GC Standards—an attractive solution in response to the needs of Government of Canada departments and agencies

Eighty-one years ago, CGSB was created to develop Government of Canada (GC) Specifications. While CGSB has always offered many solutions tailored to federal government needs, especially in the certification area, GC Standards were introduced in 2014 to meet the needs of Government of Canada departments and agencies. GC Standards represent today's modern solution that can be customized to client needs.

GC Standards are built upon existing standards development competencies and sector-specific knowledge. GC Standards follow a streamlined standards development process, including well-documented decision-making and stakeholder consultation, driven by the needs of clients. They offer flexibility and reduced cost and time requirements over the traditional full-consensus standards development processes.

CGSB—providing responsive, cost-effective and flexible solutions in support of the Government of Canada.

For more information, contact us at: ncr.cgsb-ongc@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca.