Direct deposit help centre

Find answers to your questions about direct deposit. Learn how to enrol, how to notify us if you move and what to do if your payment is late. Understand how switching to direct deposit helps families, seniors and people like you.

On this page

Help with direct deposit

Please visit the Receiver General’s frequently asked questions for more general questions related to payments issued by the Government of Canada.

Finding your banking information

If you have a blank or void cheque, you will find your banking information at the bottom of the cheque.

Make sure that the cheque is for the same bank account as where you want your direct deposit payments to go.

Image of a blank cheque with 'VOID' written on it.

Reading your cheque

The information below corresponds with the numbers in the image of the void cheque above.

  1. Cheque number: not required
  2. Branch number: 5 digits; required
  3. Institution number: 3 digits; required
  4. Account number: as shown on your cheque; required

Requesting bank account information

If you do not have a cheque, contact or visit your financial institution. They can provide your bank account information to you.

You must request a stamp from your financial institution if you are submitting a direct deposit enrollment form without attaching a void cheque.

Enrolling with power of attorney

You may enrol in direct deposit if you have power of attorney. Make sure that each federal institution has your power of attorney or trusteeship forms on file before you enrol.

Enrolling with a joint bank account

You may request your direct deposit payments be made into a bank account that is shared by two people. Make sure that each account holder is included when you enrol.

Enrolling with multiple bank accounts

If you receive multiple payments from the government, you may request that those payments be deposited in different bank accounts in most cases.

To learn more, contact the department or agency that issues your payment.

For tax refunds and credits

You may only receive your income tax refund and your goods and services tax (GST) or harmonized sales tax (HST) credits in the same bank account that you used when enrolling for direct deposit.

Receiving your first payment

Depending on your situation, your first payment can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.

If you have not received payment within the expected times listed below, contact the department or agency that issues your payment.

When you can expect your first payment

  • If you enrol online, in person or by telephone, you should begin receiving your direct deposit payments by the next pay cycle
  • If you enrol by mail and you have a Canadian bank account, you should begin receiving your direct deposit payments in six to eight weeks
  • If you have a foreign bank account, you should begin receiving your direct deposit payments within three months
    • The service standards of foreign banks varies from bank to bank, which may mean getting enrolled is slower than you might expect

Receiving cheques after enrolling

Are you still receiving cheques after enrolling for direct deposit? Contact the department or agency that issues your payment to find out if your enrolment has been processed.

Reporting a late payment

If your payment is later than usual, contact the department or agency that issues your payment.

Reporting an incorrect or unexpected payment

If you believe the payment you received is incorrect or you received a payment you were not expecting, contact the department or agency that issues your payment.

Reporting a change of address

If you have moved, contact the department or agency that issues your payment.

Reporting a change of bank account

If you have changed banks or would like your payments to be deposited into a new bank account, contact the department or agency that issues your payment.

Protecting your personal and banking information

Learn how we secure your personal and banking information when you enrol.

Protecting your personal and banking information when you enrol

We consider your privacy and security of utmost importance. The information you provide is protected under the Privacy Act.

When you enrol in direct deposit, you are not authorizing the government or anyone else to withdraw money from your bank account. The information you provide may only be used to deposit money into your account.

The Receiver General for Canada, which manages Direct Deposit, collects the information you provide. It will disclose this information only to the department or agency that issues your payment. It also discloses your banking information to your bank. Your personal information is never shared with your bank.

We do not have access to your bank account. The account agreement you have with your financial institution sets out how we must deal with them. Should you have any concerns about their privacy and security policies, contact your financial institution.

Receiver General payments: Learn more about how your information is collected, used and stored.

Providing your social insurance number

Canada Revenue Agency and Service Canada are authorized to request your social insurance number, which they use as your account number.

Videos about direct deposit

Watch these videos to learn more about why people like you are switching to direct deposit.

Benefits of direct deposit for retired Canadians and seniors

Meet older Canadians who have benefitted from direct deposit, in Canada and abroad.

Transcript of video: Benefits of direct deposit for retired Canadians and seniors

Start of clip.

(A retired couple is shown walking through their flower garden and another couple sitting on a wooden swing in their backyard.)

When it comes to using new technology,

(a daughter with her mother who had a stroke are also shown at the retirement residence)

to make the most of their money, older Canadians can teach a thing or two to their younger fellow citizens

(a man is shown by a backyard pond feeding fish.)

(The word "Convenient" appears on a white screen.)

(A couple describes their experience with direct deposit while sitting in their flower garden. Mr. Beauchamp asks)

"We’ve been retired now for what? A little over nine years."

(Mrs. Beauchamp replies)

That’s for sure. Nice wonderful years. Right from the start, we asked that the pension cheques be deposited directly into our bank account.

(The couple is shown enjoying refreshments in their backyard. Mr. Beauchamp states)

When we travel or if we’re sick, we don’t have to worry, the money is being deposited automatically.

(Mrs. Beauchamp states)

We don’t have to walk to the community mailbox, get the cheque and then have to drive to the bank to deposit the cheque.

(Mr. Beauchamp states)

We don’t have to worry about the money not being there, the cheques are deposited on a specific date so we always have the money to cover the withdrawals. It gives us a lot of free time to do whatever we like best for instance, in my case, I love gardening

(Mr. and Mrs. Beauchamp are shown enjoying each other’s company and Mr. Beauchamp is shown gardening. Mrs. Beauchamp states)

And I have just more time to sit by the garden and enjoy what he has done.

(The word "Reliable" appears on a white screen.)

(A daughter is shown sitting in a park with her mother who suffers from disabilities due to a stroke. Ms. Rousseau explains)

About four years ago, my mom had a stroke and that was a very difficult time in our lives. I had to manage her doctor’s appointments, I had to manage her personal affairs and she couldn’t organize her finances either anymore.

(Ms. Rousseau is shown with her mother on a deck by the water.)

So she was getting Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security. She was getting income tax returns and she was getting Goods and Services Tax and Harmonized Sales Tax credits. So the first thing I did was I enrolled her for direct deposit and they were just going into her bank account.

(Ms. Rousseau is shown in a park with her mother admiring flowers.)

I didn’t have to worry about losing any cheques and I knew right away that they would be there on the same day every month and it was so reliable for me.

(Ms. Rousseau is shown admiring family photos with her mother in her bedroom.)

That was one big thing that was off my list. It made my life really simple.

(The word "Secure" appears on a white screen.)

(Mr. and Mrs. Laurier are shown sitting a table in a backyard. Mr. Laurier explains)

"We’ve been living abroad for 32 years.

(Mrs. Laurier states)

We moved away in 1982 and we moved to the Alabama Golf Coast where it’s always nice and warm.

(Mr. Laurier states)

Alabama was in need of physicians then.

(Mrs. Laurier explains)

We used direct deposit to manage our Government of Canada cheques. In the beginning, I preferred to have my cheques by mail. And then one time my cheque was lost so I immediately called and the person on the phone suggested I use direct deposit and I agreed. And we did it right there over the phone, it took just a few minutes. It was so easy and now I don’t have any problems with my cheques anymore.

(The two couples and the daughter with her mother are shown in various images in the garden and at the retirement residence.)

For more information on how to enrol in direct deposit, visit or call 1‑800‑593‑1666 or speak with your bank teller at your financial institution.

(The words " or call 1‑800‑593‑1666" appear on a white screen followed by the Government of Canada Wordmark.)

End of clip.

Benefits of direct deposit for families

Meet Canadian families who receive their government payments and benefits such as the Canada Child Benefit and Canada Pension Plan by direct deposit.

Transcript of video: Benefits of direct deposit for families

Start of clip.

Many Canadian families find their days jam-packed, dashing from one activity to the next.

(Three images are shown one after another beginning with a family preparing a meal in the kitchen, a father getting ready to leave home with his kids and a mother fixing her child's hair)

Which means they're always on the look-out for anything that can save time and ease their load.

(A mother is shown talking on the phone and serving breakfast to her child at the same time.)

Canadians already using electronic banking are aware that it's a fast, easy and convenient way to stay on top of their family's budget.

(The words "Direct Deposit" appear on an image of cars circulating in traffic.)

The Government of Canada's Direct deposit Initiative offers another shortcut that busy Canadian families can take advantage of.

(Two images are showed one after another beginning with a mother talking to her son while driving her car, and a woman working at the computer while her children are doing their homework.)

This convenient service can help manage hectic schedules by depositing government payments directly into their bank accounts.

(A close up shot is showing the feet of a young girl wearing colorful socks and kicking small colourful balls. The words "Canada Child Benefit" appear over the image in background.)

In fact, Canadians already receive payments like the Canada Child Benefit, GST/HST tax credits

(a couple is shown sitting on their bed laughing while watching their kids jumping up and down. The words "GST/HST Tax Credits also appear over the image in the background.)

Canada Pension Plan and Employment Insurance payments through Direct Deposit.

(Two kids are shown eating breakfast at a table while their dad is talking on the phone and pouring a glass of juice at the same time. The words "Employment Insurance" appear over the image in the background. The words "Direct Deposit is convenient" and "Direct Deposit is faster" also appear over the image in background which fades to a person using bank machine.)

It's convenient. You'll have faster access to your money with no risk of delay. It's reliable.

(The words "Direct Deposit is reliable" appear on a grey screen followed by a dad using a debit machine to buy items in a small shop.)

Your payment will always be on time. It's secure.

(The words "Direct Deposit is secure" appear on a grey screen followed by a mother coming into a house with her two daughters.)

Since your money is deposited directly, there is no risk of your payment being lost or stolen.

(The words "Privacy assured" appear over the image in background.)

And your privacy is assured-no one can take money out of your account.

(An image of a hand is shown typing on a keyboard followed by an image of a man at a computer talking to a woman by his side.)

And with tax season upon us, Canadians can register for Direct Deposit today and receive their Income Tax Refunds

(The words "Income Tax Refund" appear over the image in background)

directly into their bank accounts.

(A father and his son are shown playing in the snow.)

Fast, secure, and convenient, so there is more time for families to play together.

(The words "Switching to direct deposit" appear over the image in background.)

The Government of Canada is switching to direct deposit.

(A family is shown sitting at the table and eating a meal together.)

And given the advantages, many Canadian families are already enjoying the benefits. You can too by enrolling today.

(The words "Enrol today," appear over the image in background.)

To find out more visit

(The Government of Canada Wordmark appears on a black screen.)

End of clip.

Incredible benefits of direct deposit

Learn how switching to direct deposit saves money and the environment.

Transcript of video: Incredible benefits of direct deposit

Start of clip.

(On screen, a graphic animation shows a cheque floating down from the Canadian Parliament through a residential area by houses and the cheque floats into a mailbox)

If you still receive paper cheques from the federal government, you’re missing out on a much easier way to get your payments.

(The words "The incredible journey of a government cheque" appear on a grey screen.)

Think about it. Do you really need your money to go on a journey? Through the mail.

(A graphic animation shows a cheque being deposited into a mailman’s bag and a dog running and barking while envelopes are flying in the air.)

In traffic.

(A graphic animation shows vehicles in traffic.)

To the bank.

(A graphic animation shows a bank.)

In line-ups.

(A graphic animation shows individuals waiting in line and signs indicate that several tellers are closed.)

With direct deposit your money goes directly to you.

(The words" Direct Deposit - Directly to you" appear on a green screen with the graphic of an individual and a graphic animation shows stacks of dollars.)

It’s that simple. Plus it’s cheaper.

(A graphic animation shows savings in dollars with the words "$17 million in annual savings to taxpayers".)

And greener!

(A graphic animation shows trees and the words "32,600 trees saved" followed by another graphic animation showing clouds representing pollution along with the words "100% Reduction in CO2 emissions".)

To learn more or to sign up today, visit

(The words "It’s your money - Get it fast, 1‑800‑593‑1666,, Fast – Convenient – Reliable – Secure" appear on a grey and white screen followed by the Government of Canada Watermark on a white screen.)

End of clip.

Benefits and facts that may surprise you about direct deposit

Benefits and facts that may surprise you about direct deposit

Transcript of video: Benefits and facts that may surprise you about direct deposit

Start of clip.

Are you still part of the minority of Canadians receiving payments from the government by cheque?

(On screen, a graphic animation shows an envelope floating down through a residential area by houses entering a mailbox and coming back out as a cheque. A barking dog can also be seen.)

If so, you're missing out on a service that can simplify your life.

(The cheque's image fades to the words "Simplify your life" which appear on a green screen.)

Direct deposit ensures your payment will be deposited in your bank account on time,

(The words "Direct deposit is fast, convenient, reliable, secure" appear on a green and grey screen. The words fade to a graphic animation showing a bank)

even due to unforeseen circumstances such as a heavy snow storm,

(A graphic animation shows snowflakes, heavy winds, several envelopes floating through the air and a mailman in front of a house depositing a letter in a mailbox in front of a house and a dog walking up to the mailman)

and there is no risk of your payment being lost or stolen.

(A graphic animation shows a map of Canada moving up on the screen)

Every year, the Government of Canada processes more than 300 million payments, of which 80 percent are issued to Canadians by direct deposit.

(A graphic animation shows houses appearing across the map of Canada, the words "80% of federal government payments are issued by direct deposit" and a Canadian flag in the background.)

It's greener and cheaper. And saves Canadian taxpayers over 17 million dollars a year.

(A graphic animation shows trees on a green screen, a wallet and the words "greener, cheaper" before fading to a stack of coins and the words "saves taxpayers $17M".)

Direct deposit has been around for almost 20 years but many Canadians still need answers before making the switch.

(A graphic animation shows a chart, a dollar sign and the words "20 years" over a green screen. The dollar sign fades to a computer showing a bank account balance rapidly increasing from 192 to 376 dollars.)

Here's how direct deposit works...

(An animated graphic shows a dog and the words "Here's how direct deposit works" on a grey and green screen.)

Enrolling and using direct deposit doesn't require a computer or Internet access.

(An animated graphic shows an internet modem and a laptop on a table. The words "Do you need a computer or the internet to use direct deposit?" appear in a banner at the top of the screen. The table suddenly tips on its side and throws the Internet modem and laptop off the table.)

Once you've enrolled, you can continue to bank as you normally would.

(A graphic animation shows a piggy bank breaking in two and a coin floating from the piggy bank into a bank.)

With direct deposit, the information you provide doesn't authorize anyone else to withdraw your money.

(A graphic animation shows a computer with the words "Account Info: Branch no: Address:, Date of birth:" on its screen. The words "Does direct deposit allow the government to take money from your bank account?" appear in a banner at the top of the screen. The words on the computer screen from the previous graphic animation turn into a key lock. The computer then becomes a dollar sign behind the key lock.)

Direct deposit merely eliminates the need to physically cash federal government issued cheques,

(A graphic animation shows a family of two children and a dog having a barbecue picnic in a park. The words "Will direct deposit still allow me to go to the bank?" appear in a banner at the top of the screen)

and giving you more time to enjoy life and all of your everyday banking transactions can continue as usual.

(A graphic animation shows an individual with a piggy bank standing in front of a cashier at a financial institution. The words "Will direct deposit still allow me to go to the bank" appear in a banner at the top of the screen.)

By enrolling, you don't grant anyone permission to monitor your bank account.

(A graphic animation shows a wall mounted security camera moving up and down and the words "Nobody can" on the screen. The words "Does using direct deposit mean the government can monitor my bank account?" appear in a banner at the top of the screen".)

The Privacy Act and your agreement with the bank protect your information and don't allow anyone to access your account.

(The previous graphic animation fades to an individual working on his laptop at a desk. Three individuals appear behind him for a short period of time and watch over his shoulders before disappearing completely.)

The same day your money is deposited into your account is the same day your cheque would be cashable.

(A graphic animation shows a dog looking at a calendar where a magnifying glass points at a specific date. A dollar sign appears under the magnifying glass. The calendar, magnifying glass and the dollar sign are replaced by a cheque which fades into a dollar sign.)

You can verify your account balance at the bank, online or over the phone.

(The dollar sign in the previous animation graphic is replaced by images of a bank, then a computer and a cellular phone.)

As the federal government is switching to direct deposit,

(A graphic animation shows a cheque appearing on the screen and fading to the words "Convenience of receiving your payments directly into your account". A dog also appears on the screen)

why not take advantage of the convenience of receiving your payments directly into your bank account? It's easy and fast.

(The previous graphic animation fades to a dog jumping into a car where a family is waiting. The words "Easy, Fast" appear on screen while the car is driving towards a city.)

Sign up today!

To learn more or to enrol, visit or call 1‑800‑593‑1666.

(The words "" appear on a green and grey screen. The phone number "1‑800‑593‑1666" slides onto the previous screen.)

(The Government of Canada Watermark appears on a black screen.)

End of clip.

Direct deposit and you

Transcript of video: Direct deposit and you

Start of clip.

The Government of Canada is increasing its use of direct deposit for payments made to Canadians and to Canadian businesses.

(A woman is using a laptop. The words Direct Deposit appear on the screen. This fades to an office setting where four employees are sitting around a table, discussing.)

If, for example, you're an individual receiving the Canada Child Benefit,

(A mother, a father and two young girls are gathered around a table reading a book. The words Universal Child Care Benefit appear on the screen.)

Old Age Security, Employment Insurance Benefits,

(An older man and woman with back packs and hiking poles are seen pointing at something as they stand at the top of a mountain ridge. The words Old Age Security appear on the screen.)

a GST or HST Credit, or an Income Tax Refund.

(A man and a woman in a laboratory setting are discussing, taking notes, using a microscope and looking at an image on a screen. The words GST/HST Credit and Income Tax Refund appear on the screen.)

You should know that the federal government is encouraging you to sign up for direct deposit for all your government payments.

(The words Federal government encourages the use of Direct Deposit appear on a grey background. This fades to the words Enrol Today on a grey screen.)

Once enrolled, you will enjoy the many benefits of direct deposit.

(The close-up of a hand filling out the direct deposit enrolment form follows.)>

Direct Deposit is Convenient - you'll have faster access to your money with no risk of delay.

(The words Direct deposit is convenient appear on a grey background. Fades to a close-up of someone using an automated teller machine.)

It's Reliable - your payment will always be on time.

(The words Direct deposit is reliable appear on a grey background. Fades to a flower shop where a man is purchasing flowers.)

It's Secure - your money is deposited directly into your account, so there is virtually no risk of your payment being lost or stolen.

(The words Direct deposit is secure appear on a grey background. Fades to a woman verifying something on her laptop. The words Privacy Assured appear on the screen.)

With fewer cheques to print and mail, the government will save millions of taxpayer dollars every year.

(An older couple is sitting on the couch, talking. Fades to children sitting at their desks and writing something in their notebooks.)

Money that can be reinvested into programs for Canadians.

(A boy is sitting in a hospital setting listening to a health care professional.)

The Government of Canada is switching to direct deposit and given the benefits, why wait?

(The words Enjoy the benefits of switching to Direct Deposit appear on a grey background.

Enrol today at

(The words Enrol today at appear on a grey background.)

(Canada wordmark appears in white on grey background)>

End of clip.

Money hacks: Are you on direct deposit?

Transcript of video: Money hacks: Are you on direct deposit?

Start of clip.

(The words "Money Hacks – Going Paperless" appear on a yellow screen and have a video effect of being torn in half like a piece of paper". A cheery female voice asks...)

What are you doing?

(A depressed man's voice replies...)

I'm drowning in mail since I got home. And they're all bills.

(A graphic animation shows a huge pile of unopened letters. A boat lifesaver gets thrown at the pile, accompanied by the sound of a whistle blowing.)

(The female voice says...)

Oh, you're not paperless?

(The graphic animation of the pile is lit of fire and disintegrates.)

(The male voice says...)

Well, I thought my folks were going to take care of them for me.

(and laughs awkwardly)

(A graphic animation shows a wall of photographs and zooms in on a photograph of two middle-aged smiling folks. Their smiles turn upside down into frowns as they slide out of the photograph in embarassment.)

(The female voice giggles and says...)

Hey, I just got my GST credit; let's go spend it!

(A graphic animation shows many shopping bags and then a large boat falls from above.)

(The male voice asks...)

What GST credit?

(A graphic animation shows a cartoon bubble with the words "What GST credit?".)

(The female voice replies...)

Your GST credit: don't you get it?

(The words "Goods and Services Tax Credit" appear.)

(The man's voice says...)


(The female voice asks...)

You're not on direct deposit?

(A graphic animation shows a cartoon bubble with the words "You're not on direct deposit?".)

(The male voice says...)

Direct de-what-what?

(The graphic animation is of three question marks.)

(Words on screen read "Direct Deposit".)

(The female voice says...)

Direct deposit is great! It's the fastest

(A graphic animation of a car appears with the words "direct deposit" written on it accompanied by the word "fastest" below.)


(A graphic of a safety lock is accompanied by the word "safest" below.)

and greenest

(A graphic of a flower box with the word "greenest" below.)

way to get your payments.

You can sign up by visiting your financial institution,

(A graphic of a bank.)

over the phone

(A graphic of a smartphone dialing.)

or go to for more information.

(A graphic of a computer screen with "" written across)

(The male voice says...)

Well...I’ve moved around a lot.

(A graphic animation shows a pickup truck overloaded in the back with furniture. As the truck drives away, a chair, TV and picture fall onto the ground, and the sound of broken glass is heard.)

(The female voice says...)

Then this would help.

Your payments would be deposited directly into your bank account

(The graphic animation is a close-up of a hand holding a smartphone with a mobile banking app open. The phone screen reads "Account Balance: $126.00" and the digits start to increase.)

regardless of where you lived or went to school.

(The digits on the smartphone increase to $180.60, meanwhile the background changes to an animated map.)

You’re probably missing a few cheques, eh?

(A graphic animation shows a mailman running as he is chased by a dog and therefore the letters in his bag are flying out.)

(The male voice says...)


(The word "ummm" appears on the screen, and a graphic animation has the effect of a wave of green filling the screen marking a transition.)

(The female voice says...)

Also, it's greener.

(The graphic animation is of a blue and green globe. Suddenly, a ball of yarn appears to be thrown and bounces off the globe. A granny hobbles across the screen with her cane to address the audience.)

(The granny says...)

Hey, Sonny, I'm on direct deposit, why aren't you?

(The female voice says...)

Yeah, why aren’t you?

(A graphic cartoon bubble appears with the words "Why aren’t you?")

The granny throws her cane on the ground and reaches both hands to open her cardigan sweater to reveal her T-shirt, where it’s written "#YOLO".

(The granny smiles and says...)

Hashtag yolo

(The word "#YOLO" seems to jump off of her shirt and become large on the screen.)

(The female voice says...)

To sign up for direct deposit, visit your financial institution or for more information.

(The graphic animation shows the ball of yarn thrown across the screen and, as it moves from left to right, it reveals the words "", which then become underlined.)

(The Government of Canada Wordmark appears)>

End of clip.

Infographics and facts about direct deposit

What people are saying about direct deposit

"Making sure that your government cheques are safely deposited is easy and convenient with direct deposit. Your money goes into your account so you don’t have to think about when it will arrive, or when you can get to the bank. Your money is secure and there when you need it. We got it mainly because it is so easy. It was the convenience that really appealed to us. For seniors, convenience is a big consideration especially if we aren’t well or can’t get around easily."

Marlene, senior, Ottawa

"Direct deposit government payments are secure and reliable, and all the remittance information you need is sent to you in one email. It couldn’t be easier. Direct deposit gives you peace of mind so you can concentrate on other areas of your business. I am a one-man operation and do everything myself for my business. I’m often away from the office so any cheques that are delivered sit around until I pick them up. It is a huge benefit to me when I don’t have to worry about them or have to go to the bank to deposit them."

Chris, business owner, Ottawa

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