Discover everyday excellence
We asked Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) employees to share their Blueprint 2020 stories, and tell us how they are living public service renewal and modernization in their day-to-day. Here’s what we heard!
For more stories, search for #DiscoverPSPC on Twitter and Instagram!

Michael Dekelver
“#DiscoverPSPC #DécouvrezSPAC The extent of my workplace footprint. One drawer. My workplace is mobile, collaborative and knowledge based.”
Natalie Gamauf
“I work to eliminate stigma and pave the road to a #GC2020 workplace which supports mental health and well-being.”

Sarah Paquet
“I try to bring change every day. From Rapid Results to GCDOCS, I encourage my employees to live #GC2020. Share your story! #DiscoverPSPC”

Michael Moreau
“So proud to work for a government that celebrates diversity @pspc_spac #DiscoverPSPC #PrideAtWork”

Melissa Presz
“No WP20? No problem! Take over an old DG office and create your own collaborative space! #DiscoverPSPC #GC2020”

The Heron / Le heron
Government of Canada Pension Centre #Engagement #Innovation #Blueprint2020 #Discover PSPCDiscover our everyday excellence

Long description: Discover our everyday excellence
GCconnex icon
Alana J
…My favourite things about PSPC that I have discovered are the countless caring people who work within this organization. My workplace and colleagues have genuinely helped me and I am so thankful to be a part of this great PSPC network that made such a positive improvement to my personal wellbeing when I was facing immense personal hardship…
Vincent A
…As a student and new-hire with the public service, I have been met with tremendous opportunities to learn and to grow as a young professional; the chance to work alongside projects that engaged several of my personal strengths, while simultaneously paying attention to my areas of improvement. The chance to present my ideas to Senior Leadership…demonstrated the Government’s active, transparent, and conscious engagement of youth and innovation…
Olivier G
…Through an extensive and continuously evolving strategy to further our online presence, our team (Shared Travel Services) have been able to strengthen our virtual engagement and visibility both locally and nationally. Through interactive and dynamic engagement on several levels, we have nearly doubled our user base in a span of two months. We now produce content for over 500 government employees across Canada through the GCconnex platform…
Claire N
Oddly enough, work is the first place (outside of my immediate family) where I felt comfortable sharing my mental health struggles. I owe this to an incredibly supportive PSPC director and a DG who spoke about mental health and its importance long before it became the norm. I felt supported in my struggles with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder by an attentive, open management and colleagues. I have been empowered to share my story and help destigmatize mental illness.
Amanda P
There can be a disconnect between abstract “way up there” Ottawa and concrete regional operations. Nevertheless, we have been making some really positive steps lately in getting out the BP2020 message. [One] area where we're starting to see success comes in the realization that Workplace 2.0 is not just about the furniture but about ways of working (activity based). We are reviewing teleworking and looking into ramping up involvement on social media and we are increasingly aware that we need to re-envision our business processes.
Eugene O
The Wonderful Insights and Solutions Exchange…was designed to evolve biweekly team meetings from an account of management news into a platform for empowering dialogue and edifying conversations that amplify team knowledge, skills sets and practices. Above all, the RG Mod WISE series played a crucial role as a sound Springboard, Challenge Function and Collaboration Booster platform. It helped RG Mod team members strive to blossom to their fullest potential and innovatively influence the change they want to see happen now and for the future.
Marie-Josée M
One of things needed: A way to keep employees informed, encourage their willingness to be part of this vision, and keep them engaged, motivated and importantly, supported by Management…We need to keep the Communication going, live and interesting. Also if result oriented methods would be enforced and would make Management more involved and participate, the domino effect would contribute in achieving better results.
Mark W
One day, after completing several inspections…I did not want to bombard the managers with multiple e-mails…I hit on GC DOCS, then recently launched. I could upload the report and pictures…then send one email with the link…This worked well enough that I brought it to the next Committee meeting, recommending that we use GCDOCS for our inspection reports & other documents… Everyone’s life is much easier; just one example of how new technology like GCDOCS can help.
Natalie G
One of my Blueprint 2020 goals is to change the culture toward mental health issues in the workplace and I’ve started my journey towards my goal by talking to my colleagues of all levels openly about the subject and letting them know about all the training, tools and resources currently available to them. By doing so, I have joined the Federal Government strategy that will help eliminate stigma around mental illness and will pave the road to a Blueprint 2020 workplace which includes mental health and well-being.
Robyn A
Inspired by the initiatives in “Blueprint 2020 in a Box” on GCPEDIA”, the Ministers' Regional Offices (MRO) Program has an active Virtual Book Club. Since our employees are geographically dispersed, we hold our “book club” meetings via WebEx. It has been invaluable in getting us reading more, to know each other on a more personal level and expose us to new and different perspectives and insights.
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