Information bulletin: Guidelines for third parties submitting reports to Public Works and Government Services Canada in connection with a determination of ineligibility

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Effective date

This information bulletin is effective September 15, 2016.


The Ineligibility and Suspension Policy (the policy) enables Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) to issue information bulletins associated with the policy to provide greater clarity for informational purposes only.

Requirement for third party reports

As set out in the policy, a supplier may be required to retain the services of an independent third party in connection with a determination of ineligibility, if PWGSC requires:

In these cases, a third party proposed by a supplier and accepted by PWGSC must submit a report containing relevant information.

Content of a third party report

Third parties will be advised by PWGSC of the issues that must be addressed in their report and the types of information, where relevant and available, that may be required in any given case.

Possible involvement of a supplier in the commission of an affiliate's offence

A supplier may be determined to be ineligible under the Ineligibility and Suspension Policy if, in the opinion of PWGSC, the supplier directed, influenced, authorized, assented to, acquiesced in, or participated in the commission of a listed offence by an affiliate in the past three years. To support the determination process, a third party may wish to include the following in their report:

If any of the above information has changed since the commission of the offence, highlighting changes between the period(s) of wrongdoing and the date of the third party report would support PWGSC's determination process.

Information with respect to foreign charges or convictions

For the purposes of determining ineligibility on the basis of a foreign offence similar to a listed offence included in the policy, PWGSC will take into account the following factors:

To support PWGSC's determination process, a third party report may include:

Both lists are not intended to be exhaustive. Third parties are encouraged to be insightful and thorough in their reports.

Requests for additional information

PWGSC reserves the right to request additional information from third parties where required

How to contact us

If you have questions, please contact the Integrity Regime team:

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