Build in Canada Innovation Program priority areas

The Build in Canada Innovation Program (BCIP) targets innovative products and services within several priority areas. Each priority area fits into one of two categories:

If you are an innovator who would like to submit an innovation, review each priority area to see where your innovation might fit. In your proposal, you will provide the priority area where your innovation fits best.

Your proposal can include only one innovation in only one priority area within only one component. For example, your innovation, a piece of military technology with a standard commercial component, cannot be submitted twice nor under both components.

Build in Canada Innovation Program innovations

The BCIP is looking for technology, equipment, software or services that:

The BCIP cannot be used as a way to get certification or licencing. Before you apply, make sure you have all relevant health and safety and other regulatory certifications in place.

Standard component

There are four priority areas within the standard component. Within each priority area, the BCIP gives examples of the types of goods and services they seek.

Enabling technologies

Enabling technologies is a broad priority area that includes biotechnologies, information and communications technologies, information management and nanotechnologies. To help you determine if your innovation fits within this priority area, consult the following lists of goods and services. This is not a comprehensive list.


Information and communications technologies manufacturing and services

Information management



Environmental innovations can be related to air, water, land or biodiversity. To help you determine if your innovation fits within this priority area, consult the following lists of goods and services. This is not a comprehensive list.

Alternative energy

Energy and material efficiency

Greenhouse gases

Traditional environmental


Health innovations contribute to maintaining and improving health. Innovations that require regulatory approval must be certified from Health Canada at the time of bid, or have a previously-filed regulatory approval. To help you determine if your innovation fits within this priority area, consult the following lists of goods and services. This is not a comprehensive list.

Safety and security

Safety and security innovations cover domestic and international security. They address challenges in public safety and others that face Canada today. To help you determine if your innovation fits within this priority area, consult the following lists of goods and services. This is not a comprehensive list.

Military component

There are six priority areas within the military component. Within each priority area, the BCIP provides detailed priority areas.

Arctic and maritime security

Arctic and maritime security innovations cover specialized goods and services for Canada’s vast maritime boundary and arctic landmass. To help you determine if your innovation fits within this priority area, consult the following lists of goods and services. This not a comprehensive list.

Command and support

Today, Canadian military operations rely on combat support through "C4ISR" (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance). Command and support innovations direct defence and security forces toward an objective, and typically they must be interoperable with those of our allies. To help you determine if your innovation fits within this priority area, consult the following lists of goods and services. This not a comprehensive list.


Cyber-security innovations secure the electronic networks that store, modify and exchange information. To help you determine if your innovation fits within this priority area, consult the following lists of goods and services. This not a comprehensive list.

In-service support

In-service support (ISS) covers activities that support, maintain and modify military equipment performance throughout its life-cycle. To help you determine if your innovation fits within this priority area, consult the following lists of goods and services. This not a comprehensive list.

Protecting the soldier

Protecting the soldier innovations serve members of the Canadian Armed Forces. To help you determine if your innovation fits within this priority area, consult the following lists of goods and services. This not a comprehensive list.

Training systems

Training systems prepare Canada’s land, sea, air and civil security forces for operations in complex situations. Training systems are typically used both in military and commercial applications. To help you determine if your innovation fits within this priority area, consult the following lists of goods and services. This not a comprehensive list.

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