Form CC‑2d‑1

Receiver General Manual - Chapter 18 - Top of the page navigation

ABC Corporation Limited
Liabilities – supporting details
Environmental liabilities – remediation liabilities
March 31, 2017

To be completed only by consolidated Crown corporations and other entities on an annual basis.

Table Summary

This table consists of four columns: Federal site identifier or site name, Amount, Nature and source of liability and Reason for not recognizing liability.

Sites with contingent liability disclosure 36
(in thousands of dollars)
Federal site identifier or site name Amount Nature and source of liability Reason for not recognizing liability
12345678 200 Fuel Related Practices Site not owned by Crown- may be required to remediate; undeterminable at this time.
23345656 250 Landfill/Waste Sites Site not owned by Crown- may be required to remediate; undeterminable at this time.
34567890 11 Parks & Protected Areas Site not owned by Crown- may be required to remediate; undeterminable at this time.
Total 461    
Table Summary

This table consists of eight columns: Federal site identifier or site name, Amount recognized as liability, Nature and source of liability, lowest estimate, Highest estimate, Reason for measurement uncertainty, Is the amount expected to change within the year? and is the amount considered material for the department?

Sites with measurement uncertainty
(in thousands of dollars)
Federal site identifier or site name Amount recognized as liability Nature and source of liability Lowest estimate Highest estimate Reason for measurement uncertainty Is the amount expected to change within the year? Is the amount considered material for the department?
34567878 500 Former Mineral Exploration Sites 100 2,000 Remediation strategy uncertain Yes Yes
Total 500   100 2,000      
Table Summary

This table consists of five columns: Federal site identifier or site name, Location, Reason for not recognizing liability, Explain and Action plan to address

Liabilities not recognized on sites suspected of contamination 37
Federal site identifier or site name Location Reason for not recognizing liability Explain Action plan to address
No man's land 1 City, Province/Territory Reasonable estimate cannot be made The remediation estimate not yet determined Estimate to be completed in the coming year
No man's land 2 City, Province/Territory Economic Benefits will not be given up The site is in far North - the contaminant is contained; it is not affecting the environment or health and safety Continue to monitor site on an annual basis
No man's land 3 City, Province/Territory Assessment not yet completed Funds are not available to assess Funds are assigned on a priority basis depending on Classification of site; This site is in line for funding in 20xx
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Receiver General Manual - Chapter 18 - Bottom of the page navigation

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