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Risk Management Sub-Committee
Record of Decision - April 15, 2014

Place du Portage, Phase III, OC1-100A-102


  • Dorothy Milburn-Smith, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Perfortics Consulting Inc. (for CMC)
  • Iain Christie, Executive Vice President, Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC)
  • Jim Miller, Standard Aero (for AIAC)
  • Janet Thorsteinson, Vice President (VP), Government Relations, Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries
  • Cindy Baker, VP, Government Relations and Policy, Information Technology Association of Canada
  • Martin Demers, Manager, Acquisition Program Integrity Secretariat
  • Ibrahim Diallo, Junior Analyst, Acquisition Program Integrity Secretariat
  • Jill Abramczyk, Policy Analyst, Acquisition Program Integrity Secretariat
  • Lori Kibbee, Senior Director, Supplier Engagement and Regional Coordination, Office of Small and Medium Enterprises (OSME)
  • Rachelle Dean (secretariat), Policy Advisor, Supplier Engagement, OSME

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Martin Demers, Chair of the Sub-Committee, opened this first meeting of the Sub-Committee by welcoming everyone and inviting participants to introduce themselves. After approval of the Agenda, members discussed the draft Terms of Reference.

Terms of Reference

Discussion summary: For Terms of Reference

The Chair asked Members for their comments on the draft Terms of Reference. Members commented that others should be added to the Members’ List, such as representatives from Treasury Board, from the insurance industry and from the legal department of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC).

There was also a discussion of the Mandate and the development of a position paper. Members noted that research and gap analysis had been completed in the past and expressed interest in foregoing the position paper. Members stated that they wished to access this existing research and move forward with recommendations for actual changes to the government’s risk management tools and processes and to help implement those changes.

Risk Management Issues Related to Contractor Limitation of Liabilities

Discussion summary: For Risk Management Issues Related to Contractor Limitation of Liabilities

Industry members stated their interest in having a consultation framework for risk management and being part of early negotiations in the PWGSC/Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) risk assessment process, as well as receiving copies of risk assessment reports.

Members provided further examples of issues they wanted to discuss in the risk assessment process, for example:

  • Limitation of Liability
  • Commodity grouping
  • Profit policy

Establish Action Items to Perform a Gap Analysis on Industry and International Best Practice

Discussion summary: For Establish Action Items to Perform a Gap Analysis on Industry and International Best Practice

There was discussion of deleting this objective because of the body of knowledge about the issues/problems that has been produced over the years.

Members agreed to provide the Sub-committee with their reports.

Members discussed some international examples of which they were aware (such as Australia) of how risk and the limitation of liabilities are managed.

Next Steps

  • Martin Demers will revise the Sub-committee Terms of Reference.
  • Members will send their reports to Rachelle Dean of OSME.
  • Martin Demers will explore possibility of inviting other participants, such as Treasury Board Secretariat, legal and insurance representatives.
  • The date of the next meeting is to be determined.