Advanced vehicle protection
Find details on Defence Research and Development Canada’s challenge.
Note: This challenge is now expired. We will have new challenges posted soon. Contact us for more information.
- Challenge name:
- Vehicle Ballistic Protection (Enhanced transparent armour materials and systems)
- Priority area:
- Military component
- Maximum contract value:
- $1,000,000
- Challenge sponsor:
- Defence Research and Development Canada

Key features
Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) is Canada’s leader in defence and security science and technology. DRDC provides Canada’s military and national security groups with the knowledge and technological advantage to defend and protect Canada’s interests at home and abroad.
Transparent armour is an inherent part of many armoured vehicle fleets, be they tactical, logistic or engineering fleets. Transparent armour is the portion of a vehicle’s armour system with the lowest efficiency in terms of mass per meter square, when compared to its opaque counterparts.
The purpose of this challenge is to acquire vehicular transparent armour systems for large window areas that are lighter in weight, thinner and possess increased durability when compared to current commercially available glass-based systems.
Innovators interested in submitting a proposal for this challenge must:
- Read the Build in Canada Innovation Program’s challenge call for proposals document
- Read the requirements for Vehicle Ballistic Protection (Enhanced transparent armour materials and systems) EN578-DB1702