PSPC YouTube Terms of Use

Public Services and Procurement Canada's (PSPC's) mandate is to be a common service agency for the Government of Canada's various departments, agencies and boards. With a strong focus on quality services and sound financial stewardship, we ensure optimum value by enabling other government departments and agencies to provide their programs and services to Canadians.

PSPC's YouTube accounts are a great way to interact with the department and learn about everything from government procurement and payroll and pension administration to greening government operations and more. We look forward to sharing information with you beyond the usual government web experience, but always encourage visits to our website for more detailed information.

The use of YouTube by PSPC is intended to encourage interaction between the user of this platform and PSPC, and in no way verifies or confirms either the accuracy of user comments or their compliance with the guidelines outlined here. PSPC does not endorse any of the views in comments posted by users. Comments in violation of these Terms of Use may result in PSPC deleting the comment and blocking the user in question to prevent further inappropriate comments.


The PSPC YouTube channels (PWGSCanada and TPSGCanada) are mainly used as an alternative method for accessing the material posted on the PSPC website.

Links to Other websites

Links to websites not under the control of the Government of Canada from our YouTube channels are provided solely for the convenience of users. Neither PSPC nor the Government of Canada is responsible for the accuracy, currency or reliability of the content on these sites. The Government of Canada does not offer any guarantee in that regard and is not responsible for the information found through these links, nor does it endorse the sites and their content.

Posting Frequency

The number of videos posted will vary depending on when new content becomes available. During some periods, we may post significantly more or fewer videos than average. Videos will be posted Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST/EDT.


PSPC's YouTube channels are also subject to downtime that may be out of PSPC's control, because YouTube servers are managed by a third party. As such, we accept no responsibility for the YouTube website becoming unresponsive or unavailable.


You are required to have a valid YouTube account to subscribe to PSPC's YouTube channel.


At this time, PSPC only subscribes to other Government of Canada institutions and organizations that we believe are relevant to the mandate of our work. This includes non-profit organizations, associations and other governmental agencies.

We will only take steps to remove or block subscribers if they do not abide by our YouTube Terms of Use. Users may also be reported to YouTube if they do not comply with the service provider's terms of use.

The appearance of a YouTube user as a subscriber of the PSPC account does not imply endorsement, nor does PSPC subscribing to any particular channel or following any particular user.

Feedback and Messages

Feedback and interaction is highly encouraged. All video and channel comments, as well as email sent to the YouTube account will be read, and any emerging themes or helpful suggestions will be passed to the relevant people in the department. Although we are not able to reply individually to all messages, they will be handled on a case-by-case basis and responded to when deemed appropriate.

If we feel a comment or a question posed to PSPC requires a response and/or a greater level of detail, we may develop a formal response and distribute the information through other channels such as our website or other social media channels. We will pay attention to emerging themes and helpful suggestions and look forward to this potential interaction.

Reporters are asked to send questions to the appropriate individual in Media Relations and to refrain from submitting questions on YouTube.

PSPC cannot engage in issues of party politics or answer questions that break the rules of our commenting policy.


YouTube, as a third party service provider, is not bound by Government of Canada policies for web accessibility.

The Government of Canada is committed to achieving a high standard of accessibility and is working to address issues with third-party service provider platforms. If you have problems accessing any information on the site, visit the PSPC website.


Information posted by PSPC is subject to the Copyright Act of Canada. For more information, see the Terms and Conditions page on the PSPC website.

Official Languages

PSPC respects the Official Languages Act and is committed to ensuring that information products are available in both French and English, of equal quality. Videos will be posted simultaneously in both official languages—in English on PWGSCanada, and in French on TPSGCanada.

Through the very nature of the social media forum, content will vary between the English and French YouTube accounts, particularly where messages and comments are concerned. Any comments that originate from PSPC will be made available in both official languages when it concerns both English and French communities. Comments, video responses, and questions that require a response will be answered in the official language of origin.

Users should be aware that some links direct users to sites of organizations or other entities that are not subject to the Official Languages Act and that these sources are only available in the language in which they are written.

The YouTube interface is available in multiple languages including English and French. To change the interface's language settings, select either “English” or “French” from the language selection menu available in YouTube's website footer (the bottom of the website).


PSPC's YouTube channels are not Government of Canada websites and represent our presence on YouTube, a third-party service provider. Users are encouraged to read YouTube's privacy policy.

Information shared with PSPC on YouTube is subject to the provisions of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act, which means that the information you share with PSPC's YouTube account may be captured, stored, accessed and disclosed in response to a request under either of these acts.

The personal information provided by you to PSPC's social media accounts is collected under the authority of the Financial Administration Act (FAA), in accordance with the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada. This information is being collected to capture conversations between you and PSPC via the Department's social media accounts. “Conversations” include questions and answers, comments, “likes”, retweets and other interactions where you provide feedback on content that the Department has posted, or when the Department provides you with information based on content that you post. The personal information collected is described in Personal Information Bank entitled Public Communications. Under the provisions of the Privacy Act, individuals have the right of access to, correction of and protection of their personal information.

To protect your own privacy and the privacy of others, PSPC recommends that you do not include personal information in your comments or video response. Personal information includes home addresses and telephone numbers, photographs containing images of identifiable individuals, and any other information consisting of personal information as defined in paragraph 3 of the Privacy Act. Should you have any questions about your privacy rights as explained in this notice, please contact the departmental Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Directorate.

Additional Information

If you are looking for more information about the Department, please consult our website.

The usual ways of contacting us for official correspondence are detailed in the Contact Us section of our website.

If you have questions about this policy, please contact

Contact information

PSPC's YouTube channels (PWGSCanada and TPSGCanada) are managed by the Department's Corporate Communications Web team, located at:

11 Laurier Street, Portage III
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0S5


For further contact details, please see the Contact Us page on PSPC's website.

For media enquiries

Media representatives can contact PSPC's Media Relations team during regular working hours.

Thank you for taking the time to read YouTube our Terms of Use. We encourage your participation in our discussion and look forward to an active exchange of ideas.