Organization and personnel security screening

Get help navigating the security screening process: learn how to obtain the required security screening for your organization, appoint a company security officer and get security screening for your personnel to work on sensitive government contracts.

Obtain security screening for your organization

As the first step in the contract security screening process, your organization must be sponsored and registered in the Contract Security Program.

The type of clearance you need is determined by the requirements of the government contract you are bidding and working on. Find out what type you need and how to get it:

Find out how organizations must renew and upgrade their clearances through the Contract Security Program:

To register in the Contract Security Program, your organization must appoint a company security officer. Find out how the appointment process works and the roles and responsibilities of the company security officer:

Apply for security screening for your personnel

Once your organization has been cleared, you must get security screening for your personnel through the Contract Security Program.

The type of personnel security screening you need is determined by the requirements of your contract. Find out how to obtain, update, duplicate and transfer personnel security screenings through the Contract Security Program:

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