Section II: Expenditure overview—2015 to 2016 Departmental Performance Report

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Actual expenditures

Budgetary financial resources (in dollars – totals may not add up due to rounding)
2015 to 2016 main estimates 2015 to 2016 planned spending 2015 to 2016 total authorities to dateFootnote 1 2015 to 2016 actual spending (authorities used) Difference (actual minus planned)
2,871,525,596 2,871,525,596 3,215,618,591 2,833,315,710 (38,209,886)
Human resources (full-time equivalents [FTEs])
2015 to 2016 planned 2015 to 2016 actual 2015 to 2016 difference (actual minus planned)
12,103.58Footnote 2 11,745.15 (358.43)

Budgetary performance summary

Strategic outcome: High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions.

Budgetary performance summary for programs and internal services (in dollars)
Programs and internal services 2015 to 2016 main estimates Planned spending 2015 to 2016 Planned spending 2016 to 2017 Planned spending 2017 to 2018 2015 to 2016 total authorities to date Footnote 3 Actual spending (authorities used) 2015 to 2016 Actual spending (authorities used) 2014 to 2015 Actual spending (authorities used) 2013 to 2014
Acquisitions 151,339,610 151,339,610 148,255,037 155,238,902 155,042,770 151,557,532 144,689,522 152,781,604
Accommodation and real property Services 2,175,548,102 2,175,548,102 2,192,828,508 2,070,671,770 2,441,749,987 2,112,305,111 2,032,720,120 2,111,237,753
Receiver General for Canada 99,157,873 99,157,873 106,647,604 106,227,619 110,793,370 109,908,581 116,448,841 120,686,479
Integrity programs and services 15,505,622 15,505,622 15,184,073 15,184,073 21,448,262 20,273,364 22,035,911 0
Federal pay and pension administration 114,163,435 114,163,435 81,761,681 83,952,459 137,618,499 128,954,893 115,698,499 101,211,263
Linguistic management and services 60,913,368 60,913,368 60,707,474 60,530,122 60,754,093 51,299,267 57,727,344 61,627,911
Specialized programs and services 29,617,191 29,617,191 29,454,041 30,059,862 31,228,075 24,537,710 47,133,036 56,443,733
Procurement Ombudsman 4,111,325 4,111,325 4,118,152 4,118,152 4,101,959 3,830,009 3,889,948 4,075,023
Subtotal 2,650,356,526 2,650,356,526 2,638,956,570 2,525,982,959 2,962,737,015 2,602,666,467 2,540,343,220 2,608,063,764
Internal services subtotal 221,169,070 221,169,070 231,502,828 231,902,320 252,881,576 230,649,243 226,820,291 239,060,369
Total 2,871,525,596 2,871,525,596 2,870,459,398 2,757,885,279 3,215,618,591 2,833,315,710 2,767,163,511 2,847,124,134

As part of the present Departmental Performance Report, Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) is informing parliamentarians and Canadians of the budgetary performance achieved for 2015 to 2016. This performance is measured against the planned spending defined in PSPC's 2015 to 2016 Report of Plans and Priorities (RPP).

After the planned spending was submitted as part of the 2015 to 2016 main estimates, PSPC was provided new funding for various initiatives, such as the accelerated infrastructure program (Budget 2015) and the Parliamentary Precinct rehabilitation.

The actual versus planned spending variance of ($38 million) is primarily the result of:

For additional information on:

Departmental spending trend

Departmental spending trend - Text version below the graph

Text version

This bar graph illustrates the spending trend for Public Services and Procurement Canada for fiscal years 2013 to 2014, 2014 to 2015, 2015 to 2016, 2016 to 2017, 2017 to 2018 and 2018 to 2019. Financial figures are presented in dollars along the y-axis (vertical), starting at $0, ending at $3.5 billion and increasing by $500 million. These are graphed against fiscal years 2013 to 2014 to 2018 to 2019 on the x-axis (horizontal).

There are three items identified for each fiscal year: anticipated sunset programs, statutory spending and voted spending.

In 2013 to 2014, actual spending was $0 for anticipated sunset programs, $106,992,770 for statutory items and $2,740,131,364 for voted items.

In 2014 to 2015, actual spending was $0 for anticipated sunset programs, $128,371,428 for statutory items and $2,638,792,083 for voted items.

In 2015 to 2016, actual spending was $0 for anticipated sunset programs, $91,013,809 for statutory items and $2,742,301,901 for voted items.

In 2016 to 2017, planned spending is $86,088,312 for anticipated sunset programs, $123,369,269 for statutory items and $2,747,090,129 for voted items.

In 2017 to 2018, planned spending is $107,126,112 for anticipated sunset programs, $122,591,897 for statutory items and $2,635,293,382 for voted items.

In 2018 to 2019, planned spending is $0 for anticipated sunset programs, $122,771,622 for statutory items and $2,062,173,474 for voted items.

Total spending for 2013 to 2014 is 2,847,124,134; for 2014 to 2015 is 2,767,163,511; and for 2015 to 2016 is 2,833,315,710. The total anticipated spending for 2016 to 2017 is 2,956,547,710; for 2017 to 2018 is 2,865,011,391; and for 2018 to 2019 is 2,184,945,096.

The cause of the variances to the sunset programs is the result of:

From 2015 to 2016 to 2016 to 2017, the following will be completed:

From 2016 to 2017 to 2017 to 2018, the following will be completed:

The decrease observed from 2017 to 2018 to 2018 to 2019 is the result of planned reductions in cash flow for various initiatives, such as the Parliamentary Precinct rehabilitation. Also, this graph does not account for Budget 2016 items, which were approved after the 2016 to 2017 RPP.

Expenditures by vote

For information on PSPC's organizational voted and statutory expenditures, consult the Public Accounts of Canada.

Alignment of spending with the whole-of-government framework

Strategic outcome: High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions.

Alignment of 2015 to 2016 actual spending with the whole-of-government framework (in dollars)
Program Spending area Government of Canada outcome 2015 to 2016 actual
1.1  Acquisitions Government affairs Well-managed and efficient government operations 151,557,532
1.2 Accommodation and real property services Government affairs Well-managed and efficient government operations 2,112,305,111
1.3 Receiver General for Canada Government affairs Well-managed and efficient government operations 109,908,581
1.4 Integrity programs and services Government affairs Well-managed and efficient government operations 20,273,364
1.5 Federal pay and pension administration Government affairs Well-managed and efficient government operations 128,954,893
1.6 Linguistic management and services Government affairs Well-managed and efficient government operations 51,299,267
1.7 Specialized programs and services Government affairs Well-managed and efficient government operations 24,537,710
1.8 Procurement Ombudsman Government affairs A transparent, accountable and responsive federal government 3,830,009
Total spending by spending area (in dollars)
Spending area Total planned spending Total actual spending
Economic affairs 0 0
Social affairs 0 0
International affairs 0 0
Government affairs 2,638,956,570 2,602,666,467

Financial statements and financial statements highlights

Financial statements highlights

The highlights presented in this sub-section are intended to serve as a general overview of PSPC's financial results. The following condensed financial statements are prepared on an accrual basis of accounting which aligns consumption of resources with the services provided, rather than reporting on the use of authorities as is done in the sub-sections above. Note 3: Parliamentary Authorities of the consolidated departmental financial statements provides reconciliation between these two bases of accounting.

Condensed consolidated statement of operations and departmental net financial position (unaudited) for the year ended March 31, 2016 (in millions of dollars)
Financial information 2015 to 2016 planned results 2015 to 2016 actual 2014 to 2015 actual Difference (2015 to 2016 actual minus 2015 to 2016 planned) Difference (2015 to 2016 actual minus 2014 to 2015 actual)
Total expenses 5,112.2 5,312.1 5,239.1 199.9 73.0
Total revenues (2,578.7) (2,754.7) (2,578.7) (176.0) (176.0)
Net cost of operations before government funding and transfers 2,533.5 2,557.4 2,660.3 23.9 (103.0)

Overall, the actual net cost of operations ($2,557.4 million) decreased by $103 million compared to the prior year ($2,660.4 million). Key variances for both expenses and revenues are explained below.


Actual over planned

The 2015 to 2016 expenses were $199.9 million higher than planned (planned: $5,112.2 million; actual: $5,312.1 million). The increase is mainly attributable to the Accommodation and real property services program and is due to increased business volume related to construction and repair work performed on new and existing federal infrastructure across Canada for other government departments.

Actual year over year

The increase in expenses of $73 million (2015 to 2016: $5,312.1 million; 2014 to 2015: $5,239.1 million) is mainly attributable to the Accommodation and real property services program and is due to:

Offset by:


Actual over planned

The 2015 to 2016 revenues were $176.0 million higher than planned (planned: $2,578.7 million; actual: $2,754.7 million). The increase is mainly attributable to Accommodation and real property services program and is due to increased business volume related to construction and repair work on new and existing federal infrastructure across Canada for other government departments.

Actual year over year

The increase in revenues of $176 million (2015 to 2016: $2,754.7 million; 2014 to 2015: $2,578.7 million) is mainly attributable to the Accommodation and real property services program and is due to increased business volume related to construction and repair work on new and existing federal infrastructure across Canada for other Government departments.

Public Services and Procurement Canada condensed consolidated statement of financial position (unaudited) as of March 31, 2016 (in millions of dollars)
Financial information 2015 to 2016 2014 to 2015 Difference
(2015 to 2016 minus 2014 to 2015)
Total net liabilities 3,880.9 3,922.2 (41.3)
Total net financial assets (993.7) (833.9) (159.8)
Departmental net debtFootnote 4 2,887.2 3,088.3 (201.1)
Total non-financial assets 6,463.9 6,343.6 120.3
Departmental net financial position 3,576.7 3,255.3 321.4

The departmental net financial position, calculated by the difference between departmental net debt and total non-financial assets, increased by $321.4 million (2015 to 2016: $3,576.7 million; 2014 to 2015: $3,255.3 million). The increase can be explained by the following:

The decrease in liabilities of $41.3 million, mainly due to:

Offset by:

An increase in net financial assets of $159.8 million, mainly due to:

An increase in non-financial assets of $120.3 million. (Non-financial assets are non-monetary assets such as physical assets that have been purchased, built or leased). The increase is, mainly due to:

Offset by:

Financial statements

Consult PSPC's consolidated departmental financial statements for year ended March 31, 2016.

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