Infographic: Honouring our fallen—War of 1812 remembered in Memorial Chamber

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This infographic explains why and how the War of 1812 is being remembered in the Memorial Chamber.

Read more about the Memorial Chamber.

Memorial Chamber Altars. Full text description provided below.

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Honouring our fallen—War of 1812 remembered in Memorial Chamber

The fallen

The names of the fallen from the War of 1812 are being added to the more than 118,000 names of those who died in service to Canada. They are recorded in the Memorial Chamber on Parliament Hill.

The Treaty

The addition of a War of 1812 Book of Remembrance and altar marks the 200th anniversary of the ratification of the Treaty of Ghent in 1815 that ended the war.

The Book

A handcrafted Book of Remembrance to commemorate the fallen from the War of 1812 was added to the seven existing books.

The altar

The book rests on a stone altar crafted from a block of Hoptonwood limestone. The stone comes from the same quarry as the stone for the original central altar, a gift from England. The poppy, a symbol of remembrance, is carved into the altar's bronze legs.

The Chamber

The altar stands in the Memorial Chamber, located at the heart of the Peace Tower on Parliament Hill. The original architect envisioned the Chamber as a sacred grove of trees surrounding and protecting the central altar.

The ceremony

Each morning, at eleven o'clock, the pages of the Books of Remembrance are reverently turned. Every name is honoured at least once during the year.

A link to a video concerning the new altars of the Memorial Chamber: Watch the evolving story of the books and altars.

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