Form CC‑5

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ABC Corporation Limited
Annual supplementary information
Capital assets schedule
March 31, 2017

To be completed only by consolidated Crown corporations and other entities on an annual basis.

Table Summary

This table consists of four columns: Capital asset name and description, Capital assets, Accumulated amortization and net book value balance at March 31. The second column is split into six columns: Opening balance April 1, Acquisitions during the year, Sales or disposals or write-offs (enter as negative), Work in progress transfers, Other transactions and Closing balance March 31. The third column is split into five columns: Opening balance April 1, Amortization for the year, Sales or disposals or write-offs (enter as negative), Other transactions and Closing balance March 31. The rows are divided into seven groups: Tangible capital assets, Land, buildings and works, Machinery and equipment, Vehicles, Leasehold improvements and Work in progress on tangible capital assets.

Details of transactions relating to capital assets (excludes capital leases)
(in thousands of dollars)
Capital asset name and description Capital assets Accumulated amortization Net book value balance at March 31
Opening balance April 1 Acquisitions during the year Sales/ disposals/ write-offs (enter as negative) Work in progress transfers Other transactions 51 Closing balance March 31 Opening balance April 1 Amortization for the year Sales/ disposals/ write-offs (enter as negative) Other transactions 51 Closing balance March 31
Tangible capital assets
Land, buildings and works
Land 10,000         10,000         0 10,000
Buildings 100,000         100,000 28,000 4,000     32,000 68,000
Works and infrastructure           0         0 0
Sub-total 110,000 0 0 0 0 110,000 28,000 4,000 0 0 32,000 78,000
Machinery and equipment
Machinery and equipment 2,485 800     200 3,485 1,500 250   50 1,800 1,685
Informatics equipment hardware 5,500 5,000 -4,500     6,000 3,300 1,200 -2,000   2,500 3,500
Software 10,000   -3,500 10,000   16,500 2,400 400 -1,000   1,800 14,700
Other equipment (including furniture) 5,000 500       5,500 3,300 600     3,900 1,600
Sub-total 22,985 6,300 -8,000 10,000 200 31,485 10,500 2,450 -3,000 50 10,000 21,485
Ships and boats           0         0 0
Aircraft           0         0 0
Motor vehicles (non-military) 44,000         44,000 4,000 2,500   300 6,800 37,200
Other vehicles

          0         0 0
Sub-total 44,000 0 0 0 0 44,000 4,000 2,500 0 300 6,800 37,200
Leasehold improvements
Leasehold improvements 850         850 350 100     450 400
Works of art, museum collections etc. 15         15         0 15
Other (specify):

          0         0 0
Sub-total 15 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 15
Total tangible capital assets 177,850 6,300 -8,000 10,000 200 186,350 42,850 9,050 -3,000 350 49,250 137,100
Work in progress on tangible capital assets
Buildings in progress of construction           0 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX 0
Works in progress of construction           0 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX 0
Work in progress - software 9,500 500   -10,000   0 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX 0
Other construction or work in progress           0 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX 0
Total work in progress on tangible capital assets 9,500 500 0 -10,000 0 0 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX 0
Grand total of capital assets (net book value must agree with CC‑1) 187,350 6,800 -8,000 0 200 186,350 42,850 9,050 -3,000 350 49,250 137,100
Proceeds on disposition of all capital assets during the year, ending March 31: 3,000  

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