Supporting information on lower level programs—2015 to 2016 Departmental Performance Report

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Program 1.1: Acquisitions

Sub-program 1.1.1: General procurement services

This sub-program identifies Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) as the government's primary procurement service provider offering the federal government a broad base of standard or unique procurement solutions including contracts, standing offers, supply arrangements and procurement tools. The role of PSPC in this area is to manage contracts for goods, services and construction on behalf of client departments and agencies of the Government of Canada, and includes the management of contractual activities such as planning, acquisitions, and contract administration. In general, while the procurement solutions addressed in this sub-program can be complex, they are typically the common, frequently purchased requirements of most departments.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
67,878,225 59,839,627 65,365,888 (2,512,337)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
808 754 (54)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Timely acquisition of goods and services that provide value for money to support the delivery of government programs and services. Percentage of original contracts of basic or standard risk and complexity awarded within established timeframes. 80% 75.6%
Overall level of client satisfaction. 75% 85%

Sub-program 1.1.2: Customized procurement services

This sub-program identifies PSPC as the government's procurement provider for customized procurement solutions including industry consultations, market surveys, conducting complex competitive solicitations and contract negotiations, award and management of contracts including legal agreements. Often such procurements include a wide range of technically complex systems and services, are unique, high in dollar value, and are long-term agreements. Because of the complexity and the nature of the requirements, they usually require early involvement of PSPC procurement specialists in the definition phase of the program and require dedicated procurement teams in the implementation phase of the procurement strategies. Since these procurements may be sensitive in nature and/or require a multi-phased approach, risk management, performance management, financial management and change management are all important aspects of the overall project management regime.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
8,368,013 6,848,934 6,535,291 (1,832,722)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
374 393 19
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Dedicated resources are allocated to increase client engagement and improve feedback to clients on customized procurement services. Proportion of monthly status reports provided to clients for customized procurements over $1 million. 80% 100%

Sub-program 1.1.3: Acquisition stewardship

This sub-program identifies PSPC as the government's primary steward of government acquisitions providing the federal government and suppliers with a well-functioning acquisition system. As such, PSPC ensures effective management of the acquisition function by:

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
42,095,420 50,353,229 51,434,134 9,338,714
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
385 385 0
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Alignment of federal departments and agencies' needs with capabilities of suppliers. Percentage of PSPC Contract Value addressed by published National Goods and Services Procurement Strategies. 25% 25%

Sub-sub-program Acquisition policy and strategic management

This sub-sub-program identifies PSPC as the strategic leader in:

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
27,039,393 37,408,807 38,682,892 11,643,499
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
282 283 1
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
The federal government leverages tools and instruments to support simple and timely delivery of acquisition solutions for the federal government and suppliers. Volume (#) of Government of Canada (GC) procurement transactions completed through the use of PSPC procurement instruments. 150,000 161,000

Sub-sub-program Client and supplier engagement

This sub-sub-program identifies PSPC as the lead in engaging federal departments and agencies, suppliers, and other stakeholders in identifying best practices in the area of procurement, and informing the design and management of effective approaches and tools.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
15,056,027 12,944,422 12,751,242 (2,304,785)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
103 102 (1)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
The federal government manages an acquisition system that is responsive to the needs of clients and supplier communities. Overall level of supplier satisfaction with Office of Small and Medium Enterprises (OSME) information sessions. 80% 95.8%

Sub-program 1.1.4: Acquisition support and innovation

This sub-program identifies PSPC as the government's primary provider of common services and programs for the federal government, industry and consumers that support or leverage the acquisition function from the provision of standards development and conformity assessment services to the disposal of government goods, as well as programs that use the acquisition system to advance the government's socio-economic objectives for Canadians.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
32,997,952 38,000,980 28,222,220 (4,775,732)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
210 180.34 (29.66)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
The federal government manages common services and programs throughout the acquisition lifecycle and leverages the acquisition system to address broader socio-economic objectives. Percentage of volume of non-military procurement contracts awarded to SMEs. 70%
(+/- 5%)

Sub-sub-program Build in Canada Innovation Program

This sub-sub-program identifies PSPC as the leader in using the government's acquisition system as a vehicle to support innovative Canadian businesses by providing them with opportunities to test and evaluate their pre-commercial products and services to support their entry into the marketplace.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016 planned spending 2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
29,806,619 35,206,643 25,206,643 (4,599,976)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
14 12 (2)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
The federal government supports the pre-commercial products and services of Canadian Enterprises. Percentage of available budget for innovations matched and tested by government departments per round of call for proposals. 80% 100%Footnote 1

Sub-sub-program Asset disposal

This sub-sub-program identifies PSPC as responsible for providing services to support the federal government to responsibly manage the disposal of surplus moveable or seized goods in a manner that is transparent, financially sustainable, and provides best value to the government.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
2,266,150 1,859,861 2,084,197 (181,953)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
166 143.04 (22.96)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
The federal government obtains best value in disposing of surplus moveable or seized goods. Percentage of seized property sales obtaining 90% of appraised asset value. 90% 91%
Percentage of book value obtained on disposal of moveable capital assets. 100% 100%

Sub-sub-program Standards development and certification

This sub-sub-program identifies PSPC as responsible for providing a client-centred, comprehensive development of standards and conformity assessment services in support of the economic, regulatory, procurement, health, safety, and environmental interests of government, industry, and consumers.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
925,183 934,476 931,380 6,197
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
30 25.30 (4.7)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
The federal government and industry use standards development and conformity assessment services in support of their interests in the economic, regulatory, procurement, health, safety and environmental areas and use these standards and programs to support consumer confidence. Percentage of standards reviewed on time (within a five-year cycle for National Standards of Canada). 75% 75%
Percentage of products and services certified within specified timeframe. 85% 83%
Level of clients satisfaction with the Canadian General Standards Board's (CGSB) registration services. 75% 80%

Program 1.2: Accommodation and real property services

Sub-program 1.2.1: Federal accommodation

This sub-program provides for the accommodation needs of federal organizations by providing and maintaining a cost effective portfolio of office facilities and common use assets and special properties (predominantly conference and training facilities). This sub-program is composed of two primary activities:

  1. the provision, on an obligatory basis, of general-purpose accommodation and common use space to support the delivery of government programs
  2. optimization of real property investments in direct support of the provision of accommodation
Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
1,496,395,182 1,677,266,614 1,424,060,869 (72,334,313)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
1,175.51 781.32 (394.19)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
A portfolio of federal accommodation assets that maximize economic benefit. Percentage return on investment (ROI) for Crown-owned office assets. > 4% 4.44%
Percentage of recapitalization budget spent. 82% 91.8%
Minimize growth of Operation and Maintenance Cost per . 7% of previous year Increase of 9%
Federal organizations receive affordable solutions for their accommodation requirements. Affordability as measured by cost ($) per person. $6,156.43/

Sub-program 1.2.2: Federal holdings

This sub-program includes a diverse portfolio of federal facilities and activities under the purview of the Minister of Public Services and Procurement that are grouped for reporting purposes:

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
153,914,957 227,184,080 191,644,355 37,729,398
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
60.38 54.08 (6.3)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
A portfolio of federal holdings assets (marine structures, and land transportation) that minimize short and long-term liability. Decrease in number of assets rated as high risk. Decrease
by one
by two
Percentage of bridges with structural condition rated "4" or better (fair to excellent) based on standard 1 to 6 scale. 80% 92%
Percentage of dams meeting stability requirements based on standard criteria. 100% 100%

Sub-program 1.2.3: Real property services

This sub-program provides real property services, on a fee for service basis, to the Federal Accommodation, Federal Holdings and Parliamentary Precinct programs of PSPC, as well as to other departments.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
4,800,000 4,800,000 (10,871,291) (15,671,291)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
2,318 2,458.5 140.5
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results

Federal organizations receive responsive and cost-effective real property services.

Percentage of all Real Property projects > $1 million that are on-time. 90% 94%
Percentage of all Real Property projects > $1 million that are on-budget. 90% 99%
Percentage of all Real Property projects > $1 million that are on-scope. 90% 97%
Dollars spent in the private sector for each dollar that we spend internally on billable labour/ Increased Private Sector Leverage (Blend). $12 $12

Sub-program 1.2.4: Payments in lieu of taxes

This sub-program administers the Payments in Lieu of Taxes program on behalf of the Government of Canada by issuing payments to taxing authorities under the authority of the Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act. Local taxing authorities benefit through receipt of payments, which compensate them for the services they provide to federal property located in their jurisdictions.

Budgetary Financial Resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
5,635,730 5,541,412 5,477,688 (158,042)
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
52.29 48.38 (3.91)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Local taxing authorities receive fair, equitable, and predictable payments on behalf of the Government of Canada, as contribution to the cost of local government. Percentage of properties where taxing authorities have accepted their Payment in Lieu of Taxes and have not requested a review. 99% 99%
Percentage of tax year Payment in Lieu of Taxes payments that have been finalized by March 31. 90% 99.6%

Sub-program 1.2.5: Parliamentary Precinct

This sub-program provides essential office and special use accommodations space that supports the delivery of the programs and services to the Parliament of Canada. The accommodations space is defined as the buildings occupied in majority by the Senate, the House of Commons and the Library of Parliament, and the related premises and grounds, as well as required leases, and including swing space and rehabilitated buildings under the Long Term Vision and Plan (LTVP) necessary to support their work (constituency offices are excluded).

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
475,725,572 487,678,392 466,018,780 (9,706,792)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
45 47.8 2.8
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Rehabilitation and reconstruction projects preserve the cultural and physical heritage of the Parliamentary Precinct. Percentage of Major Capital Projects > $1 million that are on-time. 90% 92%
Percentage of Major Capital Projects > $1 million that are on-scope. 90% 100%
Percentage of Major Capital Projects > $1 million that are on-budget. 90% 100%
Parliamentarians are equipped to conduct Parliamentary operations 24 hours of the day. Number of hours per annum that essential property management services are not provided for the ongoing operation of Parliament. No more than 48 hours per annum 1.5 hours

Sub-program 1.2.6: Cape Breton operations

This sub-program identifies PSPC as responsible for Cape Breton Operations which includes the overall management of the residual obligations of the former Cape Breton Development Corporation (CBDC), as well as the real property portfolio of the former Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation (ECBC). The residual obligations include the management of post-employment benefits for former CBDC employees including miners, as well as obligations relating to the monitoring and oversight of environmentally impacted land holdings and mine water management. Also included in this sub-program are land management activities on properties transferred from ECBC, with activities such as the administration and management of real estate, and the development of strategies for divestiture.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
39,076,661 39,279,489 35,974,709 (3,101,952)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
18.5 20.32 1.82
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Sound administration of the post- employment benefits programs provided to former employees of the Cape Breton Development Corporation. Percentage of benefit payments delivered within established timeframes. 100% 100%
Over the long-term a portfolio of federal properties that minimizes short and long term financial and environmental liabilities. Percentage of completion of initial analysis of the entire portfolio of properties transferred. 75% 80%

Program 1.3: Receiver General for Canada

Sub-program 1.3.1: Stewardship of Consolidated Revenue Fund and Accounts of Canada

This sub-program safeguards the integrity of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and the Accounts of Canada on behalf of Canadians (receipt, transfer, holding and disbursement of public money, and the redemption and settlement of all payments, production of Public Accounts and monthly statements of financial operations), and develops and maintains Receiver General treasury, accounting and reporting systems.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
98,069,531 110,356,454 109,561,806 11,492,275
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
343 310 (33)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
The integrity of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and the Accounts of Canada is preserved on behalf of Canadians. Number of Public Accounts audit issues raised by the Office of the Auditor General relating to the Receiver General's Consolidated Revenue Fund and the Accounts of Canada functions. 0 0
Percentage of daily settlement instructions sent, according to schedule, to the Bank of Canada for all outflows from the Consolidated Revenue Fund. 95% 98%
Percentage of deposits to the Consolidated Revenue Fund reconciled within two business days. 95% 99%

Sub-program 1.3.2: Receiver General services

This sub-program provides optional bill payment services for departments and agencies, and maintains operations for an optional departmental financial and materiel management system offering.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016 planned Spending 2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
1,088,342 436,916 346,775 (741,567)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
13 9 (4)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Timely and reliable optional services related to bill payments and a departmental financial and materiel management system offering. Percentage of time bill payment services delivered within established timeframes. 98% 100%
Percentage of time Common Departmental Financial and Materiel Management System services provided as per client agreements. 100% 100%

Program 1.4: Integrity programs and services

Sub-program 1.4.1: Contract security

This sub-program contributes to the government's national security agenda and safeguards Canadian and foreign governments' sensitive information and assets entrusted to private-sector companies or individuals when under government contract. In this context, it is responsible for evaluating and granting security clearance requests from industry. The program negotiates, concludes and administers international industrial arrangements between foreign governments and PSPC to open new markets to Canadian industries in the domain of classified information and assets.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
8,572,463 9,753,216 10,790,408 2,217,945
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
234 251 17
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Classified/protected Government of Canada information and assets are safeguarded. Percentage of responses to Personnel Security Clearance request completed within 75 business days. 80% 60%
Percentage of simple reliability screenings processed within seven business days. 85% 71%

Sub-program 1.4.2: Controlled goods

This sub-program, through the registration and inspection of private sector individuals and companies possessing, examining or transferring controlled goods, mitigates the risk of proliferation of tactical and strategic assets, helps strengthen Canada's defence trade controls, and supports Canada's domestic and international security interests.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
3,569,039 7,499,754 5,610,801 2,041,762
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
51 39 (12)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Controlled goods are safeguarded while in the custody of private- sector companies and protected against unauthorized access. Percentage of registration certificates issued within 32 business days. 80% 93%
Percentage of security assessments conducted within 32 business days. 80% 90%

Sub-program 1.4.3: Forensic accounting services

This sub-program provides forensic accounting services to national and international governments, law enforcement agencies and prosecution services on criminal investigations in areas such as white collar crime, proceeds of crime, commercial crime, money laundering, securities market fraud, organized crime, illicit drugs, and terrorist activities.

The program supports police investigations and prosecutions by providing specialized advice, detailed forensic accounting reports, and expert witnesses testimony on the financial aspects of criminal investigations. The program's goal is to serve the Canadian Criminal Justice system by identifying, analyzing, and explaining complex financial and accounting elements of criminal activities in an objective, independent and non-technical manner, thus helping judges and juries make informed decisions.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
2,666,129 2,650,347 2,878,443 212,314
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
51 40 (11)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Quality and timely forensic accounting expertise, expert witness and advisory services are made available to internal and external public clients, and other levels of government and foreign governments. Percentage of clients satisfied with services. 85% Not availableFootnote 2

Sub-program 1.4.4: Operational integrity services

This sub-program provides management, client departments, government suppliers, Parliament and Canadians with independent assurance that PSPC's activities are conducted with prudence, probity and integrity.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
697,991 1,544,945 993,712 295,721
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
32 24 (8)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Quality and timely services that provide assurances that PSPC's activities are conducted with prudence, probity and integrity. Percentage of clients satisfied with services provided by Fairness Monitoring Directorate. 85% 100%
Percentage of responses to initial client requests for Fairness Monitoring services within two business days. 85% 100%

Program 1.5: Federal pay and pension administration

Sub-program 1.5.1: Pay

This sub-program administers the pay and benefits processes for the Public Service of Canada and other organizations, in accordance with collective agreements, compensation policies and Memoranda of Understanding. Pay and benefits administration includes the development and delivery of services, processes and systems, and the provision of information, training and advice to compensation advisors in departments. For most departments using the government accredited HR system (Peoplesoft), PSPC also provides all compensation services.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
103,520,540 127,617,029 119,352,161 15,831,621
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
933 851 (82)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Transactions are processed in the pay system and payments are issued on time. Percentage of public service pay adjustments processed by the Pay Offices within established timeframes. 95% 95.8%Footnote 3

Sub-program 1.5.2: Pension

This sub-program administers pension plans and benefits for the Government of Canada. Pension administration includes the development and delivery of services, processes and systems, and the provision of information and advice to, and liaison with, employees and pensioners. This permits PSPC to administer pensions in accordance with applicable legislation and policies.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
10,642,895 10,001,470 9,602,733 (1,040,162)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
928 922 (6)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Transactions are processed in the pension system and payments are issued on time. Percentage of pension transactions and payments processed within established timeframes. 95% 97.8%

Program 1.6: Linguistic management and services

Sub-program 1.6.1: Terminology Standardization Program

As the federal government's terminology standardization and linguistic authority, the Translation Bureau is mandated with the development, standardization and distribution of terminology in the public service. In this capacity, this sub-program aims to ensure the establishment of terminology and language standards to promote consistency and quality in the government's communication with Canadians and to:

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
8,829,528 8,804,161 10,233,444 1,403,916
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
77 65 (12)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results

A standardized terminology generally accepted by subject experts is made available to federal institutions and to the Government of Canada and Canadians.

Number of TERMIUM Plus® transactions (records created, corrected or deactivated). 50,000 54,374
Percentage of 1 business day dead- lines met to respond to terminology queries and requests received by the Terminology Service. 95% 99%
Number of published linguistic recommendations and reminders. 10 Result not applicableFootnote 4
Number of terminology searches in TERMIUM Plus®. 70 million 44,236,436

Sub-program 1.6.2: Translation and other linguistic services

This sub-program aims to offer a full, integrated range of language solutions in both official languages, in Canada's Aboriginal languages, and in over 100 foreign languages. It ensures an effective and efficient provision of quality translation, revision, editing and language advice services at a reasonable cost to the judiciary and federal departments and agencies on a cost recovery basis.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
6,310,799 6,316,633 2,315,216 (3,995,583)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
794 868 74
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Departments and agencies benefit in a timely manner from quality linguistic services provided in a closed-security environment to support the requirements of government and Canada's economic and social agenda. Percentage of clients satisfied with translation services. 85% 87.1%
Percentage of agreed-upon deadlines met for translation services delivered to federal organizations. 95% 95.4%
Percentage of clients with a master agreement. 90% 83.7%

Sub-program 1.6.3: Translation and interpretation to Parliament

This sub-program aims to ensure the provision of timely translation, interpretation and other linguistic services to Parliament. This enables Parliament to function in both official languages and any other languages required. More precisely, the Bureau translates and reviews documents from:

It also provides official languages interpretation for the debates in the:

Furthermore, interpreters regularly accompany Senators and MPs who belong to parliamentary committees when they travel in Canada and abroad.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
31,714,987 31,584,794 28,598,907 (3,116,080)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
246 216 (30)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
The Parliament is able to ensure equality of status for both official languages by obtaining quality and timely linguistic services. Percentage of documents translated and revised for the Parliament within the agreed-upon deadlines. 95% 96.7%
Percentage of events for which interpretation services are provided to Parliament. 95% 100%

Sub-program 1.6.4: Conference interpretation

This sub-program aims to ensure the provision of conference interpretation services in both official languages, in Canada's Aboriginal languages, in foreign languages, and in visual languages to all federal government departments and agencies. Conference interpreters provide interpretation services at events such as:

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
14,058,054 14,048,505 10,151,701 (3,906,353)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
48 48 0
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
The Government of Canada benefits from quality and timely interpretation services. Percentage of events for which interpretation services are provided. 95% 98.7%
Percentage of clients satisfied with conference interpretation services. 85% 89.8%

Program 1.7: Specialized programs and services

Sub-program 1.7.1: Greening of government operations

This sub-program provides government-wide leadership in greening government operations to be achieved through both effective greening of its own operations and providing government-wide leadership to enable significant reductions in the environmental impact of federal operations. This is done through the development of policies and guidelines pertaining to environmental stewardship.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
1,360,335 1,368,521 1,318,712 (41,623)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
17 12 (5)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Government-wide guidance supports federal departments in reducing the environmental footprint of their operations. Percentage of Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) Theme IV targets for which up-to-date guidance documentation exists.Footnote 5 100% 100%

Sub-program 1.7.2: Client service strategy

This sub-program leads PSPC's Client Service Strategy and provides leadership across the Department in the development and implementation of service renewal initiatives. The strategy is based on six pillars:

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
956,886 1,535,113 1,567,386 610,500
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
18 17.27 (0.73)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
A culture of service excellence is firmly rooted at all levels of PSPC. Percentage of employees who consider they regularly demonstrate the behaviors associated with the PSPC Client Service Competency. 80% 84%

Sub-program 1.7.3: Government information services

This sub-program provides information to Canadians on Government of Canada programs and publications, and supports the effectiveness of Government of Canada communications activities through the provision of:

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
23,945,966 23,659,349 18,740,757 (5,205,209)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
115 113.54 (1.46)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Canadians have access to centralized Government of Canada information and federal organizations receive services to support the delivery of selected Government of Canada communications activities. Percentage of communications information services meeting established performance targets (i.e., timeliness, accessibility, accuracy, and quality). 80% 100%

Sub-program 1.7.4: Document imaging services

This sub-program provides document imaging and data capture solutions as cost-recovery service to federal organizations. The service consists of image processing, indexing and secure archiving of electronic records. Modernization of business processes through document imaging enabled services assists departments in reducing processing costs and, in some cases, reducing ware- housing costs, improves service levels to citizens, and unlocks corporate knowledge stored in paper archives for improved decision making. This service is certified against the required Canadian standards for electronic records as documentary evidence for use in legal disputes.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
1,059,885 2,070,206 2,075,145 1,015,260
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
132 168 36
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Quality and efficient document imaging services. Maintain Document Imaging Services fixed cost per page. $0.11 per page $0.11
Reduce variable cost per page for imaging services by 10%. $0.17 per page $0.17

Sub-program 1.7.5: Shared travel services

This sub-program identifies PSPC as responsible for providing government-wide common and standardized tools to simplify and efficiently manage and reduce the cost of government travel, as well as supporting enhanced transparency, accountability and financial reporting for government travel.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
565,377 344,907 (715,100) (1,280,477)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
22 31 9
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Federal government employees use and are satisfied with the available travel services and tools. Percentage of client satisfaction. 80% 70%
Percentage of savings realized for flights as a result of discount agreements negotiated by PSPC 12% 13.3%
The federal government has access to relevant and timely information about government travel. Percentage of GC entities adopting Shared Travel Services (STS) services. 85% 81%
Percentage of implementation of Expenditure Management Tool (EMT) in client departments processing travel claims. 80% 64%

Sub-program 1.7.6: Central relocation services

This sub-program identifies PSPC as responsible for managing a government-wide common service that oversees moving operations for the relocation of all federal government employees, excluding Department of National Defence and Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
0 0 (58,367) (58,367)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
7 5 (2)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Federal government employees are satisfied with the relocation services provided while respecting appropriate Treasury Board polices and directives. Percentage of client departments expressing a positive level of satisfaction with Central Relocation Services (CRS) services provided. 80% 100%

Sub-program 1.7.7: Government of Canada administrative services

This sub-program has a horizontal focus to delivering corporate administrative and human resources support services, on cost recovery basis, to achieve efficiencies for client federal organizations. Government of Canada Administrative Services reduces the number of back-office administrative information technology systems across government; and purchases, creates, modifies and maintains common Government of Canada versions of products, which eliminates duplication in individual departments and agencies allowing them to focus resources on key programs.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
1,728,742 2,249,979 1,609,175 (119,567)
Human Resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
144 132.84 (11.16)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Sound stewardship of administrative systems and services meet program needs of federal institutions. Percentage of clients satisfied overall with system cluster services provided by Shared Services Integration (SSI). 90% 80%
Percentage of clients satisfied overall with human resource services provided by SSI. 90% 80%

Program 1.8: Procurement Ombudsman

Sub-program 1.8.1: Review of procurement practices

This sub-program allows for an independent third party review of systemic issues in government-wide procurement practices, and makes recommendations in support of fairness, openness and transparency in federal procurement. This sub-program helps promote the integrity, transparency and accountability of the government's procurement activities.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
2,154,184 2,136,391 1,909,332 (244,852)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
13 12.57 (0.43)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Federal organizations receive impartial, relevant and achievable recommendations. Percentage of departments, whose practices were reviewed, that have taken action in response to recommendations. 100% 100%

Sub-program 1.8.2: Supplier complaints

This sub-program helps ensure that complaints regarding the award and administration of contracts are addressed in a helpful and timely manner by a knowledgeable and independent third-party. It also ensures the provision of facilitation and dispute resolution services, which can provide a timely and cost-effective process for the resolution of contract disputes.

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars)
2015 to 2016
planned spending
2015 to 2016
total authorities to date
2015 to 2016 actual spending
(authorities used)
2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
1,957,141 1,965,568 1,920,676 (36,465)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
13 12.57 (0.43)
Performance results
Expected results Performance indicators Targets Actual results
Complaints and contacts addressed in a timely manner. Percentage of complaints addressed within the timelines stipulated in the Regulations. 100% 100%

Program 1.9: Internal services

Sub-program 1.9.1: Management and oversight services

Management and Oversight Services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction and governance, program planning and design; representing values and ethics; and allocating resources and taking investment decisions; as well as those activities related to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and/or plans.

Service Groupings for Management and Oversight Services include:

Human resources (full-Time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
206.9Footnote 6 313.3 106.4Footnote 7

Sub-program 1.9.2: Communications services

Communications Services involves activities undertaken to ensure that Government of Canada communications are effectively managed, well-coordinated and responsive to the diverse information needs of the public. The communications management function ensures that the public, internal or external, receives government information, and that the views and concerns of the public are taken into account in the planning, management and evaluation of policies, programs, services, and initiatives.

Service Groupings for Communications Services include:

Human resources (full-Time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
99 123 24

Sub-program 1.9.3: Legal services

Legal Services involve activities undertaken to enable government departments and agencies to pursue policy, program and service delivery priorities and objectives within a legally sound framework.

Services include:

Service Groupings for Legal Services include:

Human resources (full-Time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
21 20.35 (0.65)

Sub-program 1.9.4: Human resources management services

Human Resources Management Services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction, allocating resources among services and processes, as well as activities relating to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and/or plans.

Service Groupings for Human Resources Management Services include:

Human resources (full-Time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
488 476 (12)

Sub-program 1.9.5: Financial management services

Financial Management Services involve activities undertaken to ensure the prudent use of public resources, including planning, budgeting, accounting, reporting, control and oversight, analysis, decision support and advice, and financial systems.

Service Groupings for Financial Management Services include:

Human resources (full-Time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
503 494.97 (8.03)

Sub-program 1.9.6: Information management services

Information management services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective information management to:

Information management is the discipline that directs and supports effective and efficient management of information in an organization, from planning and systems development to disposal or long-term preservation.

Service Groupings for Information Management Services include:

Human resources (full-Time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
182Footnote 8 200 18Footnote 9

Sub-program 1.9.7: Information technology services

Information Technology Services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective use of information technology to support government priorities and program delivery, to increase productivity, and to enhance services to the public. The management of information technology includes planning, building (or procuring), operating and measuring performance.

Service Groupings for Information Technology Services include:

Human resources (full-Time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
879 768 (111)Footnote 10

Sub-program 1.9.8: Real property services

Real Property Services involve activities undertaken to ensure real property is managed in a sustainable and financially responsible manner throughout its life cycle, to support the cost- effective and efficient delivery of government programs. Real property is defined as any right, interest or benefit in land, which includes mines, minerals and improvements on, above or below the surface of the land.

Service Groupings for Real Property Services include:

Human resources (full-Time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
15 37 22

Sub-program 1.9.9: Materiel services

Materiel Services involve activities undertaken to ensure that materiel can be managed by departments in a sustainable and financially responsible manner that supports the cost-effective and efficient delivery of government programs. Materiel is defined as all movable assets, excluding money and records, acquired by Her Majesty in right of Canada. Materiel management entails all activities necessary to acquire, hold, use and dispose of materiel, including the notion of achieving the greatest possible efficiency throughout the life cycle of materiel assets.

Service Groupings for Materiel Services include:

Human resources (full-Time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
20 42 22

Sub-program 1.9.10: Acquisition services

Acquisition Services involve activities undertaken to acquire a good or service to fulfill a properly completed request (including a complete and accurate definition of requirements and certification that funds are available) until entering into or amending a contract.

Service Groupings for Acquisition Services include:

Human resources (full-Time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference
(actual minus planned)
12 0 (12)

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