Public Works and Government Services Canada
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Enrolment Instructions—For Federal Departments

Temporary Help Services Enrolment for Federal Departments

Federal Department Users who are interested in obtaining a Temporary Help Services (THS) On-Line System account must first complete the enrolment information below and submit it electronically to the THS Authority at:

  • Name:
  • Title:
  • Telephone Number:
  • Fax Number:
  • E-mail Address:
  • Department:
  • Supervisor's Name:
  • Supervisor's Telephone Number:
  • Supervisor's E-mail Address:

Please note that the Federal Department User granted a user ID must declares that:

  • they are federal government employees;
  • they will follow the procurement rules identified in the User/Procurement Guide and the Operations Protocol;
  • they will safeguard their username and password;
  • they will NOT divulge their username and password to consultants; and
  • They will NOT access their account with a consultant present.

All individuals requesting training must be a Government of Canada employee. No training will be offered to consultants, contractors or temporary help resources.


The Federal Department User's supervisor, who is identified in the enrolment information, will be contacted for confirmation that the request is from a Federal Department employee and that training can be offered.


Once the supervisor confirmation has been received by the THS Authority, the Federal Department User will be contacted via email with instructions on how to access the THS online training course, which will be available via Public Works and Government Services Canada's (PWGSC) SkillPort site. The email will contain your User Name and Temporary Password for Skillport.


User access the on-line training and upon successful completion of the training the Federal Department User must submit a PDF copy of their signed Certificate to:


The THS Authority upon receipt of the THS certificate will then generate a User ID and Password which will be confirmed to the Federal Department User electronically by PWGSC in an estimated 72 business hours in order to grant access to the user for the THS On-Line System.

As a reminder, should users change departments, the THS User account must be deactivated. Users that require access to THS under the new department, will need to submit a request for access along with Supervisor approval. Once received, a copy of the THS Certificate for the completed training by the user will be accepted.