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Supplier Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

The terms of reference are intended to guide participants in their involvement in the Supplier Advisory Committee. 


The Committee will provide advice and feedback and make recommendations to the Assistant Deputy Minister, Procurement of Public  Services and Procurement Canada concerning:

  • Horizontal procurement issues within the direct or indirect responsibility of Public  Services and Procurement Canada
  • Continuous improvement of the procurement process

Government-wide issues may be considered with the understanding that the ability of Public  Services and Procurement Canada to effect change in these areas may be limited.
The Assistant Deputy Minister, Procurement will consider the recommendations in light of broad policy objectives, operational imperatives and the interests of all Canadians.

Membership roles


The Assistant Deputy Minister, Procurement and one private sector representative will serve as Co-Chairs.  The committee Co-Chairs will be responsible for conducting the meetings and setting the agenda with input received from committee members. The Co-Chairs will also consider and approve proposals for new Supplier Advisory Committee sub-committees to tackle specific issues and make recommendations.

The Assistant Deputy Minister, Procurement will have authority to provide clarification on whether issues are within the mandate of the committee.


The Supplier Advisory Committee will comprise 10 to 12 industry association members, who can in turn invite one of their members to each meeting (based on agenda, not required to be the same member every time). Members of the Supplier Advisory Committee are expected to contribute to the discussion of procurement issues identified, liaise and consult with members of their association and attend at least two meetings per year.  Members may also consider participating in sub-committees of the SAC.

Should it be required for purposes of diversity, representativeness or any other reasons, membership from additional industry associations may be sought at the request of the ADM, Procurement.


The committee will establish a forward agenda for planning purposes.  However, new agenda items can be submitted by members to the private sector Co-Chair for consideration at any time.

Members will review material provided approximately two weeks in advance of meetings, seek input from association membership as required and provide advice, suggestions and guidance during or after the meeting, usually directly to presenters unless otherwise specified.

Supplier Advisory Committee secretariat

The Supplier Engagement and Regional Coordination Division of the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises will provide support to the Committee.  The level of support provided will include:

  • Coordination and organization of committee meetings (drafting invitations/agenda, securing meeting venue, other logistics, etc.)
  • Development of agendas with the Co-Chairs and maintaining the forward agenda
  • Development and distribution of records of discussion to committee participants and via the committee’s web presence
  • Working with the identified offices of primary interest (OPI) within Acquisitions Program, coordination of work related to establishment of sub-committees and ensuring regular reporting to the committee and maintaining the committee web presence

Supplier Advisory Committee sub-committees

Sub-committees can be struck to tackle specific cross-cutting procurement areas of concern and make recommendations on practical solutions to address them.

Suggestions for new sub-committees will be submitted to the Co-Chairs in the form of proposals, to be discussed with the area of Acquisitions Progam responsible for the topic. Should the Co-Chairs approve a given proposal, a departmental lead will be identified to chair the sub-committee.

Roles and responsibilities for members of the sub-committees of the Supplier Advisory Committee will be agreed upon by sub-committee members and outlined in terms of reference for that sub-committee.

Sub-committee chairs will be required to report on their workplan, progress or recommendations at each meeting of the Supplier Advisory Committee. Final recommendations for endorsement of the Supplier Advisory Committee will be officially presented, at which time the sub-committee will be disbanded.  These recommendations will then be made formally to the ADM, Procurement.


The Supplier Advisory Committee will meet at least three times per year (in February, June and October), of which one meeting will be held in person in the National Capital Region. Additional meetings by teleconference or virtual collaboration can be scheduled if and as required.