on key technical shipbuilding areas such as:

Technical assistance contractors include ABS Consulting, Alion, Allswater, BMT, Fleetway, GasTOPS, Lengkeek Vessel Engineering, QinetiQ, Rand Corporation Inc., SPAR Associates Inc. and Technomics Inc.

Shipbuilding advice

Expert third party

Steve Brunton, a retired Rear Admiral from the Royal Navy (United Kingdom), has extensive experience in overseeing shipbuilding programs and naval acquisitions.

What he is doing

Mr. Brunton is providing ministers and senior government officials with independent expert advice on:

Related links

Negotiation assistance

Expert third party

McInnes Cooper

What it is doing

In November 2015, McInnes Cooper were retained to provide expert negotiation advice and training, supporting Canada in its negotiations.