Public Works and Government Services Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

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Common Business Rules in the CPSS ePortal

Standing Offers:

  • $0-25K = 1 Supplier is selected from the search results.
  • $0-250K = Right of first refusal must be followed.

Supply Arrangements (rates are no longer included in CPSS):

  • $0-25K = 1 Supplier is selected from the search results.
  • $0-NAFTA [$89,600] = Minimum of 2 suppliers are selected from the search results.
  • NAFTA [$89,600] - $2M = Minimum of 15 suppliers are selected from the search results.
  • Perpetual (Quarterly) refreshes

Common to Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements:

  • 6 regions and 12 metropolitan areas (previously referred to as sub-regions);
  • "Remote/Virtual Zone" is available (for work at Suppliers' location);
  • An indicator that the Supplier has a "Local office" is included under certain thresholds;
  • Searches conducted at the metropolitan area are automatically rolled up by the system to the regional level if there are less than 3 suppliers in the metropolitan area search result. Under the Standing Offer, Clients are encouraged to use the metropolitan area.