Form CC‑2b‑4

Receiver General Manual - Chapter 18 - Top of the page navigation

ABC Corporation Limited
Liabilities – supporting details
Pensions and other employee future benefits
March 31, 2017

(in thousands of dollars)

To be completed only by consolidated Crown corporations and other entities on an annual basis.

(Note that if a cell in this section of the CC Form is not applicable or the value is nil, please write "N/A" or insert the number "0" to indicate that the requested information has not been overlooked.)

Supplementary information:

Table Summary

This table consists of three columns: Name of the plan, Federally regulated private pension plan and Brief overview of the plan, if different from description in the prior Annual Report. The rows are divided into five groups: Funded defined benefit pension plans, Unfunded defined benefit pension plans, Defined contribution pension plans, Multi-employer pension plans, accounted for as defined contribution pension plan and Other employee future benefit plans.

Overview of benefits plans:
Name of the plan Federally regulated private pension plan 25
Brief overview of the plan, if different from description
in the prior year annual report
Funded defined benefit pension plans:
(insert additional lines as required)
Unfunded defined benefit pension plans:
(insert additional lines as required)
Defined contribution pension plans:
(insert additional lines as required)
Multi-employer pension plans, accounted for as defined contribution pension plan
(insert additional lines as required)
Other employee future benefit plans
(i.e. Severance pay, Worker's compensation, Health care, Dental, Life insurance etc.)
(insert additional lines as required)
Table Summary

This table consists of three columns: Question, yes or no and Additional information / Indication of specific plans

Limit on the carrying amount of an accrued benefit asset:
  Yes or No Additional information / Indication of specific plans
Is the consolidated Crown corporation or other entity:
The sole sponsor of all the defined benefit plans?    
A joint sponsor of any of the defined benefit plans? Specify which plans.    
Entitled to benefit fully from defined benefit plans' surpluses for accounting purposes; for example, by having the legally enforceable right to withdraw surplus assets or by taking a contribution holiday or receiving a refund of contribution?    
Table Summary

This table consists of three columns: Name of the plan, Funds are segregated and held in external trusts and Brief overview of the funding arrangements, if different from description in the prior year annual report. The rows are divided into five groups: Funded defined benefit pension plans, unfunded defined benefit pension plans, defined contribution pension plans, multi-employer pension plans, accounted for as defined contribution pension plan and other employee future benefit plans.

Overview of financing arrangements:
Name of the plan Funds are segregated and held in external trusts 26
Brief overview of the funding arrangements, if different from description in the prior year annual report
Funded defined benefit pension plans:
(insert additional lines as required)
Unfunded defined benefit pension plans:
(insert additional lines as required)
Multi-employer pension plans, accounted for as defined contribution pension plan:
(insert additional lines as required)
Other employee future benefit plans
(i.e. Severance pay, Worker's compensation, Health care, Dental, Life insurance, etc.):
(insert additional lines as required)
Table Summary

This table consists of two columns: Name of the plan and Brief description. The rows are divided into three groups: Plan amendments, Plan curtailments and Plan settlement.

Overview of significant changes to the Plans during the year, if applicable:
Name of the plan Brief description
Plan amendments
(insert additional lines as required)
Plan curtailments
(insert additional lines as required)
Plan settlement
(insert additional lines as required)

Receiver General Manual - Chapter 18 - Bottom of the page navigation

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