Stakeholder Engagement

The broad nature of the Department's business provides many opportunities for engagement with a range of stakeholders (companies and associations) across diverse sectors, including military, regional and national communities of innovators and entrepreneurs.

You will find below recommendations for early events and engagements with key stakeholders before the end of the calendar year.


  1. The Aerospace Industries Association of Canada is hosting the 2015 Canadian Aerospace Summit on November 17 and 18, 2015 in the National Capital Region. This event and trade show brings together Canadian and international companies of all sizes, government, and academia, such as Lockheed Martin Canada, CAE Inc., Boeing, the National Research Council and Carleton University. Public Works and Government Services is also amongst the exhibitors for this event.

    This event is open to media and represents a great early opportunity to introduce yourself and meet key stakeholders.
  2. Stratégies PME 2016 is a conference and trade show for small and medium enterprises that will be held on November 25 and 26, 2015 in Montreal. This event is presented by the Business Development Bank of Canada, the Chartered Professional Accountants, Manufacturiers et exportateurs du Québec, La Presse, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business and le Réseau des femmes d'affaires du Québec.

    This conference and trade show represents a great opportunity for you to discuss doing business with the Government of Canada, promote and the Build in Canada Innovation Program.
  3. The Department's Industry Advisory Group will be held in the National Capital Region on December 11, 2015. This event will host key defence industry representatives such as Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries and, Aerospace Industries Association of Canada.

    Although the event is not open to media, this is an early opportunity for you to meet the key stakeholders and to convey the Government's approach to investing in Canada's military needs.

Key Stakeholder Meetings:


  1. An early engagement with Irving Shipbuilding Incorporated in Halifax and Seaspan Vancouver Shipyards on the west coast is recommended. Regional site visits will provide the opportunity for you to meet with the leaders of these corporations to see the progress on the major programs of work on both coasts and to reinforce the messages on the Government's commitments.

    Jim Irving, CEO and Kevin McCoy, President of Irving Shipbuilding Incorporated.
    Jonathan Whitworth, CEO and Brian Carter, President of Seaspan Vancouver Shipyards.
  2. Jim Quick, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Aerospace Association of Canada is an important stakeholder in the Department's work in this sector. Mr. Quick is well positioned to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the sectors relationship with PWGSC.
  3. Christyn Cianfarani, President of the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries, is one of the Departments main partners in area of military and security initiatives. Ms. Cianfarani is well placed to provide insight from these sectors.


  1. The Honourable John Manley is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives. Mr. Manley is well positioned to speak to priority areas such as procurement strategies, the integrity regime, innovation and overall economic trends and industry perspective.
  2. The Honourable Perrin Beatty is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. As with Mr. Manley, he is a key link to business leaders across the country and through its business leaders, plays on the government's integrity regime.
  3. The Speakers of the Senate of Canada and the House of Commons are key stakeholders both in terms of the Department's custodial relationship with the Parliamentary Precinct and, specifically on the implementation of the Long Term Vision and Plan.

Other possibilities for early engagement

  1. Transparency International – Canada. This non-governmental organization  monitors and publicizes reports on corporate and political corruption in international development. Transparency International Canada is Canada's leading anti-corruption organization. The organization has actively engaged the department throughout the work associated with designing the new Government of Canada's Integrity Regime.

    Peter Dent - Chair and President
  2. Provincial Counterparts – In the context of procurement and real property reforms, we also recommend that you could meet with your Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia counterparts to have an exchange on their innovative and leading practices on procurement and real property.

Portfolio Meetings

We also recommend that you have early briefings from your three major portfolio organizations- Shared Services Canada, Canada Lands Company Limited and Defence Construction Canada. This will allow you to meet the leadership, receive an initial overview of their mandate and their key files.

Next Steps

We will work with your office to confirm specific near-term engagements and develop additional opportunities for your consideration. These proposals will include a range of options. Depending on your preferences, we will develop proposals for regional roundtables with key communities of interest (e.g. Aboriginal, youth, innovators, women, etc.), site visits, bilateral discussions and workshops. Where appropriate, we will include traditional and social media elements to increase opportunities for transparency, communications and engagement.

Annex – List of Stakeholders


Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC)

The Aerospace Industries Association of Canada is a not-for-profit, national organization promoting and facilitating Canadian competitiveness in the global aerospace industry.

The Association participates in the PWGSC Supplier Advisory Committee, the Industry Association Engagement Committee for the Government of Canada's Integrity Regime and the Department's Controlled Goods Program's Industry Engagement Committee. The positive and constructive relationship between PWGSC and the Association enables discussions on the sector.

Jim Quick, President & Chief Executive Officer

Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada (ACEC)

ACEC is a not-for-profit national association representing nearly 500 independent consulting engineering companies, organized into 12 provincial and territorial Member Organizations. It represents the commercial interests of businesses that provide professional engineering services, to both the public and the private sector.

John D. Gamble, President

Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA)

BOMA Canada is the voice of the Canadian commercial real estate industry with over 2,500 members in regional associations across Canada. BOMA addresses issues of national concern, and promotes excellence in the industry through information, education advocacy and recognition.

Benjamin L. Shinewald, President and CEO

Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council (CAMSC)

CAMSC operates as a private sector-led, non-profit membership organization which leads businesses that are dedicated to the economic empowerment of socially and economically disadvantaged communities through business development and employment. CAMSC delivers programs and processes to promote and facilitate procurement opportunities between major corporations in Canada and suppliers of all sizes owned and operated by Canadian Aboriginals and Minorities.

Cassandra Dorrington, President

Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA Alliance)

The Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance is the largest high-tech association in Canada. CATA Alliance matches businesses with opportunities across almost every sector and grows the revenues of its members by facilitating collaboration.

John Reid, President and CEO

Canadian Association of Defense and Security Industries (CADSI)

The Canadian Association of Defense and Security Industries is a national, non-profit organization operating in the defence and securities industrial sector.

The Association participates in PWGSC's Supplier Advisory Committee and in the Industry Association Engagement Committee for the Government of Canada's Integrity Regime. The Association is one of the government's main partners in the development of defence and security initiatives.

Christyn Cianfarani, President

Canadian Association of Management Consultants (CMC)

The CMC's mission is to advance the practice and profile of management consulting in Canada through education and certification of consultants, promotion of ethical standards and professional competency, and advocacy for the profession in public and government settings.

Jac van Beek, Chief Executive Officer

Canadian Bar Association (CBA)

The Canadian Bar Association is a professional, voluntary organization which was formed in 1896, and incorporated by a Special Act of Parliament on April 15, 1921. Today, the Association represents some 37,000 lawyers, judges, notaries, law teachers, and law students from across Canada. Approximately two-thirds of all practicing lawyers in Canada belong to the CBA. The CBA's Anti-Corruption Team was established to monitor and respond to all matters involving corrupt practices and to provide an educational resource center for Canadian lawyers.

Janet M. Fuhrer, President

Canadian Business Information Technology Network (CABiNET)

CABiNET represents small and medium-sized enterprises providing IT solutions and resources to the Federal Government, and consults the Government regularly on issues affecting its members including new regulations, legislation, procurement models and IT initiatives.

Jeff Lint, Chair

Canadian Construction Association (CCA)

Established in 1918, Canadian Construction Association's vision is to build Canada with ethics, skills and responsibility. CCA's mission is to be the national voice for the Canadian construction industry. An annual joint meeting between PWGSC and CCA occur every April.

Michael Atkinson, President

Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE)

The Canadian Council of Chief Executives is a not-for-profit, non-partisan organization composed of the CEOs of Canada's leading enterprises. The Canadian Council of Chief Executives pursues research, consultation and advocacy on issues of national importance to the economic and social fabric of Canada.

The Canadian Council of Chief Executives participates in the Industry Association Engagement Committee for the Government of Canada's Integrity Regime. The Canadian Council of Chief Executives is a frequent, public commentator on the Government of Canada-wide Integrity Regime.

The Honourable John Manley, P.C., O.C., President and Chief Executive Officer

Canadian Green Building Council

The Canadian Green Building Council leads the transformation of the built environment, leading the way for high-performing, green buildings.

Thomas Mueller, President and CEO

Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME)

The Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters participates in the Industry Association Engagement Committee for the Government of Canada's Integrity Regime.

Engagement with the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters enables discussions regarding the implementation of the Government of Canada-wide Integrity Regime.

Jayson Myers, President and Chief Executive Officer

Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC)

The Information Technology Association of Canada is the voice of the Canadian information and communications technologies industry. ITAC represents a diverse community spanning telecommunications and internet services, consulting services, hardware, microelectronics, software and electronic content. ITAC is a prominent advocate for the expansion of Canada's innovative capacity and for stronger productivity across all sectors through the strategic use of technology.

Karna Gupta, President and CEO

Real Property Association of Canada (REALpac)

The Real Property Association of Canada is Canada's senior national industry association for owners and managers of investment real estate. Their mission is to bring together Canada's real property investment leaders to collectively influence public policy, to educate government and the public, to ensure stable and beneficial real estate property and capital markets and to promote the performance of the Real Property sector in Canada.

Michael Brooks, Chief Executive Officer

Rx&D Canada

Rx&D Canada is the national association representing Canada's innovative pharmaceutical industry. They represent more than 50 companies investing annually over $1-billion in research and development.

The Association participated in the Industry Association Engagement Committee for the Government of Canada's Integrity Regime.

Russell Williams, President

Transparency International (TI)–Canada

Transparency International is a non-governmental organization that monitors and publicizes corporate and political corruption in international development. Founded in May 1993 as a not-for-profit organization, Transparency International is now an international non-governmental organization. Transparency International Canada Inc. (TI-Canada) is Canada's leading anti-corruption organization. The organization has actively engaged the department throughout the work associated with designing the new Government of Canada's Integrity Regime.

Peter Dent - Chair and President

General Business and Municipalities

Canadian Chamber of Commerce (CCC)

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce is Canada's largest business association and a primary connection between business and the federal government.

The Chamber participates in the Industry Association Engagement Committee for the Government of Canada's Integrity Regime. The Chamber provides an avenue to business leaders across the country.

The Honourable Perrin Beatty, President and Chief Executive Officer

Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB)

The Canadian Federat nmion of Independent Business represents the interests of the small business community to all three levels of government.

The Federation participates in PWGSC's Supplier Advisory Committee and the Industry Association Engagement Committee for the Government of Canada's Integrity Regime. PWGSC's relationship with this stakeholder is important for all procurement files including the Build in Canada Innovation Program.

Dan Kelly-President, Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Governors

Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities has been the national voice of municipal government since 1901 with close to 2,000 members, FCM represents the interests of municipalities on policy and program matters that fall within federal jurisdiction. Members include Canada's largest cities, small urban and rural communities, and 21 provincial and territorial municipal associations.

Raymond Louie, President

Portfolio and Key Partners

Canada Lands Company Limited (CLCL)

This arm's length Crown Corporation reports to Parliament through you. Arm's length with respect to operations, it takes policy direction from you on its priorities. The Canada Lands Company Limited has three operational arms:

  1. The Canada Lands Company, the manager of the CN Tower and a real estate developer that maximizes financial return to Canada in selling valuable federal lands that are no longer needed.
  2. The Old Port of Montreal Corporation, a heritage tourism site operator.
  3. Parc Downsview Park Inc., the landholder and operator of Downsview Park and surrounding lands from Toronto's former military base.

Grant B. Walsh, Chair of the Board of Directors
John McBain, President and CEO

Defence Construction Canada (DCC)

This arm's length Crown corporation provides construction and related services in support of Canada's defence requirements. It reports to Parliament through you. As with Canada Lands Company Limited, it takes policy direction from you on its priorities.

The Defence Construction Canada's $750 million to $1billion of annual work is delivered primarily for the Department of National Defence. It has also performed some work for the Communications Security Establishment.

Robert Presser, Chair of the Board of Directors
James Paul, President and CEO

Office of the Procurement Ombudsman

The Office of the Procurement Ombudsman was created through the Federal Accountability Act of 2006. It advises you and informs Parliament (through an annual report you table) on contracting between Canadian businesses and the federal government.

The meeting is not pressing. The Ombudsman, Frank Brunetta, is retiring on December 18, 2015. You will be briefed on the process to replace him. A meeting with the Acting Ombudsman could provide you with some insights to assist in selecting the next Ombudsman.

Irving Shipbuilding Inc.

Irving is the approved shipbuilder for the National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy's combat package. The combat package is valued at $29 billion and expected to span 20 to 30 years.

The Department is currently undergoing high-profile negotiations with this stakeholder. PWGSC's files relevant to this stakeholder are the Arctic Offshore Patrol Ship and the Canadian Surface Combatant under the National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy.

Kevin McCoy, President
Jim Irving, Co-Chief Executive Officer

Seaspan Vancouver Shipyards

Seaspan Vancouver Shipyards is the approved shipbuilder for the National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy's non-combat package. The non-combat package is valued at $7 billion.

The Department is currently undergoing high-profile negotiations with this stakeholder. PWGSC's files relevant to this stakeholder are the Offshore Fisheries Science Vessel, the Offshore Oceanographic Science Vessel, the Joint Support Ships and the Polar Icebreaker under the National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy.

Brian Carter, President
Jonathan Whitworth, Chief Executive Officer

Speakers of the Senate of Canada and the House of Commons

The Speakers are key stakeholders both in terms of the Department's custodial relationship with the Parliamentary Precinct and, specifically on the implementation of the Long Term Vision and Plan.

Once installed in their positions, we suggest that you meet with the two Speakers at your earliest convenience.