Appendix A—List of Crown corporations and other reporting entities

Receiver General Manual - Chapter 18 - Top of the page navigation

List of Crown corporations per schedule III of the Financial Administration Act

(E) Enterprise Crown corporation and other government business enterprise
(C) Consolidated entity

Part I

Part II

List of other Crown corporations

All Crown corporations that are created during the year are to be considered part of the above list.

List of other government business enterprises

All other government business enterprises that are created during the year are to be considered part of the above list.

List of other consolidated entities

All other entities that are created during the year are to be considered part of the above list.

Updates to the lists of Crown corporations per Schedule III of the Financial Administration Act, other Crown corporations, other government business enterprises and other entities are available from the "Central and Public Accounts Reporting Directorate".

Receiver General Manual - Chapter 18 - Bottom of the page navigation

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