Public Works and Government Services Canada
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Supplier Quarterly Utilization Report - Quick Reference Guide


  1. Completing the latest version of the Quarterly Utilization Report template:
    Use the utilization report template sent to you in the last month of each reporting period. Utilization reports submitted that do not use the latest utilization report template will need to be re-submitted.
  2. Saving the Quarterly Utilization Report template:
    Save the utilization report template as either a “macro-enabled” (extension “.xlsm”) or “Excel 97-2003 Workbook” (extension “.xls”) format. Utilization reports submitted that are saved using the extension “.xlsx” will need to be re-submitted using the proper format. If you have Excel 2010 or newer, click on <File> in the tool bar, click on <Save As> and then click on down arrow under “Save as Type”. This will provide a list of Excel formats including “Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook”.
  3. Completing Organizational Profile sheet:
    Select, from the drop down list, your legal name. You’re Procurement Business Number (PBN), Standing Offer (SO) and Supply Arrangement (SA) number (as applicable) will be automatically populated.
  4. Completing the SO Information Sheet (must be completed if you have an SO):
    1. In cell E6/F6, select the correct reporting period from the drop down list.
    2. In cell E10/F10, if you have no activity, select “Aucune/None” from the drop down list and click on any other cell in the sheet. This will activate the macro.
    3. In cell E10/F10, if you have activity to report (either a call-up or call-up amendment), select “Oui/Yes” from the drop down list. Note: Positive value amendments only (not zero or negative value amendments) shall be reported.  Amendments issued to the call-up related to the "as and when requested" component shall not be reported.
    4. In column C, select “Commande subséquente / Call-up” or “Modification / Amendment” from the drop down list. Note: If you are reporting an amendment, column N will allow the population of the Classification or Category.
    5. In column D, enter the call-up number.
    6. In column E, enter the call-up amendment number.
    7. In column F, if reporting a call-up, enter the call-up issuance date. If reporting a call-up amendment, enter the call-up amendment issuance date. Note: For Excel 2003 and older date formats are MM-DD-YYYY. For Excel 2007 and 2010 date formats are DD-MM-YYYY. For Excel 2010 and 2013 (if using Windows 8) date format required may be 2013-12-31 or 31-12-13 or 31-dec-13.
    8. In column G, if reporting a call-up, enter the date the work under the call-up is to start. If reporting a call-up amendment, enter the revised date the work is to start. If the start date has not been revised, enter the original start date of the work. Refer note in item g above for date formats.
    9. In column H, if reporting a call-up, enter the date the work under the call-up is to end. If reporting a call-up amendment, enter the revised date the work is to end. If the end date has not been revised, enter the original end date of the work. Refer note in item g above for date formats.
    10. In column I, select department name from the drop down list. Do not copy and paste the department name from a previous utilization report submitted, as the department name may have changed.
    11. In column J, enter department contact name.
    12. In column K, enter department contact email address.
    13. In column L, select delivery location from the drop down list.
    14. In column M, enter dollar value of the call-up. For call-up amendments, enter the value of the amendment and not the revised total value of the call-up.
    15. In column N, select the Classification or Category from the drop down list).
  5. Completing the SA Information Sheet (must be completed if you have an SA):
    1. In cell E6/F6, select the correct reporting period from the drop down list.
    2. In cell E10/F10, if you have no activity, select “Aucune/None” from the drop down list and click on any other cell in the sheet. This will activate the macro.
    3. In cell E10/F10, if you have activity to report (either a contract or contract amendment), select “Oui/Yes” from the drop down list. Note: Positive value amendments only (not zero or negative value amendments) shall be reported. Amendments issued to the contract related to the "as and when requested" component (e.g. contracts with Task Authorizations) shall not be reported.

Perform all other steps noted in the section “Completing the SO Information sheet” .