Reported case for 2017 to 2018, first quarter
A protected disclosure was received under the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act, alleging wrongdoing pursuant to Subsection 8(e) of the Act, in that an employee placed himself in a potential, real or apparent conflict of interest due to his being involved in the process of awarding contracts on behalf of PSPC to:
- A company owned by a close relative
- Another contractor he hired for personal work prior to and during the contracting process to award contracts to this company on behalf of PSPC
The departmental investigation process found that the employee did not submit a confidential report concerning his dealings with these two companies and placed himself in a conflict of interest situation.
While the employee himself did not award the contracts, he made recommendations for the selection of contractors, communicated with contractors for bids and quotations, and certified that services had been received according to the contract, thereby authorizing payment for services rendered under section 34 of the Financial Administration Act. Both allegations were deemed to be founded and to constitute a serious breach of the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector and the PSPC Code of Conduct.
A process for corrective actions is currently underway.
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