Form CC‑3a

Receiver General Manual - Chapter 18 - Top of the page navigation

ABC Corporation Limited
Revenues – supporting details
Cumulative from April 1 to
March 31, 2017

To be completed by all Crown corporations and other reporting entities on an annual basis.

Table Summary

This table consists of four columns: Revenues description, Transactions with the Government of Canada, Transactions with Crown corporations or other reporting entities and Name of Government organization, Crown corporation or other reporting entity. The rows are divided into five groups: Operations, Appropriations, Investments, Grants or subsidies and Other.

(in thousands of dollars)
Revenues description Transactions with the Government of Canada Transactions with Crown corporations or other reporting entities Name of Government organization, Crown corporation or other reporting entity
Sales of goods and information products 2,000   National Defence
Services of a non-regulatory nature   1,000 Health Canada/Standards Council of Canada
Services of a regulatory nature 1,000 1,000 Health Canada/Standards Council of Canada
Rights and privileges 500 1,000 Health Canada/Standards Council of Canada
Lease and use of public property 1,000 500 Health Canada/Standards Council of Canada
Other fees and charges 1,000 500 Health Canada/Standards Council of Canada
  5,500 4,000  
  25,000 XXXX Industry Canada (vote xx)
  25,000 0  
Investments 44
  1,400   Finance
  1,400 0  
  500   Industry Canada
  500 0  
Other (specify):
Amortization of deferred capital funding 9,350    
  9,350 0  
Total (Agrees with CC‑3) 41,750 4,000  

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