Roles and responsibilities of contractors certified by the Joint Certification Program

Certified contractors are eligible to bid and work on contracts involving unclassified military critical technical data in Canada and the United States. Find out how certified contractors can request technical data and get approval for visits to work sites through the Joint Certification Program.

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Roles and responsibilities of certified contractors

Contractors certified in the Joint Certification Program are eligible to:

Requesting military critical technical data


For all requests, submit a copy of the approved militarily critical technical data agreement—DD form 2345.

Requests for United States Department of Defense controlled technical data

Certified Canadian and American contractors can obtain technical data for legitimate business purposes by:

Certified subcontractors can request technical data directly from the certified prime contractor.

Respond to United States request for proposals and quotes

To obtain unclassified technical data required to bid on Federal Business Opportunities and the Defence Logistics Agency Internet Bid Board System:

Requests for Canadian Department of National Defence controlled technical data

Certified Canadian and American contractors can obtain technical data controlled by the Department of National Defence.

To submit a request, contact the Director General of International and Industrial Programs division:

Mailing address:
Director General of International and Industrial Programs
Attention: Team Leader, Defence Continental Material Cooperation
Department of National Defence
National Defence Headquarters
Major-General George R. Pearkes Building
101 Colonel By Dr
Ottawa ON  K1A  0K2

Respond to Canadian requests for proposals and quotes

To obtain technical data required to bid on Government of Canada contracts, certified contractors should follow the guidance provided on the request for proposal as listed on

Unclassified visits—how to get approval

Certified contractors can request approval for unclassified visits directly with other certified defence contractors or military facilities in Canada and the United States. These requests are called directly arranged visits.

A directly arranged visit is used for:

The following contractors are eligible to apply for directly arranged visits:

Uncertified American or Canadian contractors are not eligible to apply for directly arranged visits.

Conditions required for a directly arranged visit

Contractors must meet the following two conditions to get approval for a directly arranged visit related to the release of information controlled in Canada by the Technical Data Control Regulations of the Department of National Defence or in the United States by the Directive 5230.25 of the United States Department of Defense.

First condition—you must meet one of the following criteria:

Second condition—you must meet one of the following criteria:

How to request a directly arranged visit

Your registration in the Joint Certification Program allows you to make arrangements directly with your point of contact at the industry or military facility you wish to visit.

To do so, send an email or letter to your point of contact. They will forward the request for the visit to the security official at the facility for review and approval. It the approval is granted, the security office will then advise the point of contact by email.

Your request must include:

A request for a directly arranged visit may be submitted for a specific visit or for recurring visits related to a specific contract or project. Although the recurring visit may be approved, it is still the responsibility of the visitor to notify the location to be visited, in writing, at least 72 hours in advance of their arrival.

It is the responsibility of the host facility to notify potential visitors if a visit meets the conditions for a directly arranged visit as described above. If this visit does not meet these conditions, a formal unclassified request for visit may be submitted through other government channels.

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