Transcript of the video: Celebrating the Intercolonial Railway
Start of video.
(The Canada 150 logo appears.)
(The narrator speaks)
Canada 150: Celebrating the Intercolonial Railway.
(A photo showing a man standing at the mouth of a rock tunnel is shown.)
(A picture of the Right Honourable Sir John A. Macdonald appears.)
Canada’s first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, made the completion of a railway linking the colonies of British North America a condition of Confederation.
(Ink spill animation transitions us to a telegram addressed to Sir John A. Macdonald.)
The Department of Public Works was created with a mandate that included transportation infrastructure for the canals and railways. Infrastructure that would allow Canadians to travel even in winter weather.
(Ink spill animation shows an Intercolonial Railway grain elevator and train cabooses.)
The Intercolonial Railway was built, linking communities across the Maritimes and Quebec and was officially inaugurated in 1876.
(Interactive map showing the progression of the Intercolonial Railway route in Quebec and the Maritimes with small buildings appearing along the way.)
The completion of the railway led to population growth, increased infrastructure and industrial development from Montréal to Halifax.
(Ink spill animation showing Canadian troops boarding a train during the Second World War.)
Throughout the First and Second World Wars, the Intercolonial Railway was used to transport civilians, military personnel and equipment to Halifax.
(Ink spill animation showing the inside of a train’s upper observation deck that offers 360-degree views.)
Today, VIA Rail’s passenger service “the Ocean” travels between Montréal and Halifax along the same route and maintains a historic link to the heritage of Canada’s rail history.
(Ink spill animation of a VIA Rail train passing near a body of water.)
(A quote appears: “Bonds of steel as well as of sentiment were needed to hold the new Confederation together. Without railways there would be and could be no Canada. Written by historian George Stanley.”)
(The Canada 150 logo appears. The words: “Make the most of your Canada 150!” also appear. The website and the hashtag #Canada150 also appear.)
(Text appears: Photos provided by Library and Archives Canada and the Canada Science and Technology Museum.)
(The Public Services and Procurement Canada wordmark appears, followed by the Canada wordmark.)
End of video.