Request for visit form

All fields identified as (required) must be completed and the form communicated via government-to-government.

Other format available for download:
Request for visit form—PDF version (1.8MB)
Instructions for completing the PDF request for visit form—PDF version (165KB)
Alternative formats and plug-ins

1. Type of visit request (select one of the following options)
Section 1—Amendment options (select at least one of the following options)

Depending on the laws or regulations of the countries involved, a one-time visit request that is issued for the posting of personnel may require additional information or documents to be included with the Request for visit form.

2. Types of information, material or site access (select one of the following options)
3. Summary

By default, the boxes in this section display the number “1” and cannot be directly changed. These numbers will update automatically if you add additional sites in Annex 1 or add additional visitors in Annex 2.

4. Administrative data
5. Requesting government agency, organization or industrial facility (select one of the following options)
6. Government agency(ies), organization(s) or industrial facility(ies) to be visited

Complete Annex 1

7. Date of visit
8. Type of initiative
a. Select one of the two following options (required)
b. Select one of the two following options (required)
9. Is the visit pertinent to (select one of the following options)

Specify the full name of the government project or program, foreign military sales case, request for proposal or tender offer. Abbreviations should be avoided.

10. Subject to be discussed, justification or purpose


  • In case of a recurring visit, this item of the Request for visit form should state "recurring visits" as the first words in the data element (for example, recurring visits to discuss...)
  • It is strongly advised to repeat the subject to be discussed and/or the justification of the visit in the language of the receiving country
  • Make sure to describe the subject to be discussed in a way that it does not reveal any classified information since the completed Request for visit form is considered an unclassified document
11. Anticipated highest level of information/material or site access to be involved

Only if required by the laws or regulations of the countries involved. Select “Other” if pertaining to another level of information, material or site access to be involved, such as NATO Secret. It can also be used for any additional security caveats such as “Secret–eyes only.”

Select one of the following options
12. Particulars of visitor(s)

Complete Annex 2

13. The security officer of the requesting agency, organization or industrial facility
14. Certification of security clearance level

To be completed by government certifying authority only. In accordance with the laws or regulations of the countries involved, government certifying authority must also complete this item for Restricted.

This section may be completed by the appropriate official of the embassy of the requesting country as per national legislations, policies or directives.

Notes for the certifying authority:

  • Insert name, address, telephone number, and email address
  • Sign, date and stamp, as applicable
  • If the certifying authority corresponds with the requesting National Security Authority, insert in this item: “See item 15 of the RFV form”
15. Requesting national security authority or designated security authority

To be completed by the requesting National Security Authority (NSA) or the Designated Security Authority (DSA) only as per below instructions.

  • Insert name, address, telephone number, and email address
  • Sign, date and stamp, as applicable

This section may be completed by the appropriate official of the embassy of the requesting country as per national legislations, policies or directives.

16. Remarks

Include a remark about the level of the contract (Protected A, B, or C).


  • In case of an emergency visit, it is mandatory to give the reasons for the emergency visit in this field of the Request for visit form. The particulars of the knowledgeable person, as per Multinational Industrial Security Working Group (MISWG) document number 7, paragraph 7.4, should also be identified in this field of the Request for visit form
  • This space can be used for certain administrative requirements (for example, proposed itinerary, request for hotel or transportation)
  • This space is also available for the receiving NSA or DSA for processing (for example, “no security objections”)
  • In case a special briefing is required, state the type of briefing and the date that the briefing was given
Annex 1 to Request for visit form government agency(ies), organization(s) or industrial facility(ies) to be visited

Select the appropriate checkbox (only one box) for the government agency, organization or industrial facility to be visited. Repeat for every site to be visited.

Insert the full name, full physical address (include city, province or state, and postal code), telephone number and fax number. Insert the name, email and telephone number of the main point of contact or the person with whom the appointment for the visit was made. Insert the name, email and telephone number of the security officer or the secondary point of contact.


  • For visits to the United States, complete one Request for visit form with its annexes for each agency, organization or facility to be visited
  • For visits to military sites in the United States, it is mandatory to specify which military unit will be visited (for example, Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps or Defense Intelligence Agency)
Site 1 (select one of the following options)
Contact information—site 1
Annex 2 to Request for visit form particulars of visitor(s)

Select the appropriate checkbox (only one box) for the type of employment of the visitor (for example, military, defence public servant, government, industry or embedded contractor, international organization employee (NATO, EU, etc.)). Repeat for each visitor.

Visitor 1 (select one of the following options)
Contact information—visitor 1
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