New Edition of CAN/CGSB-72.34-2017—Electronic Records as Documentary Evidence is now available

The Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) has published the second edition of the standard CAN/CGSB-72.34 Electronic Records as Documentary Evidence.

This National Standard of Canada provides guidance on how organizations can maximize the probability of admissibility and strengthen the credibility given to its digital electronic records / documents as evidence. This standard outlines methods for the management and preservation of electronic recorded information. These methods are regarded as best practices independent of legal considerations and therefore will benefit organizations conforming to this standard even when evidentiary issues are not in question.

This second edition reflects changes in the way organizations conduct business, provide services, and communicate since the first edition was published in 2005. The updates include:

  • A section on new technologies that incorporates risk assessment and provides guidance on cloud computing, social media, and mobile devices
  • Informative annexes on sources, metadata, preservation formats, and new technologies
  • An information technology (IT) system management guide that details key aspects of backup and system recovery, security and protection, transmission, and audit trails in the context of electronic records as evidence
  • The electronic image clauses formerly contained in the standard CAN/CGSB-72.11-1993 Microfilm and Electronic Images as Documentary Evidence (that is, Part III and Part IV Section 3)

This new edition of the standard, published March 2017, was approved by the CGSB Standards Committee on Electronics Records and image Management. The standard is available at Our catalogue.