Subcontracting security requirements

Are you hiring a company to work with you on a Government of Canada or foreign government contract with security requirements? The Contract Security Program will help you ensure that the subcontractor meets the security requirements of that contract.

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Responsibility of the prime contractor

The prime contractor is the organization that wins the bid to work on a Government of Canada or foreign government contract. The subcontractor is hired by the prime contractor to work on part of the contract.

It is the prime contractor’s responsibility to get approval from the Contract Security Program before awarding a subcontract with security requirements.

Getting approval

To get approval contact the Contract Security Program.

The program will work with your organization to ensure that the subcontractor:

Subcontractor screening

The prime contractor’s company security officer (CSO) or alternate company security officer (ACSO) is responsible to:

Note: Each subcontract needs a unique subcontract number and security requirements checklist.

International subcontracting

Before you enter into a subcontract with a foreign organization, your organization must contact the program to:

Learn more about security requirements for international contracts and subcontracts.

Canada–United States subcontracts

You must obtain written approval from the program and the contract's procurement officer before awarding a subcontract to a United States organization.

To obtain approval, the prime contractor must provide the program with:

Completing the security requirements checklist

The security requirements checklist is a federal government form used to define the security requirements of a contract. The checklist must be completed for all contracts and subcontracts with security requirements.

Your organization’s CSO is responsible for completing the checklist. The CSO will identify the security levels required with guidance from the procurement officer assigned to the prime contract.

The security level for the subcontract can be lower, but not higher, than that of the prime contract. Remember to include the prime contract file number in all subcontract documentation to avoid delays.

The image below shows you the top section of the security requirements checklist, and how to fill it out if you are subcontracting:

Screen shot of top section of the security requirements checklist. Image description below.
Text description of the security requirements checklist image

If your organization is subcontracting, you must provide the following:

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