Discover our workforce
This section focuses on our efforts to recruit, welcome and onboard new employees. It also highlights the work we’re doing to retain and support our employees through talent management, engagement, knowledge transfer, mental health and well-being, and much more. This page contains the documents that pop-up throughout the “Discover our workforce” section of the #DiscoverPSPC video
PSPC in numbers

Long description: PSPC in numbers
PSPC in numbers
Discover our Workforce
Approximately 13,250 employees across the country.
We recruit…
Since January 2016, we’ve
- Hired 849 indeterminate employees. 169 were hired from outside of the PS
- Hired 1050 students
- Bridged 66 students
This summer, we hired more than 450 students, a 19% increase over the same time period last year.
From 2009-2010 to 2015-2016, there has been an 8% increase in Gen X employees and a 62% increase of Gen Y indeterminate employees.
We’ve reduced the length of time key positions remain vacant from 158 to 87 days.
We onboard…
We have 2 corporate onboarding packages. We also hold orientation events across the country.
We manage talent…
362 employees currently have formal talent management plans in progress.
We’re build respectful workplaces…
More than 50 articles shared department-wide on mental health, duty to accommodate, or other aspects of workplace wellbeing.
190 workshops on mental health and workplace well-being for +4000 employees.
We are Diverse
Our Diversity Action plan is based on the Canadian Human Rights Commission’s Human Rights Maturity Model. We evaluate our progress yearly. PSPC is represented in all 4 Employment Equity groups at the departmental level.
We have 5 Diversity Networks with +2800 members who …who’ve organized or supported +50 events this year.
Discover our Workplace
We support flexible work…
+/- 17,000 notebooks have been deployed.
+4,000 employees now have access to wifi in their offices.
3,793 positions identified as suitable for telework
+/- 2,000 positions using telework (at least 1 day/month).
To accommodate increased telework, 2 new servers have been added, and the network capacity has been increased by 50%.
We transform…
15 major transformation initiatives and 21 corporate Blueprint 2020 initiatives.
6000+ PSPC users have completed GCDOCs training
The number of documents in GCDOCS has increased by over 4x since last year.
Discover How we Serve Canadians
We serve our clients…
PSPC employees’ overall familiarity with the Client Service Strategy (pdf, 1.01 Mb) increased from 77% to 97% for managers and from 63% to 79% for employees.
We provide accommodation to parliamentarians and more than 265,000 public servants in 1,583 locations across Canada.
106 departments and agencies use our Shared Travel Services (STS).
Government employees purchased over 311,000 air and rail tickets through the STS solution in 2015/2016.
We manage the translation of +/- 1,000,000 words per day on behalf of other federal organizations and provide translation and interpretation services for more than 2,000 parliamentary meetings
Our Language Comprehensive Tool pilot project has now been deployed to over 30 departments and the tool has been used for +368,000 translation requests.
We manage 74 MOUs with client departments for the purchase of GCDOCS and RDIMS licenses. We’ve distributed 136,303 licenses!
We process and image more than 30.4 million pages, annually, for federal government departments and agencies.
We Serve Canadians…
Over 7000 Canadians participated in our consultations of the future of the historic 100 Wellington St. building.
We’ve awarded more than 200 contracts worth more than $74M through our Build in Canada Innovation Program since 2010.
We manage approximately $15 billion of procurements on behalf of other federal departments and agencies – around 40% goes to Canadian small and medium enterprises.
We handle over $2.3 trillion in cash flow transactions through the Receiver General function as treasurer.
We innovate…
We have 2 Innovation Labs
We’ve engaged +1000 employees through Innovation Summits, Cafes and various sessions.
Through a Rapid Results pilot in one branch, we increased GCDOCS uptake from 64% to 96% in 100 days!
Discover What We’ve Learned
We check the pulse…
We did 2 departmental Pulse Check Surveys in 2016
Round 1:
55% of respondents believe that senior management will try to resolve concerns raised.
29% have observed improvements since the 2014 Public Service Employee Survey.
We need to manage change…
1 National Master Standing Offer
5 training streams
+50 employees are now certified Change Management practitioners
+45 Executives/Senior Managers Trained
+100 employees trained in Manager/Supervisor Training
5 employees trained in “Train the Trainer”
+45 of employees trained in Employee Training
We’re not there yet…
We’re still working to resolve the backlog of cases in Phoenix:
- July 29: 1,100
- August 12: 5,000
- September 23: 24,500
- October 7: 38,228
- October 31: almost 60,000 resolved!
The top three barriers PSPC employee respondents say impede their ability to offer improved client service are tight deadlines (25%), lengthy approvals (23%) and availability of technology (19%).
Recruitment and development programs at Public Works and Government Services Canada
At Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), we want to recruit and retain new and talented employees. The following web page provides information about two PSPC recruitment and development programs seeking eligible candidates for entry-level positions in finance and purchasing. It also provides additional resources for students and graduates who are interested in a career at PSPC.
PSPC On-boarding and Orientation Program

Long description: PSPC On-boarding and Orientation Program
PSPC On-Boarding and Orientation Program
At PSPC, we have On-Boarding and Orientation Kits for both students and new employees. They are comprised of detailed checklists for immediate supervisors and cover time frames starting prior to arrival, all the way to the end of the employment period.
Key Milestones in the student kit:
Prior to arrival
- Timelines for Staffing
- IT and Security set-up
- Sharing important information
- Prepare for arrival
First day
- Introduce the team
- Discuss rules & schedules
- Provide resources
- Give an office tour
Throughout employment
- 1st and 2nd weeks
- Online orientation course
- Learning plan & objectives
- Roles and responsibilities
- Diversity Networks
- rest of employment
- Evaluate performance regularly
- Organize integration activities
- Discuss re-employment, if appropriate
- two weeks prior
- Departure form
- day of departure
- Celebrate accomplishments!
Talent Management – Knowledge Transfer @PSPC

Knowledge Transfer and Talent Management at PSPC
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Talent Management & Knowledge Transfer @PSPC
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Talent Management
At PSPC, not only do we meet the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) requirement that managers offer a Talent Management Plan to employees who have obtained a “surpassed” rating – a plan can be developed for any employee.
We have developed a Talent Management Guide that provides an overview of how we define talent and talent management, describes the process and important considerations, as well as offers a variety of tools to:
- assess organization needs and talent; and
- provide suggestions for strategies to consider when recruiting, developing and retaining talent.
HR reps are also available to help managers by guiding them through a short, interactive presentation.
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Branch & Regional Talent Management
- Our Acquisitions Branch’s Supporting our People initiative is a great example of our commitment to our employees. It is a complete approach to recruitment, engagement, retention and employee development! This is the result of putting ideas into action to build a professional community!
- The Real Property Branch organized a national talent management process for EXs and EX minus 1 and minus 2.
- The Western Region is currently piloting an extended Talent Management program for all employees.
- Quebec Region organized a series of 7 lunch and learns around themes such as: career development, career road maps and getting to know the directorate. 64 employees participated!
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Branch & Regional Talent Management (continued)
- The Pacific Region implemented a Talent Management (TM) program to develop their management cadre and foster retention. They created TM opportunities such as developmental job swaps for EX minus 1 employees. This program will be revamped in 2016-17 to include a Career Interest aspect for employees at all levels that have achieved a succeed + rating in their performance evaluations.
- The Finance and Administration Branch's Community Renewal Development conducts regular generic advertised appointment processes. Employees have the opportunity to be promoted!
- The Parliamentary Precinct Branch conducted two pilots during which they provided 35 employees with TM Action Plans.
- The Integrated Services Branch implemented a structured TM approach for EX minus 1s and EX minus 2s.
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Knowledge Transfer
- Ontario Region's Executive Storytelling: Before heading into retirement, senior executives share about their career in the Public Service. Employees can learn how they managed change during departmental transformations and gain valuable tips and techniques on dealing with change.
- Pacific Region also holds similar activities called “Learning from Experience of Senior Executives”.
- Quebec Region established a network of HR super-users to support the implementation of HR transformations, and share information and best practices.
- Western Region's Action Learning workshop series:
- Performance Management
- Strategic Thinking
- The BP2020 Ambassadors' Network organized reverse mentoring so working level employees can share their knowledge of GCTools with ADMs and other senior leader.
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Knowledge Transfer (continued)
Vanguard: PSPC's Young Professionals Network organizes Beyond the Title activities. This series aims at highlighting employees' personal and professional experiences in a laid back Lunch and Learn format.
This series started out by featuring members of Senior Management and has now been expanded to feature employees at all levels!
Slide 7:
Knowledge Transfer (continued)
- Western Region's School of Proc aims to provide new employees with the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to plan, negotiate and administer contacts as Supply Officers for various commodities.
- Accounting, Banking and Compensation Branch has two apprenticeship programs!
- Chief Information Officer Branch asked students at the end of one term to report the results of their activities to Senior Management.
- Taking place across the department:
- Coaching Sessions
- Exit Interviews
- Leadership Development Programs
- Job Shadowing
- Mentoring Programs
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(Zoom out to an overview of all the information that was just shared)
And more!
Implementing the Joint Mental Health Task Force Recommendation @PSPC

Long Description: Joint Mental Health Task force Recommendations
Implementing the Joint Mental Health Task force Recommendations @PSPC
In 2015, the President of the Treasury Board and the Public Service Alliance of Canada established a Joint Task Force to discuss how to support psychological health in federal government workplaces.
They recommended that departments: Adopt a Common Vision; Identify Champions; Establish Governance; Create a broad working group of stakeholders and subject matter experts; Develop a Joint Union-Management Communication Strategy; Deliver Training and Services; and, Evaluate Impacts.
We're putting recommendations into ACTION
Vision co-signed by DMs and Union Presidents at Mental Health Week launch.
Created the Workplace Well-Being Directorate, uniting the Employee and Organization Assistance Program (EOAP), Office of Workplace Conflict Management, Disability Management Program, Duty to Accommodate and Values & Ethics.
Approved governance and Champions selection strategy.
Engaged employees in the process of appointing the Employer Champion
Our Shared Vision
“Public Services and Procurement Canada and its unions commit to the shared vision that we will create a culture that enshrines psychological health, safety and well-being in all aspects of the workplace through collaboration, inclusivity and respect. This obligation belongs to every individual in the workplace.”
Our Employer Champion
We Asked Employees: Do you want to make a difference in the Department’s overall workplace well-being? Then consider becoming the National Employer Champion for Mental Health here at PSPC. Our department is now seeking applications for this champion role, and we encourage all those who are interested to apply. Know someone who might make an excellent champion? Then take a moment to apply for this unique opportunity or to nominate a colleague!
Employer Champion Responsibilities: Collaborate with the National Union Champion; Co-chair the Psychological Health and Safety Working Group; Advocate for mental health in the Department Develop; and, promote programs and policies that support psychological health and safety in the workplace.
We will have two co-champions: one representing PSPC and one representing the union side. We expect them to be named in December 2016.
We offer many workshops…
- Effective Workplace Relationships
- Resiliency: Thriving in Today’s World
- Mental Health issues in the Workplace
- Life-Work Balance Civility & Respect
- Well-being through Mindfulness: A practical introduction
AND…we offer tailored group workshops for management meetings, all-staff meetings and for external organizations like the Canada School of Public Service.
Did You Know?
In 2015-2016, PSPC offered 190 workshops to 4015 participants. That's 539 more employees and 42 more workshops than last year!
We continue implementing the recommendations and will be measuring the impact of our work as we move forward.
So far, we've seen senior management engagement towards a respectful workplace and excellent collaboration between employer and unions.
Other organizations should consider: signing the vision statement publically with the unions; identifying co-champions from both the employer and union sides and engaging departmental networks (i.e. Visible Minorities and Manager's) to deliver workshops and promote services.
Next Steps
Champions selected
Ask branches and regions to engage in identifying their own champions
First meeting of the Psychological Health & Safety Working Group
Employee Quote: “The sessions I attended this week were excellent … I spoke to a lot of people, and I really think it was a great start. It certainly allowed them to vent, and it permitted them to open their minds about the way they learn and about the importance of communication. A great first step.” Beverly-Ann Babin, Department Liaison Officer – Public Service Pay Centre
PSPC Takes Flight

PSPC Takes Flight!
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PSPC Takes Flight!
Our local Initiatives
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- Engagement & Contributions
- Making best use of talent
- Welcoming and Onboarding
- Recruitment
- Learning and Performance
- Feedback
- Healthy workplace
These are all aspects of workplace well-being that we hold dear at PSPC.
Here are a few initiatives that are taking place in our Branches and Regions, from coast to coast.
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Staffing processes
- The Pacific Region used a staffing process to engage their employees in becoming board members. About 10 employees volunteered and gained experience being “on the other side of the table” during a staffing process. Read about Liza Wong's experience on this board.
- The Parliamentary Precinct Branch piloted three staffing processes with reduced timelines (EN-03, AR-04 and AS-05), implemented improvements to their student hiring process for 8 month terms and overlaps.
- The Real Property Branch lifted geographical restrictions from their competitive processes, where possible. Employees can compete for roles across the country and provide a wider range of opportunities.
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More on staffing
The Human Resources Branch (HRB) has taken significant steps in improving the time to staff. NCA-specific processing time for internal and external advertised processes have improved by 25% over the last fiscal year.
The wide variety of staffing inventories put in place helped us improve our time-to-process!
- national inventory for clerical and administrative positions with no closing date (available since June 2016);
- inventories with no closing date for Engineers, Discipline Architects, Project Managers, Property Facility Officer, and Building Systems Technician Inventory;
- and more on-going inventories on for a variety of positions.
The branch also manages a departmental Pool Management Tool designed to makes it easier to search for information on the department's advertised processes.
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Healthy & Compassionate Environment
- Western Region launched a 2-year program of mandatory employee training on mental health awareness in the workplace after noticing a significant increase in the use of their Employee Organizational Assistance Program.
- Our Managers’ Network, focused its 2016 efforts on de-stigmatizing mental health in the workplace.
- 14 workshops in the NCR (+ via WebEX for regions) in collaboration with the Well-Being Directorate.
- All branches and regions are holding workshops and courses on mental health awareness and related topics!
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Healthy & Compassionate Environment (continued)
- Quebec Region's Recognition Relay
- Panels on Harassment in the Ontario Region and Finance and Administration Branch
- Atlantic Region's Interdepartmental Learning Seminar: Promoting Well-Being through Civility and Inclusion
- Pacific Region Wellness Committee & Branch Resiliency Strategy
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Providing opportunities to contribute
- Regional Directors General are available for informal discussions with employees!
- Quebec Region developed a document outlining all mandatory training for new employees, sorted by position type.
- Our Diversity Networks also provide a wide variety of ways for employees to contribute!
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In 2015, we launched the Blueprint 2020 in a Box GCpedia page.
It was an initiative started by an employee who wanted to make a difference and help others easily implement Blueprint 2020 activities.
Since it launched with last year's report, it has grown to include initiatives from across the government and we are getting excellent feedback on it!
“Inspired by the initiatives on Blueprint 2020 in a Box, the Ministers' Regional Offices Program has an active Virtual Book Club. Since our employees are geographically dispersed, we hold our “book club” meetings via WebEX. It has been invaluable in getting us reading more, to know each other on a more personal level and expose us to new and different perspectives and insights.”
– Robyn Atkinson, Ministers' Regional Offices Program
“We [started] our own TED Tuesdays, [using Blueprint 2020 in a Box instructions]! We've held a few of them and they have been very successful – everyone is really enjoying engaging informally on interesting ideas.”
– Veronica Silva, Real Property Branch
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Engaging employees in innovation!
- The Translation Bureau is leading the way by giving its employees a voice in how they can better foster a culture of innovation, learning and continuous improvement.
- over 60 engagement sessions
- consulted over 1,000 employees
- first Innovation Summit at which 200 employees and managers participated!
- The Integrated Services Branch invited employees to give feedback on innovation projects at the Rapid Results 50 and 100 day marks.
- The Chief Information Officer Branch organized a series of Innovation Cafés.
Slide 10
- Formal and informal recognition of various formats is taking place from coast to coast to coast!
- Instant awards
- PSPC Awards of Excellence
- Client Service Awards
- And more!
- Language exchange program between the Shediac and Matane offices so employees can practice their second official language and expand their work experiences!
- Carpooling parking spaces in the Matane Office!
Slide 11
(zoom out to see everything that has been mentioned so far)
And so much more!
Celebrating the accomplishments of … Liza Wong
In the spirit of celebrating achievements during NPSW, we would like to show you how BP2020 is making a difference in our region. The RDGO’s summer coop student, Sean Magee-Teitelbaum, met with five members of the Pacific Region PWGSC staff to learn more about their involvement in Blueprint 2020 initiatives over the past year. Enjoy!

Earlier this year, as part of a push to be more open and transparent, Stephanie Strong, Strategic Advisor in the Regional Director General’s Office, put out a call for staff across the department to join in a selection committee for a recent staffing process. I had the chance to meet with one of the board members and learn more her contribution.
Why did you get involved with this BP2020 initiative?
As a relatively new employee to the department, I saw this as an opportunity to share my ideas, past experience and best practices on a new platform. I found it refreshing to be a part of a group process, one that reinforced the ideas behind Blueprint 2020 and offered an interesting approach to embracing the diversity of talent that exists in our staff. It also gave me the opportunity to learn more about the organization, about the different business lines and the importance of client service.
What specifically did it help you learn?
Working in a collaborative project like this allowed me to “connect the dots” and see how everything comes together in the organization. Understanding the business and client needs in our organization is especially important in my role as Regional Chief of Security. It allows me and my team to improve service delivery and partner with clients to develop a better culture of security.
What would be your main message to other staff considering BP2020 events?
Take the leap, get involved and take advantage of the learning, engagement and networking opportunities as they present themselves.
From our discussion, it is apparent that Liza believes the senior management truly have a vested interest in creating an environment of networking, learning and mobilizing talent. An important point she made, which was echoed by other interviewees, is that we, as public servants, are often preoccupied by day-to-day work and overlook the merits of participating in ways that go beyond our regular role. Rather than act as a catalyst for stress, Blueprint 2020 can offer a space to try something new, to innovate and share with others. These activities are a means to build a sustainable career. Everyone who was interviewed had the same experience of being revitalized by the change in their daily routine. When it comes down to it, most activities are only modest commitments on your time and effort, yet they offer a sense of personal accomplishment.
Champion’s Note:
“Liza, I benefited greatly from your thoughtfulness and experience as a board member. Thanks again for offering your time and valuable ideas!”
Source: (link internal to PSPC)
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