Esquimalt Graving Dock

The Esquimalt Graving Dock is the largest non-military hard bottom dry dock on the west coast of the Americas. Learn about its services, rates and code of conduct. Book a space for a vessel at the dock. Find information about the current construction projects, the most recent notices, and more.



Important notice (October 17, 2017): Update of Esquimalt Graving Dock web content and creation of a new online booking application

The Esquimalt Graving Dock web pages were updated on October 17, 2017. They have been redesigned and restructured to provide up-to-date and user-friendly information. The changes include a new web application to reserve space for a vessel at any of the dock facilities. To sign in or to create an account, please consult Booking space. If you experience a problem with the new booking application, please contact the dock.

Services and information

About the dock

Learn about the rates, regulations, location, services, dock dimensions, performance standard and the history of the dock.

Booking space

Reserve space for a vessel at any of the facilities of the dock.

Important notices and current construction projects

Find the latest notices about the dock and discover the current construction and maintenance projects.

Code of conduct

Learn your responsibilities when conducting business at the dock.

Marine sector companies

Find a list of marine sector companies that regularly book space at the dock.

Environmental management

Learn what we do to manage the dock in an environmentally responsible manner.

Social and economic benefit

Watch videos that show how our investment is bringing benefits to Canadians and First Nations in British Columbia.

Contact the dock

For more information about the dock, find out how to contact us.

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