Ministerial Services, Your Single Window for Administrative Services

Ministerial Services

The Director General of Ministerial Services is the primary contact for all administrative requests coming from your office. Ministerial Services coordinates departmental activities aimed at providing you with efficient service delivery through a single-window approach.

The group responds in a timely manner to all administrative support requests from members of your staff.

Requests are made with your primary point of contact in Ministerial Services, who then coordinates the response with the appropriate departmental entities.

  • Primary point of contact:

    Anne-Marie Pelletier
    Director General, Ministerial Services and Access to Information
    Tel.: 819-956-5132
    Cell: 613-884-8706

Other Services provided to you

Departmental Liaison

The Departmental Liaison Officer is a member of the Deputy Minister's staff whose desk is located within your offices and is your office's contact for departmental business.


Communications services are provided to you through the Communications Branch Executive and Ministerial Services unit which includes the Ministerial Liaison function and Ministerial Events planning. The group liaises directly with Ministerial Communications Staff.