Shipbuilding projects to equip the Royal Canadian Navy and the Canadian Coast Guard—National Shipbuilding Strategy: February 2012 to December 2015 status report

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Large vessels

Arctic Offshore Patrol Ships

The Arctic Offshore Patrol Ships will conduct armed sea-borne surveillance in Canada's waters, including in the Arctic. They will enhance the government's ability to assert Canadian sovereignty and provide surveillance and support to other government departments.

Canadian Surface Combatant

The Canadian Surface Combatant fleet will be capable of meeting multiple threats in both open oceans and complex coastal environments ensuring that Canada continues to monitor and defend its waters. This fleet will replace the Royal Canadian Navy's Iroquois-class destroyers and the Halifax-class frigates.

Offshore Fisheries Science Vessels

The Offshore Fisheries Science Vessels will provide an important platform from which scientific research and ecosystem-based management can be performed. These floating laboratories will contribute to Canada’s stewardship of fishery and ocean resources. These vessels will replace the aging CCGS Teleost, CCGS Alfred Needler and CCGS W.E. Ricker on Canada's west and east coasts.

Offshore Oceanographic Science Vessel

The Offshore Oceanographic Science Vessel will be multi-task capable of oceanographic, fishery, geological and hydrographic survey missions. It will contribute directly to our understanding of the oceans and the impacts of climate change. It will be outfitted for scientific research on ocean currents and on the seabed. This vessel will replace the CCGS Hudson currently operating on Canada's east coast.

Joint Support Ships

The Joint Support Ships will increase the range and endurance of naval task groups, permitting them to remain at sea for significant periods of time without returning to port for replenishment. They will also provide a home base for helicopter maintenance and operation, a limited sealift capability and support to operations ashore. They will replace the Royal Canadian Navy's retired Protecteur-class auxiliary oiler replenishment vessels.

Polar Icebreaker

The Polar Icebreaker will be Canada’s largest and most capable icebreaker, and among the most powerful conventional icebreakers in the world. The flagship of Canadian Arctic presence, it will significantly enhance Canada’s ability to maintain on-water capability in the Arctic on a year-round basis. It will be able to consistently operate farther north, in more difficult ice conditions, and for a longer period of time each year than is currently the case. It will replace the Canadian Coast Guard's largest and most capable icebreaker, the CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent. The new Polar Icebreaker will also be able to accommodate two medium-lift helicopters and will have cargo-carrying capacity.

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