Discover how we serve Canadians
This section focuses on how we innovate in our business and demonstrates how we serve Canadians. We are a service organization so when we serve our clients we are having an impact on the lives of Canadians. Find out about initiatives such as our Language Comprehension Tool, #100 Wellington, our Build in Canada Innovation Program, and more! This page contains the documents that pop-up throughout the “Discover how we serve Canadians” section of the #DiscoverPSPC video.

Discover how we serve Canadians
Slide 1:
Discover how we serve Canadians
Slide 2:
When we innovate in serving our clients, we are helping them better serve Canadians.
Slide 3:
LEANing our processes helps us improve the way we do business.
- hiring experts to help lean various processes;
- offering Green Belt training to key employees;
- setting up a department-wide Lean Community of Practice for employees to collaborate and provide expertise to the Innovation Lab.
Slide 4:
Exploring new language technologies
- Language Comprehension Tool: Completed pilot and launched to 39 departments and agencies
- Remote interpretation: Completed pilot and offered a total of 29 times to date
Slide 5:
#100Wellington: We’ve held public consultations on the future of the 100 Wellington building in Ottawa.
Image: “Have your say on the future of #100Wellington”
Canadians from coast to coast to coast have submitted their opinions and ideas via the online survey. We received over 7000 responses!
Transcript of the “Take a look inside 100 Wellington” video:
Soft instrumental music is played in the background throughout the video.
The following text appears on the blank screen: Help us turn this building into a special destination.
The text disappears.
Wide shot of 100 Wellington.
Low-angle close-up of exterior architectural features of 100 Wellington Street.
Low-angle close-up of exterior architectural features of 100 Wellington Street, moving up along the building.
Wide shot of the south west corner of the building, with the Centre Block and Peace Tower in the background.
Wide shot of 100 Wellington’s dark-coloured main door (exterior).
Wide shot of the 100 Wellington’s main entrance (interior). Sunlight gently fills the space through a half moon window above the off-white door.
Wide shot, moving right to left, of the first floor and marble staircase.
Close-up, moving up along a light-coloured marble staircase.
Wide shot, moving right to left, of the dim lit second floor, with wood floor and American Oak wall paneling. At the back, sunlight illuminates a hallway and an elevator.
Close-up, moving up, of a closed elevator door, with an antique floor indicator.
Wide shot, moving left to right, inside the former U.S. ambassador’s office, with wood floor, Canadian Knotty Pine wall paneling and dark-coloured marble fireplace.
Wide shot, through an open window of the former U.S. ambassador’s office. Visitors are gathered on Parliament Hill’s east lawn to watch the Changing of the Guard ceremony, with the Centre Block and Peace Tower in the background.
Cut to black and music stops.
The following text appears on the blank screen: Have your say! Fill out the online survey before September 9.
(Text fades to black)
(Canada Wordmark)
Slide 6:
The Canada Gazette turned 175! It's older than the Confederation!
The Canada Gazette is the official newspaper of the government, publishing new Acts of Parliament.
Not only can a great deal of Canada’s history be found in the proclamations published in the Gazette, but it has served the important role of connecting Canadians to their government!
Slide 7:
Build in Canada Innovation Program
Through our Build in Canada Innovation Program, the Government of Canada can test Canadians’ innovations in a real-world environment!
Transcript of the Build in Canada Innovation Program video:
(Orchestral pop music plays.)
(The Build in Canada Innovation Program logo appears.)
(An innovator is demonstrating his innovation on a tablet to a client.)
Through the Build in Canada Innovation Program, the Government of Canada can test your innovation in a real-world environment!
We want to be your first sale.
(A man is creating a robotic arm on his computer.)
(Another man is building a prototype of the arm.)
(A young man in a wheelchair is using a prototype of the robotic arm to open a fridge door and hold a pitcher of juice.)
We test your Canadian innovation before it’s out on the market. If you build it, we will buy it and test it, so you can improve it and sell it to more buyers, here at home and around the world.
(Engineers are inspecting a small component of the robotic arm.)
(A computer-aided robot is building a part of the robotic arm.)
(A map of Canada appears. The camera slowly zooms into Ontario.)
Aeryon Labs and Amika Mobile are two Ontario-based companies that have benefitted from participating in the Build in Canada Innovation Program.
(Aeryon Labs’s logo appears.)
Launched in 2007, Aeryon Labs is the premier manufacturer of small unmanned aerial systems.
(A drone sits in a field. It has four arms with rotors, four legs and a camera mounted to its base.)
(A man wearing a camouflage military uniform guides the drone with a tablet device.)
(The tablet screen displays a map of the region, and the man uses a stylus to select a destination for the drone.)
Their product, called Aeryon Scout, is a faster, cheaper, safer and more accurate method of collecting aerial imagery and data than the method used by satellites, planes or helicopters. It’s reliable, easy to operate and does not require users to have remote control pilot skills to fly them.
(Video footage from the drone shows it flying over a forest.)
(A computer program shows a realistic 3D graphic of the forest from above.)
(Video footage from the drone shows it flying over a city park and landing beside a parked car.)
Their testing opportunity through the Build in Canada Innovation Program allowed them to use feedback received from their testing partner and make improvements to their product.
(The testing partner employee is testing the drone outside and in a laboratory.)
(A man is completing a form while inspecting the drone’s camera.)
With the Canadian government as a testing partner, Aeryon was able to showcase their product to governments in other countries around the globe.
(An Aeryon employee giving a presentation about the drone.)
Participating in BCIP helped Aeryon generate new business and hire more employees as a result.
(Employees are assembling the drone in a factory.)
Amika Mobile is an Ottawa-based company focused on public safety and security.
(Amika Mobile’s logo appears.)
Their product, Amika Mobility Server, automatically discovers any mobile devices, sends critical alerts and receives responses in the event of emergencies on any device and on any network.
(A group of servers display flashing lights and they are transmitting information.)
(A 3D graphic of Earth depicts the location of mobile devices worldwide.)
(Several employees in a control room are observing satellite signals and camera images on computer screens.)
If there is an emergency, the Mobility Server detects and sends alerts to any device—and waits for a response from people affected. The product can also provide people with critical information on what they should do and where they should go in an emergency situation. Amika’s Mobility Server communicates with mobile apps that are designed to alert first responders of a user’s location and even confirm to loved ones that that person is ok.
(A polygraph is detecting and recording information.)
(Several signal towers are sending out alerts.)
(A city loses power and emergency vehicles’ lights flash to depict an emergency.)
(Several Amika Mobility Servers’ lights are flashing and they are sending and receiving information.)
(A man is looking at a smartphone. Amika Mobility’s app is displaying the message “I am OK.”) Simply put, their innovation saves lives.
(The man and a woman are walking down the street while looking at the smartphone app. They are happy.)
Making that first sale through the BCIP has helped Amika access new markets in the U.S. and around the world.
(A 3D graphic of Earth shows an expanding web of lines to depict Amika accessing new markets around the world.)
Participating in the program has helped Amika grow as a business and, as a result, they’ve hired new employees and generated more sales.
(An Amika employee is demonstrating an Amika Mobility Server to a new Amika employee.)
The Build in Canada Innovation Program helps businesses get their cutting-edge innovations from the lab to the marketplace.
(The Build in Canada Innovation Program logo appears followed by the departmental signature of Public Works and Government Service Canada and the Government of Canada wordmark.)
For more information, visit:
End of video.
Slide 8:
- We are collaborating with the science and technology departments to develop an approach to investment in science and infrastructure.
- We continue to rehabilitate our Parliament Buildings to preserve them for future generations of Canadians to enjoy: Discover the Parliamentary Precinct
- We also work with other departments to repurpose space to address homelessness and support refugee housing. We assisted in the resettlement of Syrian refugees by arranging for military, charter and commercial flights.
- We collaborate with communities and first nations to deliver major environmental remediation projects such as Rock Bay and Esquimalt Harbour.
- We implemented our frontline staff’s ideas to streamline the security screening process. The result? We’ve met our performance standards and are increasing efficiency for industry and the GC!
- And more!
Slide 9:
(Zoom out to see an overview of all the information that this presentation contains.)
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