Public Works and Government Services Canada
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Annex A - Requirements for Services

1.0 Scope

1.1 Background

The Professional Services requested are intended to secure access to suppliers who are experienced at providing Learning services. This will be the prime vehicle used for the acquisition of Traditional Classroom Learning, Blended Learning, and eLearning product development services. This includes the development of new Learning requirements and for the updating and converting existing learning & eLearning products.

Learning development services includes any or all of the following services:

1.2 Language Requirement

The Offeror / Supplier will be requested to provide services in either the English or French language, or both, in accordance with each individual requirement.

2.0 Applicable Documents

The following documents form part of requirements to the extent specified herein, and are supportive of the Requirements when referenced below.

  1. Appendix 1 of Annex A - Description of Blended Learning and eLearning
  2. Appendix 2 of Annex A- Acronyms;
  3. Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) (www);
  4. Web Standards for the Government of Canada;
  5. Government Communications ;
  6. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines(WCAG).

In addition to the documents specified above, the following documents form part of the requirements for requirements from the Department of National Defence where referenced below.

  1. Defence Learning Network (DLN) Content Development Guide (Current version will be provided with the call-up / contract)
  2. Canadian Forces Individual Training and Education System (CFITES) Manuals.

* Note for Suppliers: web link is only accessible by Department of National Defence (DND) personnel. It is the responsibility of the supplier to request a copy of the applicable documents for each DND requirement from

Additional applicable documents may be included with individual requirements.

3.0 Requirements

Stream 1 - Strategic Learning Advisory Services

1.1 Learning Advisor

The Learning Advisor tasks include, but are not limited to:

Analyze learning requirements including:

1.1 Analyze the organizational need and the need for learning

1.1.1 Analyze the organizational need and the need for learning
1.1.2 Identify the actual situation, the referred situation and the gap between the two situations
1.1.3 Identify the skills and abilities acquired and the skills and abilities to be developed
1.1.4 Discover and analyze the causes and challenges of the observed variances
1.1.5 Propose a training solution that takes into account organizational issues
1.1.6 Provide a variety of training options
1.1.7 Develop processes to diagnose the current situation in the organization
1.1.8 Develop tools for data collection
1.1.9 Analyze the data collected, and
1.1.10 Draft a report with apprenticeship recommendations

1.2 Develop learning strategies including:

1.2.1 Develop a learning strategy based on a learning needs analysis
1.2.2 Define the learning strategy (objectives, methods, approaches and activities)
1.2.3 Identify learning solutions aligned to the needs of the organization
1.2.4 Identify and establish a plan of action in terms of resources, costs and timeframes required for training, and identify a learning assessment plan
1.2.5 Identify a learning assessment plan.

Deliverable products may include:
  1. strategic plans
  2. analysis and/or Strategy Reports
  3. statistical report on the current state of the organization in terms of learning
  4. research papers
  5. tools (questionnaires and maps), and
  6. information and briefing sessions

Minimum obligatory competencies of the profession:

  • Senior Learning Advisor
    • M.1 Must hold a graduate degree with specialization in one of the following fields: education,adult learning, distance learning or e-learning
    • M.2 Must have at least 5 years of experience as a Senior Learning Advisor
    • M.3 Must have completed at least 3 analyzes of learning needs over the past 5 years
    • M.4 Must have completed at least 3 learning strategy plans over the past 5 years


    • M.1 Must have an undergraduate degree with specialization in 1 of the following areas: education, adult learning, distance learning or e-learning
    • M.2 Must have at least 7 years of experience as a Senior Learning Advisor

Stream 2 - Instructional Design and Development Services

1. Learning Designer

Tasks of the Learning Designer include, but are not limited to:

1.1 conduct needs assessments to review performance issues including:

1.1.1 conduct performance analyzes
1.1.2 conduct case analyzes
1.1.3 find solutions and make recommendations

1.2 help clarify the expected outcomes of education and training to ensure optimal performance at work including:

1.2.1 analyze the tasks of a position
1.2.2 specify performance, education and learning objectives
1.2.3 produce qualification standards (NORQUAL) and knowledge standards

1.3 describe and select a training program including:

1.3.1 define the characteristics of the learner
1.3.2 establish integrated instruction and learning strategies
1.3.3 specify instructional strategies
1.3.4 specify the learning content and establish course guidelines
1.3.5 produce course guidelines (design guidance documents, scenarios, participant and
instructor manual, drawings, etc.)

produce effective instructional materials in accordance with development guidelines including:

1.4.1 identify training/performance requirements and identify sources of learning materials
1.4.2 make recommendations on the purchase of teaching aids
1.4.3 developing guides
1.4.4 produce teaching materials
1.4.5 submit training materials to beta tests and formative or pilot evaluations to ensure compliance with prescribed standards and client requirements and revise as necessary
1.4.6 data and corresponding level of Bloom taxonomy
1.4.7 prepare instructors to use or implement instructional materials in instructional programs
1.4.8 evaluate instructional materials to determine whether they can be converted in whole or in part for e-learning

  1. eLearning.

Deliverable productsmay include:

  1. Needs Assessment Report
  2. Plan of instruction (PLANIN) or program
  3. Design Guide
  4. Scenarios
  5. Activities
  6. Exercises
  7. Presentation
  8. Educational material

Minimum competencies of the professsion

  • Senior Learning Designer
    • M.1 Must hold a graduate degree and specialization in 1 of the following fields: education, adult learning, distance learning or e-learning.
    • M.2 Must have at least 5 years’ experience in course design.
    • M.3 If e-learning is part of the application, must have at least 2 years’ experience in designing e-learning products.


    • M.1 Must have an undergraduate degree and specialization in 1 of the following fields: education, adult learning, distance learning or e-learning.
    • M.2 Must have at least 7 years’ experience in course design.
    • M.3 If e-learning is part of the application, must have at least 2 years’ experience in designing e-learning products.


    • M.1 Must have a college diploma (any field) or a university degree (any field).
    • M.2 Must have at least 9 years’ experience in course design.
    • M.3 If e-learning is part of the application, must have at least 2 years’ experience in designing e-learning products.
  • Intermediate Learning Designer
    • M.1 Must hold a graduate degree and specialization in 1 of the following fields: education, adult learning, distance learning or e-learning
    • M.2 Must have at least 1 year of experience in course design
    • M.3 If e-learning is part of the application, must have at least 1 year of experience in designing e-learning products


    • M.1 Must have an undergraduate degree and specialization in 1 of the following fields: education, adult learning, distance learning or e-learning
    • M.2 Must have at least 3 years’ experience in course design
    • M.3 If e-learning is part of the application, must have at least 1 year of experience in designing e-learning products


    • M.1 Must have a college diploma (any field) or a university degree (any field)
    • M.2 Must have at least 5 years’ experience in course design
    • M.3 If e-learning is part of the application, must have at least 1 year of experience in designing e-learning products
  • Junior Learning Designer
    • M.1 Must hold an undergraduate degree (any field)
    • M.2 Must have at least 1 year of experience in course design
    • M.3 If e-Learning is part of the application, must have at least 6 months experience in designing e-learning products


    • M.1 Must have a college diploma (any field)
    • M.2 Must have at least 3 years’ experience in course design
    • M.3 If e-learning is part of the application, must have at least 6 months experience in designing e-learning products


    • M.1 Must have a high school diploma
    • M.2 Must have at least 5 years’ experience in course design
    • M.3 If e-learning is part of the application, must have at least 6 months experience in designing e-learning products

Content Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Tasks of the Content Subject Matter Expert include, but are not limited to:

2.1 Check the scope of content requirements

2.2 Determine content, including source documents and reference materials such as books articles, video tapes and stationary media

2.3 Format and correct content before and after implementation

2.4 Revise design documents, scenarios and final product to verify the accuracy of the content

Deliverable products may include:

  1. Content approved by the SME

Minimum obligatory competencies of the profession: SME

  • Senior Content Subject Matter Expert
    • M.1 Must have at least 10 years of experience in the field related to the subject matter of the application
  • Intermediate Content Subject Matter Expert
    • M.1 Must have at least 7 years of experience related to the subject matter of the application
  • Junior Content Subject Matter Expert
    • M.1 Must have at least 5 years of experience related to the subject matter of the application

3. Technical Writing

Tasks of the Technical Writer include, but are not limited to:

3.1 Check the scope of the content
3.2 Conduct an end-user analysis
3.3 Conduct and analyze information provided
3.4 Draft theoretical and procedural content
3.5 Change the copy
3.6 Create guides
3.7 Examinate, review and correct documents
3.8 Review the relevance and usefulness of written materials

Deliverable products may include:

  1. student workbooks
  2. user Manuals
  3. The guides

Minimum obligatory competencies of the profession: Technical Writer

  • Senior Technical Writer
    • M.1 Must have a college diploma (in any field) or university degree (in any field).
    • M.2 Must have have at least 9 years’  experience as a technical writer.
  • Intermediate Technical Writer
    • M.1 Must have a college diploma (in any field) or university degree (in any field).
    • M.2 Must have least 5 years’  experience as a technical writer.
  • Junior Technical Writer
    • M.1 Must have a college diploma (in any field) or university degree (in any field).
    • M.2 Must at least 3 years’ experience as a technical writer.

Stream 3 - Custom and Rapid eLearning Product Programming

1. Advisor in e-Learning and Learning Technology

Tasks of the Advisor in e-Learning and Learning Technology include but are not limited to:

1.1 Monitor technological advances and propose technical solutions for learning products
1.2 Conduct research and provide recommendations for new learning technologies
1.3 Recommend tools that are ready and useful for technology learning services
1.4 Develop standards and processes for new learning technologies
1.5 Explore current research areas in the field of e-learning and
1.6 Explore and recommend e-learning platforms and platforms

Deliverable products may include

1. Analysis of learning tools and technology needs
2. Business Case for Learning Technologies
3. Writing Reports on Learning Standards and Processes
4. Strategic and/or operational planning for learning products or technology
5. Preparing reports on costs and cost-effectiveness of Learning Technologies tools
6. Analysis of models of e-learning platforms

Minimum obligatories competencies of the profession: Advisor in e-Learning and learning technology

  • Senior Advisor in e-Learning and Learning Technology
    • M.1 Must have a university degree in education, technology and distance learning.
    • M.2 Must have at least 5 years of experience in the research and application of learning technologies, including open technologies, adaptation and support technologies, training and Desktop publishing.
    • M.3 Must have developed and integrated at least 4 needs analysis and/or learning technology or online training solutions over the past 4 years.
    • M.4 Must have developed models of learning technology solutions tailored to clients' needs (4 models).

2. Programmer of custom eLearning products

  • Definition of the programmer of customized e-learning products:
    Use more complex software, which requires more expertises and interventions of the user, for example: to produce very complex animates like: People Management®. In addition, for highly complex online training, such as flight simulators or military equipment.

The programmer of custom e-learning products must, in particular, perform the following tasks:

2.1 Conduct review, analysis and recommendations on programming issues in project documentation, including:

2.1.1 Coding standard chosen
2.1.2 Assessment of client needs
2.1.3 Infrastructure topology

2.2 Develop leading-edge components for the project, including:

2.2.1 User interface according to the style guide
2.2.2 Pseudocode and metadata models
2.2.3 Advanced Course Elements JavaScript
2.2.4 Set of Course Items and Related Resources
2.2.5 Shared Content Elements and Item Metadata Documents
2.2.6 SCORM® compliance and user-friendliness test
2.2.7 Quality Assurance Testing
2.2.8  Maintenance Guide which provides relevant information for modifying and maintaining final products

2.3 Perform the coding or programming of items of e-learning products in accordance with course design documents, including:

2.3.1 Multimedia Elements
2.3.2 Interactive elements
2.3.3 Content of the course
2.3.4 Elements of shared conten;
2.3.5 Evaluation tools
2.3.6 Means of assessment

2.4  Design and develop a data structure, including:

2.4.1 Design database structures and reports
2.4.2 Document the implementation of the database including connection information

2.5. Provide technical guidance, including:

2.5.1 Recommend best practices
2.5.2  Make recommendations on the development of e-learning products
2.5.3 Develop and recommend solutions to identified coding problems
2.5.4 Review test documentation
2.5.5 Document solutions or alternatives to identified problems

Deliverables products may include:

  1. User interface
  2. Prototype shared content items to be tested with SCORM test logs
  3. Models based on XML, XSLT and XHTML
  4. Alpha, beta and final versions of e-learning products
  5. SCORM-compliant course with SCORM test logs
  6. Maintenance Guide that provides detailed guidance on maintenance and modification of e-learning products
  7. Interactive multimedia elements

Minimum obligatory competencies of the profession: custom e-Learning programmer

  • Senior Custom eLearning Programmer
    • M.1 Must have a university degree (in any field) or a college diploma (in any field).
    • M.2 Must have at least 7 years’ experience in programming Web applications using Java, C language or script language, and secondary programs (file structure) and / or of databases
    • M.3 Must have developed and integrated at least 4 automated training (AF) or web-based training courses over the past 4 years.
    • M.4 Must have optimized the performance of multimedia resources, including audio, video or still images for at least 4 e-learning products.
    • M.5 If SCORM is required in the application, it must have developed SCORM-compliant content (any version as specified by the client, including content packages and metadata files) for at least 9 SCORM-compliant courses over the past 3 years.
  • Intermediate Custom eLearning Programmer
    • M.1 Must have a university degree (in any field) or a college diploma (in any field).
    • M.2 Must have at least 3 years’ experience in programming Web applications using Java, C language or script language, and secondary programs (file structure) and/or Of databases.
    • M.3 Must have developed and integrated at least 2 FA or web-based training courses over the past 3 years.
    • M.4 Must have optimized the performance of multimedia resources, including audio, video and still images for at least 2 e-learning products.
    • M.5 If SCORM is required in the application, must have developed a SCORM-compliant conjecture (any version as specified by the client, including content packages and metadata files) for at least 9 SCORM-compliant courses over the past 3 years.
  • Junior Custom e-Learning Programmer
    • M.1 Must have a university degree (in any field) or a college diploma (in any field).
    • M.2 Must have at least 1 year experience in programming Web applications using Java, C language or script language, and secondary programs (file structure) and / or databases.
    • M.3 Must have developed and integrated at least 1 AF or Web-based training course over the past 3 years.
    • M.4 Must have optimized the performance of multimedia resources, including audio, video and still images for at least 1 e-learning product.
    • M.5 If SCORM is required in the application, it must have developed SCORM-compliant content (any version as specified by the client, including content packages and metadata files) for at least 3 Course in accordance with SCORM in the last 3 years.


    • M.1 Must have a high school diploma.
    • M.2 Must have at least 3 years’ experience in programming Web applications using Java, C language or script language, and secondary programs (file structure) and / or databases.
    • M.3 Must have developed and integrated at least 1 AF or Web-based training course over the past 3 years.
    • M.4 Must have optimized the performance of multimedia resources, including audio, video and still images for at least 1 e-learning product.
    • M.5 If SCORM is required in the application, it must have developed SCORM-compliant content (any version as specified by the client, including content packages and metadata files) for at least 1 Course in accordance with SCORM in the last 3 years.

3. Rapid E-Learning Product Programmer

Definition of the Rapid E-Learning Programmer:
Use easy eLearning software like Articulate Storyline®. They are easy to learn and use, program and publish on platforms, easy to handle even if the user is not a technology expert. Most organizations (school, university, industries, etc.) use these software.

Tasks of the Rapid e-learning programmer include but are not limited to:

3.1  Create multimedia animations using images, sound and videos
3.2 Use authoring software to assemble e-learning content and publish the course in accordance with educational design documents
3.3 Design and create interactions that are included in rapid e-learning software
3.4 Diagnose breakdowns and resolve issues related to online course interactions that do not properly publish or report data to a learning management system
3.5 Develop content in collaboration with training designers based on scenarios
3.6 Provide advice on appropriate interaction and also on the limitations of some applications; and
3.7 Create reusable online content

Deliverable products may include:

  1. The alpha, beta and final versions of e-learning products;
  2. Courses conforming to the SCORM standard; and
  3. A maintenance guide giving specific instructions on updating and modifying e-learning products.

Minimum obligatory competencies of the profession: rapid e-Learning product programmer

  • Senior Rapid eLearning Programmer
    • M.1 Must have a university degree (in any field) or a college diploma (in any field).
    • M.2 Must have developed at least 5 e-learning courses over the past 2 years using rapid learning tools (as specified by the client, such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Captivate, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Contribute, HTML, CSS, Adobe Flash and / or TechSmith's Articulate).
    • M.3 If SCORM is required in the application, it must have developed SCORM-compliant content (any version as specified by the client, including content packages and metadata files) for at least 3 SCORM-compliant courses in the last 2 years
  • Intermediate Rapid eLearning Programmer
    • M.1 Must have a university degree (in any field) or a college diploma (in any field).
    • M.2 Must have developed at least 4 e-learning courses over the past 2 years using rapid learning tools (as specified by the client, such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Captivate, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Contribute, HTML, CSS, Adobe Flash and / or TechSmith's Articulate).
    • M.3 If SCORM is required in the application, it must have developed SCORM-compliant content (any version as specified by the client, including content packages and metadata files) for at least 2 courses in accordance with SCORM in the last 2 years.
  • Junior Rapid Programmer eLearning
    • M.1 Must hold at least a high school diploma.
    • M.2 Must have developed at least 3 e-learning courses over the past 2 years using rapid learning tools (as specified by the client, such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Captivate, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Contribute, HTML, CSS, Adobe Flash and / or Techsmith's Articulate).
    • M.3 If SCORM is required in the application, it must have developed SCORM-compliant content (any version as specified by the client, including content packages and metadata files) for at least 1 in accordance with SCORM in the last 2 years.

4. Quality Assurance

In particular, the quality insurer must perform the following tasks:

4.1 Develop a Quality Assurance (QA) program, including:

4.1.1 Quality standards, methodologies, procedures and tools required for QA activities
4.1.2 Resources, timing and responsibilities required to conduct QA activities
4.1.3 Certain activities and tasks in support of various processes, including verification, validation, joint review, verification and problem solving

4.2 Develop QA protocols, including alpha, beta and pilot testing.

4.3 Implement quality assurance testing protocols, including:

4.3.1 Test e-learning programs to verify that they are compliant with client-approved pre-projects, instructional standards, guidelines, precisions and scenarios
4.3.2 Test the e-learning program for interactivity, functionality and programming errors
4.3.3 Verify grammatical and spelling accuracy in English and French or in both languages, as required
4.3.4 Ensure consistency of the on-line learning product in terms of presentation and style, including use of colors, fonts, formats, architecture and navigation strategy, modularization And consistency between the English and French versions
4.3.5 Ensure compliance with guidelines, conventions, taxonomies and best practices with respect to the use of metadata
4.3.6 Verify compliance with SCORM in an approved SGA / LCMS test medium
4.3.7 Test e-learning programs to ensure that they are functioning as intended in the client's SGA / LCMS environment
4.3.8 Record the results of all QA interventions and make them available to the technical authority

4.4 Write reports based on the results of the QA test protocol.

Deliverable products may include:

  1. Quality Assurance Plan;
  2. QA testing and test protocols; and
  3. QA test reports.

Minimum obligatory competencies of the profession: quality insurer

  • Senior Quality Assurance Specialist
    • M.1 Must have at least 6 years’ experience in developing QA policies, programs, procedures and measures.
    • M.2 Must have at least 6 years’ experience in developing standards related to software design.
    • M.3 Must have at least 6 years’ experience in QA process management.
  • Senior Tester
    • M.1 Must have at least 4 years’ experience in testing e-learning products in accordance with test protocols.
    • M.2 Must have at least 4 years’ experience supervising the testing of e-learning products.
    • M.3 Must have at least 4 years’ experience in managing test protocols for e-learning products that arise from the QA process.
    • M.4 Must have at least 4 years’ experience in implementing test procedures for online learning products.
    • M.5 Must have at least 4 years’ experience in scenario design and test scripts for online learning products.
    • M.6 Must have at least 4 years’ experience in developing an e-learning product validation and verification capability.
    • M.7 If SCORM is required in the application, it must have tested SCORM-compliant content (any version, including content packages and metadata files) for at least 6 Courses in accordance with SCORM in the last 3 years.
  • Intermediate Tester
    • M.1 Must have at least 2 years’ experience in testing e-learning products in accordance with test protocols.
    • M.2 Must have at least 2 years’ experience supervising the testing of e-learning products.
    • M.3 Must have at least 2 years’ experience in developing test protocols for e-learning products.
    • M.4 Must have at least 2 years’ experience in scenario design and test scripts for online learning products.
    • M.5 Must have at least 2 years’ experience in developing an e-learning product validation and verification capability.
    • M.6 If SCORM is required in the application, it must have tested SCORM-compliant content (any version, including content packages and metadata files) for at least 3 courses in accordance with SCORM in the last 3 years.

Stream 4 - Multi-Media Design & Development

1. Graphic Design

Tasks of a Graphic Designer include, but are not limited to:

1.1 Determine the best way to achieve the desired graphics either through the use of existing stock, development of new material, or combination of both

1.2 Consulting with clients to establish the overall look and graphical elements

1.3 Reviewing the Presentation Design Document and/or the Scripted Storyboards and making recommendations to the Instructional Designer(s) and/or client; including: Consulting the clients regarding associated costs and Validating that the design is engaging and meets the client requirements

1.4 Create designs, concepts, and sample layouts of graphical elements in accordance with the Presentation Design Documents and the Scripted Storyboards

1.5 Determine size and arrangement of illustrative material and copy, and select style and size of type

1.6 Create new images using computer software

1.7 Mark up, paste, and assemble final layouts

1.8 Digitizing images

Deliverables may include but are not limited to:

  1. Graphic Concepts
  2. Graphics
  3. Sample Layouts
  4. Final Layouts
  5. Multimedia Graphic Objects

Minimum obligatory competencies of the profession: graphic designer

  • Senior Graphics Designer
    • M.1 Must have a University degree (in any field) or College diploma (in any field).
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of 3 years of experience within the last 5 years as a Graphic Designer
  • Intermediate Graphics Designer
    • M.1 Must have a University degree (in any field) or College diploma (in any field).
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of 2 years of experience within the last 3 years as a Graphic Designer.
  • Junior Graphics Designer
    • M.1 Must have a University degree (in any field) or College diploma (in any field).
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of 1 year of experience within the last 5 years as a Graphic Designer.


    • M.1 Must have a Secondary School diploma.
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of 3 years of experience within the last five (5) years as a Graphic Designer.

2. Photographer

Tasks of a Photographer include, but are not limited to:

2.1 Determine the best way to achieve the desired Photographs either through the use of existing stock, development of new material, or combination of both

2.2 Use traditional or digital cameras to take pictures either in a studio or on location

2.3 Adjust apertures, shutter speeds, and camera focus based on a combination of factors such as lighting, field depth, subject motion, film type, and film speed

2.4 Determine desired images and picture composition; and select and adjust subjects, equipment and/or lighting to achieve desired result

2.5 Scan photographs into computers for editing, storage, and/or electronic transmission

2.6 Measure light levels, distances, and numbers of exposures needed

2.7 Manipulate and enhance scanned and/or digital images to create desired effects, using computers and specialized software.

2.8 Reviewing the Presentation Design Document and/or the Scripted Storyboards and making recommendations to the Instructional Designer(s) and/or client; including:

2.8.1 Consulting the clients regarding associated costs

2.8.2 Validating that the design is engaging and meets the client requirements

Deliverables may include but are not limited to:

  1. High quality photos;
  2. Web-ready photos and thumbnails;
  3. Panoramic photos;
  4. Virtual spaces;

Minimum Mandatory obligatory competencies of the profession; photographer

  • Photographer
    • M.1 Must have a University degree (in any field) or College diploma (in any field).
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of 3 years of experience within the last 6 years as a Photographer.


    • M.1 Must have a Secondary School diploma.
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of 5 years of experience within the last 8 years as a Photographer .

3. Animator

Tasks of an Animator include, but are not limited to:

  • 3.1 Determine the best way to achieve the desired animation either through the use of existing stock, development of new material, or combination of both
  • 3.2 Design and create two-dimensional and three-dimensional images depicting objects in motion and/or illustrating a process, using computer animation or modelling programs
  • 3.3 Make objects or characters appear lifelike by manipulating light, colour, texture, shadow, and transparency to give the illusion of motion
  • 3.4 Create Storyboards that show the flow of the animation and map out key scenes and/or characters
  • 3.5 Reviewing the Presentation Design Document and/or the Scripted Storyboards and making recommendations to the Instructional Designer(s) and/or client; including: Create Storyboards that show the flow of the animation and map out key scenes and/or characters
    • 3.5.1 Consulting the clients regarding associated costs
    • 3.5.2 Validating that the design is engaging and meets the client requirements

Deliverables may include but are not limited to:

  1. 2D and 3D animations
  2. Serious gaming objects, such as avatars, systems, and landscapes

Minimum Mandatory oblitatory competencies of the profession: animator

  • Senior Animator
    • M.1 Must have a University degree (in any field) or College diploma (in any field).
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of 5 years of experience within the last 8 years as an Animator.
  • Intermediate Animator
    • M.1 Must have a University degree (in any field) or College Diploma (in any field).
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of 3 years of experience within the last 6 years as an Animator.
  • Junior Animator
    • M.1 Must have a University degree (in any field) or College diploma (in any field).
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of 1 year of experience within the last 6 years as an Animator.


    • M.1 Must have a Secondary School Diploma.
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of 3 years of experience within the last 6 years as an Animator.

4. Video Producer

Tasks of a Video Producer include, but are not limited to:

  • 4.1 Determine the best way to achieve the desired video either through the use of existing stock, development of new material, or combination of both
    1. 4.2 Cut shot sequences to different angles at specific points in scenes in order to make individual cuts fluid and seamless
    2. 4.3 Edit video to insert music, dialogue, and/or sound effects
    3. 4.4 Select and combine scenes to form a logical and smoothly running story
    4. 4.5 Determine the specific audio and visual effects, and/or music necessary to complete the video
    5. 4,6 Reviewing the Presentation Design Document and/or the Scripted Storyboards and making recommendations to the Instructional Designer(s) and/or client; including:
      • 4.6.1 Consulting the clients regarding associated costs
      • 4.6.2 Validating that the design is engaging and meets the client requirements

Deliverables may include but are not limited to:

  1. High quality video
  2. Web-ready video

Minimum Mandatory obligatory competencies of the profession: video producer

  • Video Producer
    • M.1 Must have a University degree (in any field) or College diploma (in any field).
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of 3 years of experience within the last 6 years as a Video Producer.


    • M.1 Must have a Secondary School diploma.
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of 5 years of experience within the last 8 years as a Video Producer.

5. Audio Producer

Tasks of an Audio Producer include, but are not limited to:

  • 5.1 Determine the best way to achieve the desired audio, sound bite, music, sound effects, and/or audio clip either through the use of existing stock, development of new material, or combination of both
  • 5.2 Record speech, music, and other sounds
  • 5.3 Regulate volume level and sound quality during recording sessions
  • 5.4 Mix and edit voices, music, sound effects
  • 5.5 Separate instruments, vocals, and other sounds, then combine later during the mixing or post production stage
  • 5.6 Synchronize and equalize pre-recorded dialogue, music, and sound effects with animation, video, and/or into the learning product
  • 5.7 Reviewing the Presentation Design Document and/or the Scripted Storyboards and making recommendations to the Instructional Designer(s) and/or client; including: consulting the clients regarding associated costs and validating that the design is engaging and meets the client requirements

Deliverables may include but are not limited to:

  1. High quality audio
  2. Web-ready audio

Minimum Mandatory Qualifications

  • Audio Producer
    • M.1 Must have a University degree (in any field) or College diploma (in any field).
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of 3 years of experience within the last 6 years as an Audio Producer.


    • M.1 Must have a Secondary School diploma.
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of 5 years of experience within the last 8 years as an Audio Producer.

6. Multimedia Director

Tasks of a Multimedia Director include, but are not limited to:

  • 6.1 Determine the best way to achieve the desired audio, sound bite, music, sound effects, and/or audio clip either through the use of existing stock, development of new material, or combination of both
  • 6.2 Coordinate the work of camera and/or audio resource(s)
  • 6.3 Coordinate with Video and/or Audio Producers during the post-production process
  • 6.4 Plan details such as framing, composition, camera movement, sound, and actor movement for each shot or scene
  • 6.5 Establish pace of programs and sequences of scenes according to time requirements and cast and set accessibility
  • 6.6 Select settings and locations for Video and determine how scenes will be shot in those settings
  • 6.7 Coordinate rehearsals and communicate the "approach, characterization, and movement" needed for each scene
  • 6.8 Reviewing the Presentation Design Document and/or the Scripted Storyboards and making recommendations to the Instructional Designer(s) and/or client; including: consulting the clients regarding associated costs and validating that the design is engaging and meets the client requirements

Deliverables may include but are not limited to:

  1. Production ready storyboards
  2. A finished multimedia eLearning product
  • Minimum Mandatory obligatory competencies of the profession: Qualifications Multimedia Director
    • M.1 Must have a University degree (in any field) or College diploma (in any field).
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of 1 year of experience within the last 6 years as a Multimedia Director.


    • M.1 Must have a Secondary School diploma.
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of 3 years of experience within the last 6 years as Multimedia Director.

7. Narrator

Tasks of a Narrator include, but are not limited to:

  1. 7.1 Performing the voice dialogue of scripted storyboards whereby the narrator communicates directly to the reader
  2. 7.2 Performing the voice-over presentation to the audience (also known as off-camera or off-stage commentary)
  3. 7.3 Performing voice-acting activities, not limited to, animated characters for short films, video games, instructional videos, singing, etc.

Deliverables may include but are not limited to:

  1. Sample audio recordings;
  2. Final audio recordings;
  3. Sample voice dialogue recordings;
  4. Final voice dialogue recordings;

Minimum obligatory competencies of the profession: narrator

  • M.1 Must have a minimum of a Secondary School diploma, College diploma (in any field) or a University Degree (in any field).
  • M.2 Must have a minimum of 1 year of experience within the last 3 years as a Narrator.

Stream 5 – Training Delivery

1. Instructor

Instructors may be used to teach government owned training in any of the subject areas identified below. Subject areas are based upon the content and not the target population.

  1. Human Resources
  2. Finance
  3. Management Skills
  4. Leadership Development
  5. Change Management
  6. Project Management
  7. Career Counselling
  8. Environment
  9. Energy Management
  10. Military Occupation Training
  11. Public Safety
  12. Health & Safety
  13. Information Technology
  14. General (subject area to be identified in the resulting call-up or bid solicitation)

Tasks of the Instructors include, but are not limited to:

1.1 Deliver the training in accordance with the course Lesson Plan, using appropriate Adult Education techniques

1.2 Setting up the classroom prior to the start of the scheduled start time

1.3 Provide administrative briefing to participants at the beginning of the course outlining location of fire exits, washrooms, restaurant facilities, lunchroom area, and course outline

1.4 Distribute attendance list to participants for their signature

1.5 Evaluate tests and/or assignments

1.6 Distribute course certificates to participants

1.7 Distribute course evaluations to participants

1.8 Provide any feedback and recommendations to the Project Authority regarding the course

1.9 Set-up the online environment in accordance with the training plan

Deliverables may include but are not limited to:

  1. Course Feedback Report

Minimum obligatory competencies of the profession: instructor

  • Senior Instructor
    • M.1 Must have a minimum of 120 training days within the last 3 years in Instructing in the identified subject area.
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of one (1) year experience (not as an Instructor) in the identified subject area.
  • Intermediate Instructor
    • M.1 Must have a minimum of 60 training days within the last 3 years in Instructing in the identified subject area.
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of 1 year experience (not as an Instructor) in the identified subject area.
  • Junior Instructor
    • M.1 Must have a minimum of 30 training days within the last 3 years in Instructing in the identified subject area.

2. Training Facilitator

Training Facilitators may be used to facilitate any government owned training that is delivered as in-person training facilitation (e.g. classroom), online facilitation, and for blended training facilitation (e.g. classroom and online).

Definition of Online Facilitation:

  1. Online Facilitation involves managing learners and learning through an online medium such as virtual classroom applications. It also refers to the management of online communication between learners by a facilitator. In this regard, online facilitation is moving from an emphasis on web content to a more interactive structure that recognizes the social and interactive elements of knowledge construction, and to pedagogical approaches that enable learner centred, rather than facilitator driven learning.
  2. There are two main types of online facilitation:
    1. Asynchronous – communications such as discussion forums, electronic bulletin boards and e-groups in which the facilitator acts as a moderator reviewing contributors message offline and posting administrative messages
    2. Synchronous – events in which the facilitator works in real time, leading or assisting in the delivery of instruction to learners within a virtual classroom application though lecture, discussion, interactive exercises, use of slides, whiteboard, application sharing and document review, and other tools and techniques commonly associated with virtual classroom applications.'
  3. Means of online facilitation include, but are not limited to the following:
    1. Virtual Classroom application software
    2. Static Text
    3. Threaded or unthreaded discussion boards;
    4. Instant Messaging (IM) or Chat
    5. Live voice or video
    6. Provision of links to other materials or lists of materials;
    7. E-mail
    8. Non-virtual means, such as phone support

Tasks of a Training Facilitator include, but are not limited to:

2.1 Becoming familiar with the course content prior to course delivery

2.2 Attending train-the-training sessions, dry run and pilot tests

2.3 Contribute suggestions towards course improvements or revisions

2.4 Deliver training by:

2.4.1 Guiding learners through course materials and specific activities (e.g. problem solving, information sharing), and focusing on critical points

2.4.2 Critiquing work / thinking in a supportive fashion

2.4.3 Promoting interactivity and discussions

2.4.4 Maintaining a pace suitable to the course schedule

2.4.5 Creating and fostering a collaborative and safe environment for participants

2.4.6 Motivating learners to take responsibility for their own learning

2.4.7 Catering to different learning preferences and learner needs, finding the optimal balance between private e-mail and public discussions, and encouraging collaborative work and learner-learner or group discussions

2.4.8 Moderating and/or managing discussions, encouraging and gently guiding the discussion, planting ideas or starting new topics, and managing differences of opinion or perspectives effectively

2.4.9 Sharing information and resources with the group

2.4.10 Answering participants' questions and provide help when required.

2.5 Helping learners make the transition from private one-on-one e-mail to group participation

2.6 Assisting learners to become comfortable with systems and software

2.7 Scanning for copyrighted material that shouldn't be posted without permission of the author

Deliverables may include but are not limited to:

  1. Course Feedback Reports

Minimum Mandatory obligatory competencies of the profession: training facilitator

  • Senior Training Facilitator
    • M.1 Must have delivered a minimum of 120 training days within the last 3 years as a Training Facilitator
    • M.2 If online training facilitation is part of the requirement, then must have delivered a minimum of 90 training hours within the last 3 years as an Online Training Facilitator.
  • Intermediate Training Facilitator
    • M.1 Must have delivered a minimum of 60 training days within the last 3 years as a Training Facilitator
    • M.2 If online training facilitation is part of the requirement, then must have delivered a minimum of 60 training hours within the last 3 years as an Online Training Facilitator.
  • Junior Training Facilitator
    • M.1 Must have delivered a minimum of 30 training days within the last 3 years as a Training Facilitator.
    • M.2 If online training facilitation is part of the requirement, then must have delivered a minimum of 30 training hours within the last 3 years as an Online Training Facilitator.

Stream 6 - Training Evaluation Services

Training evaluation services will provide the organization with strategies, planning and tools to:

Evaluate and measure desired learning outcomes:

  • In the short term: Improve the design and delivery of courses;
  • Medium-term: Making informed decisions about employee learning opportunities;
  • Long-term: Focusing more on results.

The objectives of the learning assessments provide performance data for ongoing quality assurance or design improvement.

Learning Assessment Model:

Most organizations use the Kirkpatrick learning assessment model or equivalent.

Learning assessments based on the Kirkpatrick model are defined at four levels: Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Levels of evaluation of learning:

  • Level 1, reactions: the degree to which participants respond positively to the learning event;
  • Level 2, Learning: the degree to which participants acquire the expected knowledge, skills and attitudes based on their participation in the learning activity;
  • Level 3, Behavior: the degree to which participants apply what they have learned during their training when they return to work;
  • Level 4, results: the degree to which the targeted outcomes occur, as a result of a learning event and subsequent reinforcement.

The learning evaluator must apply current techniques in the evaluation of courses or programs in order to provide an evaluation framework or evaluation report.

1. Training Evaluator

In particular, the training evaluator must perform the following tasks:

1.1 Provide recommendations and suggestions to the evaluation framework

1.2 Evaluate the level of use, as well as the relevance and effectiveness of the tools in the context of the project

1.3 Validate and provide the best assessment tools to achieve the objectives of the evaluation framework

1.4 Develop and propose evaluation tools to be chosen in collaboration with the client (e.g. on-line questionnaire, semi-structured interview, written analysis, assessment tools, focus groups, observations)

1.5 Develop and propose a standardized evaluation questionnaire for different programs and training: classroom questionnaire; quiz for virtual classroom courses, questionnaire for online courses and customized and adapted questionnaires have also been put in place for other activities

1.6 Administer evaluation tools, tests, including the use of on-line tools, where necessary and appropriate

1.7 Compile, capture, integrate and analyze data to ensure that established training objectives have been met for courses

1.8 Submit standardized and assessment reports

1.9 Submit a report with important observations that could affect learning, objectives, activities or communication tools (including specific recommendations on the implementation approach - timeline)

Deliverables may include but are not limited to:

  1. Development of an evaluation framework
  2. Development of an evaluation strategy
  3. Development of an evaluation plan
  4. Conducting an evaluation of training
  5. Data collection and analysis
  6. Interpretation of results and preparation of conclusions
  7. Writing a report and presentation

Minimum obligatory competencies of the profession: training evaluator


M.1 During the past 5 years must have completed at least 5 KirkPatrick learning assessments or an equivalent method in the assessment of learning and / or training programs for adults in the public and / or private sector.

STREAM 7 - Project Management

1. Project Manager

Tasks of a Project Manager include, but are not limited to:

1.1 Managing the scope of the projects and products, budget and schedule
1.2 Developing and updating the work breakdown structure and detailed project plans
1.3 Tracking project plans and managing resources
1.4 Managing the change control process
1.5 Maintaining communication with government stakeholders and other project managers and reports progress of the project on an ongoing basis and at scheduled points in the life cycle
1.6 Managing risks and implementing problem resolutions
1.7 Planning, organizing, directing and controlling quality assurance throughout the project
1.8 Supporting the release, implementation and delivery of products

Deliverables may include but are not limited to:

  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Project Plan
  • Project Status Reports

Minimum obligatory competencies of the profession: project manager

  • Senior Project Manager
    • M.1 Must have a University degree (in any field) or a College Diploma (in any field) or a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification from the Project Management Institute.
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of 6 years’ experience as a Project Manager, including 3 years’ experience in managing training projects.
    • M.3 If eLearning is part of the requirement, then the Project Manager must have a minimum of 3 years’ experience in managing eLearning and/or software projects, including a minimum of 1 year of experience in managing eLearning projects.
  • Intermediate Project Manager
    • M.1 Must have a University degree (in any field) or a College Diploma (in any field) or a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification from the Project Management Institute.
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of 4 years’ experience as a Project Manager, including 2 years’ experience in managing training projects.
    • M.3 If eLearning is part of the requirement, then the Project Manager must have a minimum of 2 years’ experience in managing eLearning and/or software projects, including a minimum of 1 year of experience in managing eLearning projects.
  • Junior Project Manager
    • M.1 Must have a University degree (in any field) or a College Diploma (in any field) or a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification from the Project Management Institute.
    • M.2 Must have a minimum of 2 years’ experience as a Project Manager, including a minimum of 1 year experience in managing training projects.
    • M.3 If eLearning is part of the requirement, then the Project Manager must have a minimum of 2 years’ experience in managing eLearning and/or software projects, including a minimum of 1 year of experience in managing eLearning projects.

4.0 Deliverables - General

4.1 All documentation is to be provided in hard and/or soft copy, in the language of English or French, or both and in the format in specified with call-up / contract.

4.2 Call-ups / Contracts that specify that the eLearning products will be delivered by a LMS, must be tested and proved functional by the Offeror / Supplier prior to acceptance.

5.0 Management Requirements

5.1 Quality Assurance And Control Processes

5.1.1 As a minimum, the Offeror / Supplier must implement the Quality Assurance (QA) Plan, in order to ensure the quality of the services provided by the Offeror / Supplier.

The following lists represent the acceptable criteria for eLearning products.

The following list describes the quality assurance error levels of eLearning products and a description of each error level:

5 – System Level CATASTROPHIC
The entire application or system is unusable, catastrophic failure, usually requires restart or re-initialization or reboot.
4 – Sub-system / Module Level CRITICAL
A sub-system or module becomes unusable.
3 – Feature / Function Level SERIOUS
Feature or function does not work at all or aborts.
2 – Sub-Feature Level MINOR
A particular aspect of a function / feature does not function properly, but the overall feature / function is still usable.
1 – Formatting / Cosmetic SIMPLE
The layout or format of data, reports, messages, screens and other cosmetic issues require changing; no impact on usability. If there is an impact on usability, then the error may need to be reclassified at a higher level.

Acceptance Testing stages and the acceptable results at each stage of testing:

  • Validation Testing - No Level 5 errors by the start of System Testing
  • System Testing - No Level 4 errors by the start of Alpha Testing
  • Alpha Testing - No Level 3 errors by the start of Beta Testing
  • Release - Only Level 2 and Level 1 errors remain

5.2 Project Management

5.2.1 The Offeror / Supplier must provide status report(s) to the Technical Authority as and when requested and on the date(s) specified in the requirement, which must include as a minimum:

  1. A summary of the work accomplished to date, using a Gantt chart. This summary must include the identification of personnel, and hours expended on each task, the progress report must highlight:
    1. Tasks completed;
    2. Effort expended thus far;
    3. Estimate of additional work needed to complete the deliverable/task;
    4. Details of issues/problems encountered with proposed solutions;
    5. Proposed changes to the work plan with reasons;
    6. Issues must be identified by one of three level indicators:
      • GREEN - on schedule,
      • YELLOW - minor issue that will not affect the deliverable date, and
      • RED - major issues which may impact deliverables.
  2. The Offeror / Supplier must schedule status meetings on a regular basis as defined during the project kick-off meeting.

6.0 Work Location

6.1 Unless specified otherwise in any resultant call-up / Contract, the Work will be performed at the Offeror / Supplier's own place of business or offices and the Offeror / Supplier must provide adequate work space, office equipment and must furnish its own test and development hardware and software prior to implementation, to ensure the uninterrupted flow of contracted services and related deliverables at no additional cost to Canada. The Client Department will provide access (if available) to the Pre-Production / Test environment to the Offeror / Supplier.

7.0 Location of Meetings

7.1 In the event that meetings are required under a project, they must be conducted at facilities provided by Canada or the Offeror / Supplier. In the later case, the Offeror / Supplier must provide all facilities and resources required for the conduct of the meeting, at no additional cost to Canada.

8.0 Network Access and Security

8.1 While working on any Government of Canada computer, server, or network, the Offeror / Supplier's personnel must abide by Internet and network access policies and codes of conduct (as provided at the time of any resultant call-up / contract). All requests for access to the network must be approved by Canada. The Offeror / Supplier must not modify user access or security settings without prior written authorization from the Client Department's network administrators.

Appendix 1 to Annex A

1.0 Description of Blended Learning and eLearning

1.1 Blended Learning and eLearning

1.1.1 Blended Learning usually combines traditional classroom based learning with more modern technology enabled methods and may include various types of eLearning products.

1.2 eLearning Products

1.2.1 Canada focuses on the broadest view of eLearning products that includes stand-alone, self-directed eLearning products to integrated, blended and hybrid approaches that combine a variety of delivery methods, tools, learning events and learning models, including:

  1. CBT (not Web based, files reside on Personal Computer (PC) or Compact Disc-Read-Only Memory (CD-ROM) );
  2. Self-directed Web Based CBT (Running through web-browser, files reside on PC or CD-ROM);
  3. Self-directed Web-based Training (Browser-based, files reside on server, runs over Internet and/or Intranet);
  4. Synchronous / Virtual Classroom / Webinar. Design and development aspect, but not delivery aspect;
  5. Asynchronous online discussions/learning. Design and development aspect, but not delivery aspect;
  6. Hybrid (face to face classroom and online training). Design and development aspect, but not the delivery aspect;
  7. Electronic Performance Support (EPS);
  8. Online Communities of Practice;
  9. Blogs, wikis;
  10. Podcasts, webcasts;
  11. E-Library (online interactive manuals, references, etc);
  12. Serious gaming products;
  13. Synthetic environments (2D and/or 3D);
  14. Simulations;
  15. Multi-Media portions of traditional classroom-based courses; and
  16. M-learning (mobile learning).

1.3 Learning Product Characteristics

1.3.1 Learning products have the following characteristics:

  1. Interactive (learner to learner, learner to instructor, learner to mentor, learner to coach, learner to information database);
  2. Based on formal instructional design incorporating research-based learning models or products to support learning such as job aides and knowledge repositories depending on requirements. Incorporating a variety of instructional approaches, including examples, problems, presentation and demonstration, practice and feedback, scenarios, case studies, role-play, simulation, assessment etc;
  3. Integrated within a strategic learning and/or eLearning framework;
  4. ELearning may be developed to SCORM specifications depending on requirements

1.4 ELearning Product Delivery Methods

1.4.1 ELearning solutions may be provided to Canada via the following channels:

  1. Intranet, Internet, and/or CD-ROM;
  2. Government owned or contracted legacy LMS/LCMS;
  3. an asynchronous/synchronous tool; or as a
  4. stand-alone product.

1.5 Multi-Media Integration

1.5.1 ELearning products will require integration of a variety of Multi-Media/interactive elements depending on requirements, which may include one or more of the following:

  1. Text, graphics, video, sound,
  2. Pop-up boxes and roll-overs,
  3. Navigation features (forward, back, return to main menu, exit, book-marking),
  4. Changing content organization depending on results of pre-assessment tests,
  5. Drag-and-drop exercises,
  6. Multiple choice and true/false questions,
  7. Feedback on questions linked to area in courseware with the answer,
  8. Exploratory functions - hot areas on screen,
  9. Text entry for simple word recall, longer answer responses, or gather user information such as passwords,
  10. Sliders - to allow user to select a choice or range of choices on a linear scale,
  11. Timers - indicate passing time as user completes an exercise,
  12. Simple simulations such as demonstrating sequence of keystrokes to perform basic commands in a software application,
  13. Basic animations,
  14. Testing, scoring, course management (tracking and reporting), and
  15. Operational support (help, search (full-text and keyword based on metadata), glossary, dialogue boxes).

1.6 Delivery Platform Independence

1.6.1 ELearning products must be able to be delivered through multiple mechanisms (e.g. CBT, WBT). The solution must allow the ability to choose delivery mechanisms.

1.7 Dynamic Content and Flexible Architecture

1.7.1 Unless stated otherwise in any resultant call-up / contract,

  1. ELearning solutions must accommodate dynamic content. The solutions must permit changes to the underlying information (text and graphics/illustrations) while minimizing changes to the product.
  2. ELearning solutions must accommodate changes to the overall architecture (beyond the information itself) in that new modules or components will need to be added and existing modules or components changed or discarded.

1.8 Easy to Navigate and Maintain Information Structures

1.8.1 Information structures must be easily and intuitively navigable by novice users. The information and navigation structures must be easy to maintain.

1.9 Media and Delivery Mechanisms

1.9.1 The internet/intranet using browser technology will be used as the delivery environment. The product must support the applicable browser(s) as stated in the resulting call-up / contract. Unless stated otherwise in any resultant call-up / contract, plug-ins will not be permitted.

1.10 Reusability

1.10.1 The Offeror / Supplier must design with re-usability in mind. Content must be designed as reusable information objects that can be used as modular building blocks for larger learning structures such as lessons (Reusable Learning Objects). The use of metadata tags to describe information and learning objects facilitate rapid updating, searching, and management of content.

1.11 Performance Tracking and Assessment

1.11.1 The approach and extent of performance data collected will be a function of eLearning product requirements and the Information Management/Information Technology (IM/IT) infrastructure.

1.11.2 Performance Tracking and Assessment functionality may be required to conform to SCORM as identified in any resultant call-up / contract. Use of Application Programming Interface (API) calls falling under SCORM conformance must only be used if required by the client.

1.11.3 Performance Tracking and Assessment functionality may include any or all of the following:

  1. Performance assessment in a learning context;
  2. Basic student survey technique, collecting subjective data;
  3. Advanced forms of data collection including the use of a database;
  4. Collection of objective data, such as completion rates and times; and
  5. Ability to track the student's progress, to help them keep track of test scores and evaluations.

1.12 Searching

1.12.1 The approach and extent of eLearning product search functionality will be a function of the eLearning product requirements and the IM/IT infrastructure.

1.12.2 Searching capabilities can range from full-text searching within a product or directory, to field-based searching using metadata at the module, topic, sub-topic and keyword levels.

Appendix 2 to Annex A


Analysis Design Development Evaluation
Advanced Distributed Learning
Assistant Deputy Minister
Aviation Industry CBT Committee
Application Programming Interface
Computer-based training
Canadian Forces
Canadian Forces Individual Training and Education System
Common Look and Feel
Defence Learning Network
Department of National Defence
Electronic Performance Support
Freight on Board
Government of Canada
General Purpose Network
Human Performance Improvement
Human Performance Technology
Human Resources
In Accordance With
Information Management
Instructional Management System
Intellectual Property
Information Technology
Learning and Career Centers
Learning Content Management System
Learning Management System
Managing Authority
National Capital Region
Operating System
Personal Computer
Project Management Institute
Project Management Office
Project Management Professional
Proof of Concept
Public Service
Quality Assurance
Request for Standing Offer
Return on Investment
Shareable Content Object
Shareable Content Object Reference Model
Statement of Work
Web-based training
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines