Public Works and Government Services Canada
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Agenda—February 16, 2016

1:00 pm—4:30 pm

Welcome and opening remarks
(1:00 pm—1:15 pm)

  • Set the context and provide information and updates which are of interest to members


  • Randal Cripps, Assistant Deputy Minister of Procurement, Acquisitions Branch
  • Hicham Adra, President, Ardan Fitzroy Enterprises
  • Co-Chairs, Supplier Advisory Committee

Policy update
(1:15 pm—1:45 pm)

  • Provide members with information regarding major developments which will impact procurement policy
    1. Update on Trade Agreements & negotiations
    2. Supplier Performance Policy


  • Brenda Constantine, Director General, Policy, Risk, Integrity, & Strategic Management Sector
  • Matthew Sreter, Senior Director of Risk, Quality and Integrity Management, Policy, Risk, Integrity, & Strategic Management Sector

New e-Procurement Solution
(1:45 pm—2:15 pm)

  • Provide members with an update on progress (10 minutes)
  • Discussion (20 minutes)


  • Vicki Ghadban, Director General, Acquisitions Program Transformation Sector

Update—Trilateral meeting with the United States and the United Kingdom & Federal/Provincial/Territorial Initiative
(2:15 pm—2:35 pm)

  • Provide members with information regarding the Trilateral meeting (5 minutes)
  • Provide members with an update on the sharing of Public Services and Procurement Canada's procurement Instruments with the provinces and territories (5 minutes)
  • Discussion (10 minutes)


  • Desmond Gray, Director General, Office of Small and Medium Enterprises and Strategic Engagement
  • Sean Crossan, Director, Federal, Provincial and International Relations

Health break
(2:35 pm—2:50 pm)

Update—Supplier Action Plan
(2:50 pm—3:05 pm)

  • Provide members with an update on the progress against the Supplier Action Plan (15 minutes)


  • Desmond Gray, Director General, Office of Small and Medium Enterprises and Strategic Engagement

Supplier Advisory Committee governance discussion
(3:05 pm—3:30 pm)

  • Discuss progress of Sub-Committees and Working Groups (report provided in advance) and Supplier Advisory Committee (SAC) member satisfaction with governance model (25 minutes)
  • Departmental leads available for questions:
    1. Professional Services Sub-Committee (Normand Masse, Director General, Services and Technology Acquisition Management Sector)
    2. Risk Management Sub-Committee (Brenda Constantine, Director General, Policy, Risk, Integrity, & Strategic Management Sector)
    3. Contract and Solicitation Templates & Flexible Bid Evaluation Working Group (Brenda Constantine, Director General, Policy, Risk, Integrity, & Strategic Management Sector)
    4. E-Procurement and Standing Offers/Supply Arrangements Working Group (Vicki Ghadban, Director General, Acquisitions Program Transformation Sector)


  • Randal Cripps, Assistant Deputy Minister of Procurement, Acquisitions Branch
  • Hicham Adra, President, Ardan Fitzroy Enterprises

Update—Improvement of
(3:30 pm—3:45 pm)

  • Provide members with an update about the governance for (5 minutes)
  • Discussion (10 minutes)


  • Desmond Gray, Director General, Office of Small and Medium Enterprises and Strategic Engagement

Meet the new Minister
(3:45 pm—4:15 pm)

  • Remarks by the Honourable Judy M. Foote, Minister of Public Services and Procurement


  • Honourable Judy M. Foote, Minister of Public Services and Procurement

Roundtable and closing remarks
(4:15 pm—4:30 pm)

  • Forward agenda
    • Topics of interest to members: Setting the agenda for future meetings (next meeting in June 2016)
      1. Contract bundling review


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