Canada Post Review videos

Canadians’ views on postal services

Canadians from across the country were asked to share their views on Canada Post services. Here is what they had to say.

Canada Post Review expectations

Canadians from coast to coast to coast share their expectations of the Canada Post Review.


What do you hope the Canada Post Review achieves

I hope they find a way to continue operating and offering you know home delivery mail delivery service and they don't take the opportunity to cannibalize a very important cultural aspect of our country.

Honestly, certainly, as a city dweller, it affects me in varying degrees because I'm still getting my mail delivered directly to my home.

I hope they have a good review. I still use Canada Post to mail Christmas cards and I definitely use Xpresspost.

However, I've heard that they want to get rid of postmen delivering mail to your door. Some people are against that. I support that because we practically no longer need it. It's easy to go and pick up your mail from a mailbox.

I hope that Canada Post becomes more relevant in this kind of age of commerce where everything is online. I know that most people don't use mail like they used to. I mean Christmas time, yeah, there's always a rush in the beginning of December, November to get all your Christmas cards out on time but now people are sending more e-cards and e-invitations even for weddings and things like that.

I would be curious to know if there's really something they'll find that should be kept, meaning, home mail delivery, or if they'll continue with the mailboxes. Yeah, I'm curious about that because I do really enjoy receiving my mail at home.

I'd really like to see it create a sustainable organization for Canada Post. I mean the infrastructure is there, we've got some great services we've had in the past it just hasn't seemed to be managed well enough to deliver the services that Canadians need especially in rural areas.

I'm convinced that Canada Post will do as well as any other business and adapt to changes brought on by the Internet.

I'm hoping that Canada Post review will achieve more insight on what's happening in this modern day, I think Canada Post has been thinking too much of the past and not as much in the future and I think things are going to change with online purchasing. A lot of people are doing that more.

Future Canada Post services

Canadians share the way they anticipate using Canada Post in the future.


How do you anticipate using Canada Post services in the future

I'm going to continue to use home delivery and I'm going to transition some of my bills to online stuff but I actually like getting some paper bills. And I enjoy getting mail and I enjoy getting parcels. You know I'm using Canada Post for e-commerce purchases of sporting goods that kind of stuff so you know continuing to receive home delivery is definitely important to me.

There won't be much change for me. I'll continue going to the post office or to Canada Post counters in person to buy stamps and send packages. Also, sometimes, I'll be looking at stamp collections and buy a set when there's one that's of interest to me.

Mailing Christmas cards. I think that's so important to get something solid, it's nice to open up a card and getting it from your family.

I don't see things changing for me. I have used Canada Post to send, let's say, cheques and things to friends. I remember once borrowing my friend's keys, bringing them back to Winnipeg with me and using Canada Post to send them back to that friend.

I used to live in Toronto and the super mailboxes were always as far as I can remember we never had that door to door service.

We use Canada Post less and less. We communicate more often using the Internet. It's faster and stuff. However, when you want to send special mail, it's always using Canada Post.

I personally use it quite often to receive all of our mail for our farmer's market here. Which is payments, that's always a nice thing.

Actually, we have often used them without really knowing how. I mean, I buy lots on the Internet and it often says that the items are delivered by Canada Post.

I think I will anticipate using them the same way that I always have. I like the idea of sending a letter and receiving a letter.

Current Canada Post services

Canadians share what services they currently have and what they like about it.


What type of mail delivery service do you presently have and what do you like about it

Presently I have for postal service I have it to my door and I enjoy it immensely with my mother in law being in her 80s, for her the mail is very important. So having to go to a superbox which would be a distance for her to walk in the winter with ice build up and things like that. It is nice receiving it at home and knowing you can stay in your pajamas and open up your mail is great.

I use a service, but it's not directly to my door. It involves mailboxes, and I have to admit that there are some advantages as well as some inconveniences. One advantage is the fact that it forces me to walk daily. One disadvantage is how hard it is when the weather is bad. But I like the service in general.

The mail service I have now is directly to my door and I enjoy it, I get my mail at a regular time. The mailmen that I have I've had for years and always talked to them, always friendly.

Where I live, the delivery site is mailboxes located on a street corner. We like it because it's near our home. If we're expecting a package, they leave us a notice to go pick up the package at the post office— which isn't that far from where we live. I'm satisfied with that—in fact, we've been operating like this for twenty years or so, and I think it's just fine too.

I have residential mail delivery service and it's a home office so I get some business mail as well, and I like that they come at a good time every day. The carriers are polite, professional and friendly and the mail is rarely damaged. I don't think I've ever lost a piece of mail or had one lost. So the reliability is high and that's important to me.

However, as you can see, over there, as you can tell by the size of the trees on that street, it's an old neighbourhood, so I'm one of those folks receiving mail at home.

We have two, we have the communal mailbox and we also have a PO box. I like the communal mailbox because you know one, you go out and pick up the mail and nobody's coming to your door disturbing you or disturbing the dogs. It's just easy, I can pick it up when I want, I don't have to worry about my mailbox being filled up and then someone saying "oh they're not home for seven days."

What matters most to Canadians

Canadians share what matters most to them when using Canada Post services.


What matters most to you when using Canada Post services (speed, cost, reliability, frequency)

Reliability would be my first priority just because what I said about sending parcels overseas and making sure that my family gets it. And then I'd say speed would be my second, just sometimes I need things to be sent the next day.

Right off the bat, I think reliability. When you buy something off the Internet, you want it to get to your door after having paid for it in advance, right? Anyway, that's my priority.

They're all important, I think reliability is number one, cost number two. Frequency is good, it's nice to have a standard of mail delivery that's consistent, whether it's three days or two days or one day. It could be a little bit longer as long as it's consistent, so you know what your late times are so you can get your goods to someone at a certain time frame.

I like the cost and delivery times to be reasonable, and I like to track the location of my online purchases. I like that service. You know, I've already used tracking numbers to help us see where our package is. I really like that service, actually.

When I use Canada Post services, part of what I really enjoy is it is a Canadian service. I like speed and also I think that cost is very important to me.

I'd say the speed, the quality, the cost, that's pretty much generally what people want. Often, when you order something online, you'll have the choice between Canada Post, UPS, Purolator, and what determines the service you use is cost, reliability, the company name. Canada Post is still a good brand.

I believe that when I use the services of Canada Post I like the friendliness of going into the post office. The reliability is important, to ensure the package that I am delivering is going to get there.

Everything's important. My family members live in other Canadian provinces, so I rely on Canada Post to get my mail delivered on time. For sure, you have to get it done ahead of time; but in the end, the cost of stamps is much cheaper than using a courrier service. And then again, everyone enjoys receiving beautiful letters and greeting cards.

I really like the fact that it's consistent, I can choose between one of three different levels of service as far as sending a package. I know that I can get a confirmation if I want to get it and generally speaking their pricing has been pretty much in line with the other private companies that are out there.

How Canadians use Canada Post

Canadians share how often they use Canada Post services to receive and pay their bills, send letters or gifts or receive online orders.


How often do you use Canada Post services to receive and pay your bills, send letters or gifts, or receive online orders

I do pay probably two thirds of my bills online, I do receive some bills in the mail and I send cheques to pay people my mail, in about two thirds of my bills.

Online, buying online, I'd say maybe once a month. As far as me mailing things, that's rare. I'd say once every six months, maybe. In terms of receiving, we definitely still receive some bills there, by mail.

Probably for most of the year when we're running the market it's probably about 3 days a week that I receive product. I don't send a lot of things through the market. And then for my personal, all my bills and my payments come to me year round so another two to three days a week.

I no longer use mail to pay my bills. I do bank transfers. However, you also have to do it ahead of time because the payment doesn't always get there within 24 hours. When it comes to letters and gifts, yes, of course I use it regularly. There's always a birthday or something to celebrate. As for online purchases, it's more my children who do that.

Most of my bills, anything personal mailing is done through Canada Post, like invitations, gifts and things like that. I will do that by Canada Post but receiving it depends on the shipping company.

I'd say at least five to six times a month. We buy lots of products, for travel, tickets to shows, things like that, online. They're often delivered by Canada Post, actually more often than not. The delivery is done by Canada Post.

Often, I send letters I send parcels. I enjoy sending out things to people who are away.

I would say that quite often, probably every week, I order things online, and we'll also send a couple of packages several times a month.

Minister's video: May 5, 2016

Canada Post Review launch.


Judy M. Foote, Minister of Public Services and Procurement

There have been reviews of Canada Post in the past – this one is different. It is fully open and transparent, and it is evidence-based so that informed decisions can be made. The review is focusing on the needs and expectations of Canadians. The Government wants to hear from citizens about their needs and expectations of postal services. Canadians must have a say in any major decisions about the future of Canada Post.

Françoise Bertrand, Task Force Chair

With this review, we are looking at things from a fresh perspective, tapping into innovative ideas and presenting viable options to ensure the financial sustainability of Canada Post moving forward.

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