Engaging Canadians on the future of Canada Post

This infographic highlights the number of Canadians and key stakeholders that were engaged in the Canada Post Review.

Engaging Canadians on the Future of Canada Post - PDF version (2.7 Mb)

Infographic: All about the Canada Post Review - See description below
Description for infographic: Engaging Canadians on the future of Canada Post

Phase 1

Over 22,000 Canadians and stakeholders shared their views with the task force.

3,848 Canadians responded to a survey on Canada Post.

Over 150,000 social media likes, impressions and visits.

The task force held over 40 face-to-face meetings key stakeholders, who represent more than:

  • 109,000 independent businesses
  • 45,000 retail businesses
  • 2,000 municipalities
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