Public Works and Government Services Canada
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Quality Levels for Envelopes

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Typical Envelopes
  3. Detailed Requirements on the Next Page

1. Introduction

Quality Levels for Envelopes was developed by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) in order to establish a common base of principles, practices and understanding between Federal Government departments and suppliers in selecting the print quality level most appropriate for the required envelopes.

Three quality levels have been established: Prestige, Informational and Office. At each level the quality required in the finished envelopes is expressed in measurable values as listed in the "Detailed Requirements". Commensurate with each level is the need that the artwork or components supplied permit the production of the desired quality. Any envelope, at any quality level, may be required for automatic insertion and if so will be identified as such.

The Prestige Quality Level will demand above average process control of both forming and printing systems and will mean the best that can be produced by the present state of the art. The Informational and Office Quality Levels can be achieved by normal commercial practices.

No attempt has been made to restrict or control manufacturing processes; this document rather sets the quality, which must be achieved in the product. It is the responsibility of the supplier to ensure that the envelopes meet the quality requirements regardless of the method of manufacture.

The contractor must supply envelopes, which conform to good workmanship, sound trade practices, satisfactory materials and consistency throughout the job. These requirements apply to all quality attributes whether or not they are specifically mentioned in this document.

Questions concerning a specific contract should be directed to the contracting officer named on the contract.

Please direct any comments or proposed revisions to:

Manager, Printing Procurement Division
Constitution Square
360 Albert St.,12th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0S5, CANADA

2. Typical Envelopes

2.1 Prestige

Fine grade paper stock, embossed, multi-color or four-color process printing in solids or halftones, printed on any or all surfaces, face, flap or back of envelope, with or without window and/or special closure. Suitable for automatic insertion if so specified.

2.2 Informational

Any envelope paper stock, multi-color (maximum 4 colors) printing or four-color process printing in solids or halftones, printed on face, flap or back of envelope, with or without window and/or special closure. Suitable for automatic insertion if so specified.

2.3 Office

Kraft or bond paper stock, printing in a maximum of two colors on face and/or flap, with or without window and/or special closure. Suitable for automatic insertion if so specified.