Contract Security Program reminder and updates
May 19, 2015
The purpose of this email is to inform you of an important update to the Contract Security Program (CSP) North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) personnel security screening process.
Effective date
Effective immediately, no further NATO Personnel Security Clearance Certificates will be issued.
Why is this change being made?
This change is being made to allow Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) to align its process with the NATO personnel security briefing process and to accelerate the processing of NATO security clearances.
What has changed?
- NATO Personnel Security Clearance Certificates are being replaced by a new NATO security briefing form, to be completed and signed by the Company Security Officer (CSO) or an Alternate Company Security Officer (ACSO), as well as the screened individuals
- A copy of this new NATO security briefing form will be sent to the CSO or ACSO, by the Industrial Security Sector (ISS) Designated Security Authority (DSA), following receipt of a NATO Personnel Security Clearance request, for an employee of their organization
- By signing the new NATO security briefing form the individual and his/ her Organisation’s appointed Security Official (CSO or ACSO) acknowledge their responsibilities
- An electronic scanned copy of a signed NATO security briefing form must be returned to the ISS DSA via email, at this new address:
- Once a scanned and signed copy of the new NATO security briefing form is submitted to the above address, and individuals understand and agree with their responsibilities, they are considered NATO security cleared. Only then can they be allowed access to NATO information or assets, when required. (The level of the NATO security clearance granted will always match the level of the national PWGSC security clearance level of the individual)
- Visiting individuals can now use a CSP-approved Request for Visit (RFV) form as a means to demonstrate they have been authorized to access NATO information, assets or sites
What is the Industrial Security Sector expecting of you?
- The CSO or an ACSO must ensure that every new employee, those needing an update, an upgrade or a downgrade, agree with their responsibilities by signing the new NATO security briefing form submitted to them
- An electronic copy of the signed NATO security briefing form is sent to the ISS DSA
- The original copy of the signed NATO security briefing form is retained by the CSO or the ACSO, as part of the individual’s record
- The CSO or ACSO understands that the implementation of this new process may be subject to future compliance inspections by ISS personnel
If you have questions regarding the updated NATO personnel screening process, please contact the ISS Client Service Centre at or call our toll-free number: 1-866-368-4646.
Our phone menu options have changed. NATO related questions are considered an "other type question". Please select this menu option when calling our Client Service Centre and an Information Officer will assist you.