Minister's message—2015 to 2016 Departmental Performance Report

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As Minister of Public Services and Procurement, I am pleased to present the 2015 to 2016 Departmental Performance Report.

Since my arrival in November, I have seen the tremendous dedication of Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) employees to deliver on the Department's mandate. The 2015 to 2016 Performance report outlines the Department's goal to provide critical services to clients and Canadians.

I am particularly proud of PSPC's efforts to rapidly procure the broad range of goods and services required to resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees. The resettlement effort is an example of the Department's timely and efficient response to an important humanitarian effort.

Investments made through the National Shipbuilding Strategy and the Defence Procurement Strategy are equipping our uniformed women and men so they can fulfill their important roles. At the same time, we are creating middle-class jobs and generating economic benefits for Canada.

Through the Build in Canada Innovation Program, companies can test and market their innovative products and services within the federal government. As of March 2016, 251 innovations have been pre-qualified through this program and 75 contracts with a total contract value of over $32 million were awarded to Canadian businesses in 2015 to 2016.

PSPC also continued to make significant progress in restoring and modernizing the Parliamentary Precinct to meet the operational needs of a 21st century government and to provide a welcoming environment for Canadians and international visitors. In addition to completing the restoration of the heritage Wellington building, PSPC made significant progress on the rehabilitation of the West Block and Government Conference Centre buildings and on the construction of Parliament Hill's new Visitor Welcome Centre.

As the manager of the largest and most diverse portfolios of real estate in the country, PSPC continued to deliver on capital infrastructure projects. PSPC facilitated the acceleration of the in-service date of the new bridge for the St. Lawrence corridor in the greater Montreal area, planned for 2018, entering into a contractual project agreement and completing the land acquisition required for the project.

PSPC continued the implementation of the Transformation of Pay Administration Initiative, replacing the outdated pay system, streamlining business processes, and consolidating pay services. This important initiative has faced challenges as many public servants experienced issues with their pay. Employees deserve to be paid accurately and promptly, and PSPC is working very hard to resolve pay problems and ensure that the public service has a reliable and effective pay system.

Much has been accomplished over the last several months, and we have an ambitious agenda ahead, including a review of Canada Post. I have met many employees throughout the Department, and they are energized, committed and eager to deliver. They are embracing innovation and a commitment to service. And they are working not only for, but with Canadians and other key stakeholders.

I look forward to reporting next year on the Department's many achievements.

Judy M. Foote, PC, MP
Minister of Public Services and Procurement

Judy Foote

Judy M. Foote, PC, MP
Minister of Public Services and Procurement

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