PWGSC National CADD Standard

2.0 Project Delivery

2.1 Drawing File Format

PWGSC requires all files to be compatible with Microsoft® Operating Systems. The CADD drawing format required for drawings is the AutoCAD® native format DWG file, i.e., they may not be submitted in Adobe® PDF, Autodesk® DWF, or any other simplified format unless specified in the contract. PWGSC will not supply or accept formats that are no longer supported by Autodesk®.

2.2 Project Start-up

All project drawings must be created using the PWGSC National CADD Standard. To ensure this requirement is met, PWGSC will undertake drawing coordination and quality assurance.

Where CADD services will be provided externally, the PWGSC project manager or technical authority will convey its requirements to the consultant or CADD service. PWGSC will provide the pertinent CADD drawings for the related facility or property, the drawing templates, the regional supplement to this standard and the symbol library if applicable. All new work must meet this standard irrespective of the condition of any existing files provided at the outset of work.

The PWGSC National CADD Standard is available on the PWGSC Web site at PWGSC National CADD Standard - Table of Contents.

2.2.1 Regional supplement and symbol library

Some of the regions have developed regional supplement and/or a symbol library, which is to be used as a complement to this national standard. The regional supplements are available on the PWGSC Web site at: CADD Standards.

2.2.2 CADD Base Plans

The CADD base plans maintained by PWGSC have been drawn from building and property surveys. The intent is to use the files for project drawings, and then PWGSC will be in charge of updating the base plans once the project is completed and measurements of the affected area(s) are verified.

Existing digital information, when available, is used to form the foundation for new project drawings. Any areas critical to the project should be verified by field checking.

New digital drawing files created must be modified to include the most up-to-date information contained in the National CADD Standard. Older legacy CADD data that is used in new drawing files must be updated to the current standard.

The project start-up meeting with the project manager or technical authority and CADD Coordinator should address the extent to which the existing digital files require verification and updating. All new work must meet this standard irrespective of the condition of any existing files provided at the outset of the work.

2.2.3 Template Drawing

Drawing templates set the default metric units, text styles, and dimension styles. Recognizing the differences between engineering drawings and architectural drawings, the templates are provided with dimension styles and lettering for multiple disciplines. PWGSC templates must be used to start a new project. Please visit the PWGSC National CADD Standard Web site or contact the PWGSC project manager regarding the use of drawing templates.

2.3 Quality Assurance of CADD Data

PWGSC will carry out quality assurance of delivered CADD data files to ensure adherence with the PWGSC National CADD Standard and regional supplements.

2.3.1 Digital File Review

  • Colour Assignment
    PWGSC colour/line weight assignment must be used. (See 3.2.5 Colour Assignment Standard)

  • Layer Management
    The PWGSC Layering Standard must be used. (See 3.2 Layering Standard)
    Standard layer names must be used.
    Entities must be on the correct layers.

  • Text Style Management
    Only standard AutoCAD® SHX fonts or TTF fonts can be used. (See 3.4 Text Style Standard)

  • Dimension Style / Multileader Style Management
    The PWGSC naming convention must be used. (See 3.5 Dimension Style / Multileader Style Standard)
    Associative dimensions must be used.

  • Linetype and Hatch Pattern Management
    Only standard AutoCAD® and/or PWGSC linetypes and hatch patterns can be used. (See 3.6 Linetype and Hatch Standard)
    Linetype display variables must be used correctly.

  • External Referencing
    The use of external references is authorized only if certain conditions are met. (See 2.3.3 External References (XREF))

  • PWGSC Title Blocks and Graphic Scales
    PWGSC title blocks must be used. Please visit the PWGSC National CADD Standard Web site or contact the PWGSC project manager.
    Title blocks must contain the minimum information (See 3.7 Title Blocks and Graphic Scales).
    Graphic scales or written scales must accompany all plans, sections, details, and elevations, etc.

  • 1:1 Metric Model
    Drawings must be modelled at full size using the International System of Units (S.I.)

  • Real-World Coordinate System
    Maintain coordinate systems integrity for 2D drawings.

2.3.2 Drawing file approval

PWGSC has jurisdiction over all drafting-related aspects of the final drawing, including but not limited to drawing content, title block layout, symbols, and font usage continuity throughout a drawing set. All drawings must be completed to the satisfaction of PWGSC.

In the absence of a drawing submission schedule, PWGSC reserves the right to request CADD data files at the midpoint (50%) of the scheduled work to conduct a CADD drafting review.

Note that the content of the digital CADD data file is just as important as the printed content, and no drawing will be accepted as final until all issues are resolved.

Delivered work that fails to meet any requirement in any of these areas will result in the work being deemed unacceptable. The consultant/CADD service will be required to correct the problem(s) at their cost. Furthermore, PWGSC will exercise its option to withhold payment of the contracted work as set out in the contract terms until the work is made right.

Alternatively, PWGSC may, if the consultant/CADD service refuses to correct the problem, make the corrections to the CADD data files and printed drawing plans and deduct the cost thereof from the consultant's/CADD service's fee. The consultant/CADD service grants to PWGSC an irrevocable licence to make such corrections and use the corrected CADD data files and printed drawing plans as it sees fit. Furthermore, PWGSC reserves the right to use the printed drawing plans resulting from the CADD data files with no payment obligation until the CADD data files are corrected.

2.3.3 External References (XREF)

The use of external references will be conditionally authorized if the regional supplement of the CADD standard where the work is being performed permits the use of xrefs.

When this condition is met, xrefs may only be used in conjunction with the "Sheet Set Manager" to support the transmission of drawing files in a compressed format.

In all the other cases, external references must be converted into blocks. (Do not BIND XREFs, instead use BIND INSERT.) Under no circumstances should a drawing contain referenced symbols; they must be inserted as blocks.

2.3.4 Raster Images

When separate raster images are included in a drawing, all related files containing images and information on coordinates, rotation angles, scaling, etc. are to be provided. As these files are essential for their geo-referencing, they must be delivered intact. Raster images should be used as a reference only and cannot replace the vector data normally required in drawing files.

2.3.5 Digital Signature

Drawing files containing digital signatures are not accepted and can not legally replace printed copies signed and stamped as original.

2.4 Work Completed

When work is complete and the drawing files are delivered to PWGSC, they must be reviewed for compliance with the National CADD Standard. The CADD service shall maintain the drawings in a suitable manner until all drawings for the project are verified and accepted by PWGSC. Once completed, a PWGSC will archive the file(s) in an electronic document and record management system.

2.4.1 File Delivery

File transfer will be stipulated by PWGSC on a per project basis by one of the methods listed below:

  • Submission and upload of drawing files to a project collaboration tool (PCT) designated by the contact person.
  • Submission and upload of drawing files to an information management tool designated by the contact person.
  • Submission and transfer of drawing files through e-mail.
  • Should a file transfer exceed the e-mail file transfer limit, the file can be uploaded to an FTP site if permitted under regional rules.
  • In the case of inability to access a FTP site, lack of Internet access, no permission, or security considerations of the drawing content (unencrypted Protected B, Protected C, Confidential, Secret, Top Secret), a portable electronic storage media (CD, DVD, USB key, etc.) will be delivered to the designated contact person.

Note: The FTP sites are not secure. Therefore, files containing sensitive information (requiring security clearance greater than Protected A) cannot be uploaded to this site and must be transferred via a portable electronic storage media.

After uploading the file, e-mail the following information to the designated contact person:

  • Project location
  • Project name
  • Project number
  • Fully qualified URL path/file name(s) link


  • Uploaded files must be named using only alphanumeric characters with no spaces.
  • All files are deleted from the site every second day. Timely notification is required to ensure file retrieval.
  • No files are to be presented as an executable (.exe extension).
  • Files should not be password-protected
  • Files should not contain any electronic signature.
  • Drawings should not contain hyperlinks.

2.5 Production of Contract Drawings

The following formats should be applied.

2.5.1 Sheet Size for Page Setup

This table shows the sheet designations and sizes for the drawing page setup. Drawing sheet size will conform to the following specifications:

Table Summary

This table shows the sheet designations and sizes for the drawing page setup.

Sheet Designation Overall Size (mm)
B1 707 x 1000
A0 841 x 1189
A1 594 x 841
A2 420 x 594
11 x 17 (Tabloid / Ledger) 279 x 432
14 x 8.5 (Legal Landscape) 356 x 216
8.5 x 14 (Legal Portrait) 216 x 356
11 x 8.5 (Letter Landscape) 279 x 216
8.5 x 11 (Letter Portrait) 216 x 279

Note: The paper size naming may vary depending on the printer drivers.

Note: When drawings larger than A0 are required, it is recommended that they use a width of 841 mm and a length in increments of 150 mm. Digital files of standard PWGSC or client title block formats will be provided in the required standard sizes and must not be altered or modified without authorization.

2.6 Disclaimers and Limitation of Liabilities

Maps, drawings, and data produced for PWGSC purposes should be considered for illustrative or reference purposes only by users outside of PWGSC.

PWGSC and its agents, consultants, contractors, or employees provide these materials and information "as is" without warranty of any kind, implied or express, as to the information being accurate or complete, and without any warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

PWGSC does not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the maps, drawings, data, or information incidental thereto. PWGSC recommends that users exercise their own skill and care with respect to their use or seek professional advice.

Under no circumstances will PWGSC be liable to any person or business entity for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or other damages as a result of any use of the maps, drawings, data, or any information incidental thereto, including, without limitation, any lost profits or business interruption.

2.7 Copyright

The Copyright Act protects all works (including drawings, charts, photos, etc.) from being copied without permission. Copying a work is called 'copyright infringement'. Copying including 'cutting and pasting', reproducing, publishing or transmitting any work without permission by any means is considered copyright infringement. All work is copyright protected even if it does not explicitly say so.

Without prejudice to any rights or privileges of the Crown, where any work is, or has been, prepared or published by or under the direction or control of Her Majesty or any government department, the copyright in the work shall, subject to any agreement with the author, belong to Her Majesty. The copyrights ownership can also be transferred to the client by written contract. Use of any PWGSC content without permission, in whole or in part, is strictly forbidden.

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